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Humanities Essays

Mediterranean Girl’s War Phobia by Muzahidul Reza

The poem “Mediterranean Girl’s War Phobia” is a wake-up call by Muzahidul Reza. The poem observes the world and the nature of inhumanity taking place, especially in the Gulf regions. Notably, these countries have been in constant fights. As a result, people have died, others have migrated to safer areas, and several other impacts felt. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 873

Literature ″Her Body and Other Parties″

Introduction Carmen Maria Machado’s story collection of short stories reimagines childhood memories in millennial punk rock bisexual acid tones for our amusement. In the film, which features a lot of social satire, a burrowing beetle invasion and 1990s American suburbia alternate. Machado, who is on the right side of camp, makes excellent use of genre ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1700
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In Diary of a Madman and XiaoXiao on Rural and Modern China

In Diary of a Madman by Lu remains a famous work marking the transition from traditional to modern Chinese literature. The position provides a clear message regarding the high levels of corruption and immorality that existed within the Chinese government. Through the novel, Lu Xun criticizes traditional values and, at the same time, encourages both ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1560

Impacts of War on Equality and Sexuality

The article confirms that war had many negative side effects, including sexual violence, rape, sexual enslavement and torture, and even genital mutilation. However, to comprehensively understand the effects of war from a gender dimension, it is vital to consider the shortcomings and the positive changes that accompanied it. For instance, although the struggle for equality ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 881

Ideals in the Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence had several ideals and two of them were equality and the consent of the government. The consent of the governed is an ideal where the government gets is powers from the people who allow the government to rule them (Jefferson, 1). Before independence, the government used colonial rule, getting its power ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 822

Hypothetical Production of Macbeth

Introduction Shakespeare’s ageless masterpiece, Macbeth, the perennial dilemma posed is whether fate governs our lives or whether we have free choice to determine our outcomes. This fast-paced, actor-driven performance with eight actors portraying over 35 parts depicts the stratospheric rise and catastrophic fall of one of Shakespeare’s most spectacular couples — The Macbeths. As a director, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1264

Hunger in Society

Desire and wanting are human nature, and each individual’s existence has desires that are necessary for living; like hungers. In Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games, each character represents a form of hunger that every person in modern society experiences. The novel depicts a dystopian world that rises from the devastation of contemporary society. Katniss Everdeen, the ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1229

Hauntology in Stranger Things

The show Stranger Things is contemporarily one of the most popular shows globally. One of the reasons for its popularity is the period in which it set, the 1980s which most of its viewers have largely forgotten or did not experience. It evokes a haunting feeling in the viewers as they get to relate to the world ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 752

Genre of Music

Music does feel the soul and relaxes our minds. Music has always been a way of expressing feelings and emotions and giving stories. I, therefore, focus on the Pop dance electronic jazz genre of music. The origin of pop dance in America was in the year 1980. The word “pop” is from the word Populus. ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 607

Frankenstein Novel Study: Literary Analysis

Introduction Mary Shelley’s novel “Frankenstein” depicts how the protagonist, Victor Frankenstein, violates a number of ethical standards, with a variety of repercussions. Victor Frankenstein dreams of bringing the dead to life and succeeds, but things go wrong when his invention isn’t what he intended. He then abandons his creation, leaving him to fend for himself, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1383

Final Integration Project Assignment: Christianity and Leadership

Throughout my spiritual journey and personal growth, I have admired becoming a great leader in whatever capacity that God shall allow me to serve. A leader is one who can lead, command or organize others to realize the set goals. An admirable leader is one with confidence, serves with integrity, and is accountable in his ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 638

Film Essay: Citizen Kane

Filmmakers usually use techniques and strategies normally hidden from audiences – and can easily go unnoticed by the viewers – but they make the film interesting and entertaining. These strategies are called cinematic invisibility. In the same way – as discussed by Barsam & Monahan – cultural mores that form under the film’s surface can ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1861

Failures of Reconstruction

Reconstruction is the era from 1865 – 1877 when they rewrote the constitution and nation’s laws to guarantee the essential formerly enslaved people. Black American governments came to power throughout the Confederate States. According to this viewpoint, progressive Congressional republicans, intent in imprisoning the conquered Confederate states, fraudulent Southern authorities ruled over by colonists (untrustworthy) ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1592

Ethics: Moral Theories

Theories Several theories are used to come up with a moral compass. One of the theories is referred to as utilitarianism. According to Scarre (2020), the utilitarianism theory focuses on the outcomes of deeds, hence distinguishing right from wrong. In this theory, the most ethical choice is described as producing the greatest good for the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 682
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