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Humanities Essays

The Book Called Demian by Hermann Hesse

Discuss The Life of Sinclair Based on Tradition And Modernism. Sinclair has two key roles in the text in which he is Damian’s narrator and the text protagonist. Damian’s text is a chronicle of Sinclair’s intellectual development from ten years old up to his late teenage (Hesse, 2019). Sinclair, who is middle-aged and the oldest, narrates the book’s ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 932
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Social Media Platforms Are the Better Option for Making Friends

Social media plays a significant role in connecting people to new friends, especially teenagers. Most people may feel that they have no one to go to or talk to; thus, social media allows them to meet and learn about new friends and get to know them better(Anderson et al.). Research has shown that sixty-four percent ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 573

McGrath’s Book Summary and Reflection

Chapter 1 Summary According to McGrath (2015 pp. 4), Christians believe it is essential to place their faith in Jesus besides emulating his teachings. Jesus of Nazareth is a crucial figure in Christianity and Christians perceive him as a source of hope. Currently, people perceive Jesus as a familiar force that they constantly quote during ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 832

Religion and Theology

Analysis In the Mathew scripture, Jesus was encouraging his disciples to go forth and spread the word of God. He was encouraging them to inform, remind, and persuade people of the word of God and his commandments. He gave them the green light to spread the gospel, baptizing people and encouraging them to obey God’s ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 664

Essay on Reconstruction Historiography

After the civil war, a period of academic discourse and reconstruction began. In this period, various scholars sprung to discuss various issues pertaining the American history and build the history from different perspectives. These historical figures grasped all the concepts revolving around American history and tried to develop new perceptions concerning the historical reconstruction and ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1837

Portuguese Exploration and Spanish Conquest

Considering how much of the content taught had been brushed over in my previous education, Portuguese Exploration and Spanish Conquest was one of the more difficult sections for me to understand. However, studying this unit has led to understanding several topics and events about which I had no prior knowledge. Moreover, I feel more confident ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1221

Philosophy – Copernican Revolution and Analytical/Synthetic Distinction

Copernican Revolution The Copernican Revolution was a shift in thinking, a shift in man’s perception of the cosmos and his place in it. It can alternatively be explained as the transition in astronomy from a geocentric (focused on the earth) to a heliocentric (centered on the sun) conception of the universe. Between 1500 and 1700, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 778

Personal Code of Ethics

Aristotle, for many reasons, said selfishness does not consist in self-love, but rather in a monumental of such love. Excellence is a skill acquired by practice and repetition, and we do not act correctly because we possess virtue or excellence; instead, we do so because we have performed correctly in the past. Excellence is not ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1424

Permanent Versus Progressive Time

Part one In his passage, Murray uses several examples to characterize a permanent life. He calls it “the main web of life,” which are simply the things that cannot be changed and are constant to everyone. To explain the ‘main web of life’ or permanent life, Murray illustrates its’ contrast, which is progressive life. According ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 953

Paulo Freire and His Philosophy

Freire is among the most influential educational philosopher in history. He dedicates his life to helping individuals through his philosophical aspects and practicing critical pedagogy. Having a Brazilian origin, his main objective was to eliminate illiteracy among people from different colonies and continents. He considered illiteracy the primary cause of oppression and underdevelopment (Fishman & ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 581

Paper on the Leadership Themes of the Old Testament in the Bible

Introduction The contemporary person’s mind is etched with leadership since literature on the subject is available in every bookshop. The reader’s intellect is left looking for the fundamental truth of leadership talent and knowledge amid this avalanche of information (Pettus, 2016). How is it possible for the information source to be so distinct yet varied? ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1516

Our Postmodern Modernity

Postmodern modernity is a period closely with the progressive era, the Industrial Revolution, or the period of Enlightenment. Postmodern architecture emerged as a reaction against the shortcomings of modern architecture (Welsch, pg76). The rigid doctrines, uniformity, and inadequate ornaments that existed in contemporary architecture before postmodernity provoked the origin of postmodern architecture. The Postmodern style ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 592

Orality in the Canterbury Tales

The Canterbury Tales is a story by Geoffrey Chaucer in 1400, which involves a framing narrative. The framing device is the pilgrimage to the Thomas Becket shrine in Canterbury. The 29 pilgrims underwent this journey and gathered at Tabard Inn in Southwark (Chaucer, 1400, p. 2). They agreed to engage in a storytelling contest. These ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1842
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