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Humanities Essays

A Music Ethics Study of Italian Verismo Opera

Introduction Verismo is an operatic style inspired by a prominent trend in Italian literature from the end of the nineteenth to the beginning of the twentieth centuries. It is distinguished by a realistic depiction of rural or urban poverty, as well as a vibrant regional culture and an introduction to the region’s typical songs and ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3781

A Literary Analysis of the Works of Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Introduction Despite the tumultuous nature of his life experiences and a life filled with the unexpected, Francis Scott Fitzgerald rose above all to become one of the greatest ever authors ever in English literature due to his unique style and techniques that attracted people towards his writings and endeared them to him. He redefined and ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1840
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A Kind of Revolution

Zinn Howard’s book A People’s History of the United States has, over time, become a sensation to historians. Over the years, history has mainly focused on the role of the founding fathers and the colonial elites in the American Revolution war. For instance, it has overlooked the contribution of minority groups, including women, freed slaves, and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 721

A Jury of Her Peers Essay

Even though Susan Glaspell’s “A Jury of Her Peers” is a brief piece of literature, it is tightly packed with meaning from start to finish. Symbols are utilized throughout the story to convey a range of different concepts. One of the story’s recurring themes is the idea of losing one’s childhood innocence (Glaspell, 5). This ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 859

1796 Reflection Paper

In this 1796 period of the United States, I spotted out that many events contributed to the development of the U.S. Constitution. These events include the “Great Compromise,” where members of Congress have agreed to separate state and federal powers, which in turn has led to the creation of a bicameral legislature with equal representation ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 647

“My Last Duchess” Explication

Poetry is one of the major genres of literature. Therefore, any literature scholar needs to explore as many poems as possible during their academic journey. In this piece, I seek to explore the poem “My Last Duchess,” composed by the legendary English poet, Robert Browning, emphasizing the poem’s summary, the central thematic concerns, characterization, and ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 862

“Manufacturing” by Alan R. Shapiro

Introduction Over the years, there have been increased scholarly debates regarding poetry’s role in one’s professional ambitions (Humphrey, p. 740). Despite the complexities between these two seemingly different worlds, most of these debates critically show a great correlation between poetry and a person’s ambitions in any professional field or academic major. For instance, in Alan ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1247

“Badeye” by Ron Rash

Over the years, great writers have perfected their craft of storytelling taking viewers on an enthralling journey through their stories. The majority of these writers stand mainly because their narration is able to show clearly how characters develop over time, have impeccable sequence of events and they are able to combine different story elements making ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1215

What Is a Good Life and How To Live It

Introduction Living the good life can have different connotations to different people though in basic form, living a good life involves exploration that gives a person joy and satisfaction. A good life may mean finding purpose as well as meaning in life and obtaining happiness from what one does. Almost everyone aspires to live a ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1503

What if We Share Cultures?

The narrative of Hu starts towards the end of December 1721. When a French Jesuit named Jean François Foucquet is set to depart China with a treasure trove of empirical evidence, technical and linguistic abilities, books and manuscripts, and, not least, progressive views on the worth of Chinese rites, in his perspective. For Father Foucquet ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1032

Visual and Performance of the House of the Spirit

The paper discusses the House of the spirit a video which is composed by Isabel Allende. Isabel Allende explores the several meanings and history regarding the present. The play is the most prominent in the 20th century in Latin America unnamed country, during unrest in the world. The novel explores the aspects of the untold story, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1177

Utilitarianism and Kantianism

Moral Theory of Utilitarianism Utilitarianism is a philosophical theory that explains whether an act is right or wrong depending on its consequences. An action is morally right if gives happiness and pleasure to the highest number of people. According to this theory, action or inaction with negative effects outweighing the positive consequences is viewed as ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 776

UNESCO Archival Activities

Introduction UNESCO stands for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Holland, 2016). It is a branch of the United Nations whose purpose is to promote global security and harmony through worldwide aid and assistance in culture, arts, and education. Its headquarters is located in Paris, France. With over 200 members, including partners, the agency ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 683

Understanding How Music Can Help Us

Music has almost probably played an important part in the development of humans, possibly even before we began to talk. Significant evidence has been revealed that ancient flutes made of animal bones and percussion devices made of stones and wood were constructed by very early man. (Cross, p.810) Philip Ball’s British Broadcasting Corporation article “Will we… Ever ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1082

Essay About Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson was the third elected president of the United State and he has played a significant role in economic growth of the America in the 19th century. He ruled between 1801 to 1809. During his time, he dealt with two significant problems affecting America back then (Jefferson et al., 2019). These challenges involved US authority, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 910
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