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Marketing Essays

Marketing and Finance

Introduction Finance and marketing are two key ideas that are related. IMM Graduate School (2019) asserts that the marketing department oversees and fosters a company’s expansion, while the finance department collaborates closely with marketing to track market trends and oversee the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. A corporation is less likely to see positive outcomes from ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3105
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The Marketing Plan of Nourish’d Company

Executive Summary The marketing plan of Nourish’d, a business seeking to penetrate the Australian market and boost sales and market share, is evaluated in this study. To pinpoint the strategic elements of the marketing strategy, the study offers industry and competition analyses, customer analyses, and corporate analyses. The report also uses the 4Ps Framework to ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1503

Love Corn Shopper Marketing Plan

Background Increasing public health awareness has significantly influenced consumers’ choices, especially on the kind of food and snacks that they eat. Unlike in previous years when people had limited information as to what accounts for healthy meals and the health impacts of some foods, snacks, and drinks on the shelves, today most people are aware ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1718

Adding Customer and Business Value: Strategies for NationaliTeas

Introduction NationaliTeas is an online retail company specializing in selling premium tea blends worldwide. As with any business operating in a competitive environment, NationaliTeas must continually innovate and develop strategies that add value to its customers. The key to sustainable success lies in the ability to offer the best customer-focused initiatives that are feasible, practical, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1668

Coca-Cola Branding

After carrying out my research, I realized that Coca-Cola dominates the international market thanks to its well-set brand; its dominance renders every other corporation appear to be insignificant in comparison. To begin, it is clear that the identity of the Coca-Cola brand remains constant and is immediately recognized at all times. The bottles that contain ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 925

Al Musbah Group (AMG)

Introduction Al Musbah Group (AMG) is a network of companies in Saudi Arabia that are successful in various businesses. Founded as a retailer of perfumes, the Group has since expanded into different sectors, such as travel retail, retail, construction, information technology, food and beverage, hospitality, parking management, and automotive industries. AMG’s employees are trained to ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1918

Vera Skincare Enterprise

Executive Summary Search for beauty is a current social trend, and ladies are determined to become more attractive by improving the appearance of their skin. Vera Skincare Enterprise (VSE) will provide different cosmetic products, such as body lotions and hair relaxers made using fruits as the main ingredients. The products will help improve the skiing ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4223

Strategic Marketing at Fila

1. Introduction Segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP) are fundamental marketing strategies that can significantly impact organizational performance (Han & Kang, 2020). According to Kalam (2020), effective STP strategies can enable a business organization to understand its customers better and create more effective marketing campaigns to enhance profitability and growth. Managers have significant roles in their ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 3002

Individual Report the Case Study of BMW Group

1.0 Executive summary This report aims to critically evaluate various business models and other frameworks commonly used to analyze the business environment and successfully analyze the strategic alternatives accessible to firms regarding appropriateness, sustainability, and feasibility by studying the chosen case study of the BMW company. The introductory part introduces the company’s operations and product ... Read More
Pages: 22       Words: 5938

Impacts of Sociocultural Factors on McDonald’s Company in Japan

McDonald’s, a global fast food giant restaurant, has greatly succeeded in Japan. The company has achieved great success all over the globe, but it is particularly noteworthy in Japan. This is due to the firm’s success in catering to Japanese tastes and etiquette. This essay will examine the cultural and social elements contributing to McDonald’s ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1298

Impact of Digital Marketing on Enhancing the Online Presence of International Business: An Exploratory Study of the UK It Sector.

Abstract The impact of digital marketing on the online presence of international businesses can not be gainsaid. Ideally, digital marketing helps the business focus on audiences with a global reach. Businesses use digital technologies to improve their online touchpoints that customers wanting to find more about a brand and its associated products can use to ... Read More
Pages: 43       Words: 11561

How Adidas Uses Instagram for Social Media Marketing Communication

Introduction Social media has been a colossal tool of contemporary marketing used by companies. Given millions of social media users worldwide on social media platforms such as Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram, companies are in a better place for reaching their target audience and thus engage with their potential customers. Adidas is one of the ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2281

Tesco Global Expasion

Introduction Tesco, one of the largest retailers in the world and the top retailer in the UK, recorded yearly revenue of more than $84—12 billion after the 2022 fiscal year (Tesco,2022). With subsidiaries in 12 countries around Asia and Europe and more than 450,000 employees worldwide, the corporation has a significant global footprint. The business ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4181

Analysis of Dartmoor Zoo Social Media Activity

INTRODUCTION Animal enthusiasts and those concerned about the environment flock to Dartmoor Zoo regularly. In the outskirts of Plymouth, in the southwestern region of England, you may find it situated on a land area of 33 acres (Liston-Heyes, 2022, P. 1). The zoo first opened its doors in 1968. Still, since then, it has expanded ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2599
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