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Humanities Essays

How Social Media Helps Connect People

With the current contemporary changes in this new digital world, social media has become a pivotal platform through which people meet and connect (Cottreau-Moore, 2020). As the name suggests, social media is a social networking platform that connects people from diverse backgrounds without discrimination. Platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram enable people to stay ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 623

How Social Media Has Influenced How People Work

Introduction Social media use has been on a steady rise in recent years. Billions of people globally use digital platforms to make connections and share information. It has emerged to become part of the work for employees and top management. The platforms include virtual worlds, widgets, podcasts, video-sharing sites, instant messaging, photo-sharing sites, wikis, micro-blogs, ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4540
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How Shakespeare Conveys the Human Condition Complexities in Hamlet

Shakespeare, Hamlet play author, demonstrates numerous complexities of mankind’s situation through the experience of King Claudius, Hamlet, and more characters such as Gertrude. The whole story is about revenge. However, the reasons that led Hamlet to seek vengeance reveal the nature of mankind, particularly Claudius’s greed and selfishness. To achieve personal goals people, tend to ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 615

How Several Major Events Shaped the Modern American Society

Major Causes of the Great Depression From 1929 through 1939, the U.s underwent one of the nation’s most deep economic recessions. The years that preceded the 1929 stock market crisis characterized massive unemployment and bank bankruptcies. The 1920s market bubble was one of the leading causes of the Great Depression. Between 1920 and 1929, overall ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1111

How Media Influences the Kids?

Introduction A study conducted by the American Academy of Pediatrics on whether the media influences children concluded that media influences children as the children learn by observing, imitating, and making behaviors their own as depicted in the media (p.1224). Moreover, the influence of Media on children is steadily increasing as new forms of media are ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1647

How Languages Affect How We See the World

Language provides individuals with a better understanding of themselves and their surrounding world. Language is more than a string of words used to describe feelings, thoughts, or concepts. Instead, language helps people focus on the specific aspects of the world by expanding the ability to perceive the world unequivocally. However, there are different languages globally ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 652

Gender, Race, Social Class, and Sexuality in Orange is The New Black

Introduction Pop culture represents a community in artifacts, symbols, and rituals of day-to-day life through the media. Pop culture helps view gender, race, sexuality, and social class from a broader perspective and understand the diversity in society. In most media, women in media are ideally understood through the male contemplation; the portrayal of gender, sexuality, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1732

Functionalism vs. Anomalous Monism

Introduction The human mind occupies a special place in the world. Right here is where our morality and sense of reason are kept. In this paper, I’ll look at functionalism and anomalous monism, two opposing theories that try to explain the mind-body problem. According to functionalists, a person’s mental condition is not based on their inherent ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1159

From Louis XIV to Napoleon: the Fate of a Great Power, Book Review

Black, Jeremy. From Louis XIV to Napoleon: the fate of great power. Routledge, (2013); 10-288. Thesis From 1661 to 1815, France had the most incredible power in Western Europe when Louis XIV and Napoleon dominated the country. However, Louis XIV later died, and Napoleon was defeated in his attempt to resume power, allowing Britain to control ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1311

Cultural Differences in the Perception of Eye Contact

Abstract Eyes have a universal language in different cultural backgrounds. Humans utilize the eye contact information to learn about the interests and mental states of others, as well as to keep social ties going. It was hypothesized that the need to engage in coordinated social conduct led to changes in the structure of the human ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1000

Expansion and Isolation in Asia: China From Ming to Qing Rule1500–1800

Between 1500 and 1800, Asia saw a transformation caused by outsiders and domestic processes. The Ming dynasty ruled China from 1368 to 1644, succeeding the Mongol-ruled Yuan dynasty. The Ming was China’s last Han-dominated imperial dynasty. A rebellion led by Li Zicheng destroyed Beijing in 1644, although other rump Ming administrations ruled by remnants of ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1989

Ethnicity and Cultural Diversity in the United Arab Emirates

Introduction The United Arab Emirates is home to more than 200 ethnicities, and the country’s cultural landscape has long embraced the convergence of international communities (Hopkyns et al., 2020). The UAE views the diverse culture and beliefs present in its society as a symbol of motivation and growth for the country. As a result, the ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3091

Effects of Social Media on Beauty

Social media is a major issue when it comes to one’s mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. Because of the media’s constant depiction of ideal beauty and body image comparisons, men and women throughout the globe make beauty judgments that are impacted by their peers. Issues about one’s body image are frequent among both men ... Read More
Pages: 2       Words: 533

Disagreement Argument on Plato’s Objectivism/or Theory of Forms

Plato showcases one of the most celebrated philosophers of Socrates’ school. Plato uses the theory of forms to express his worldview opinion. The theory of forms is a contestant under Plato’s dialogue and significantly forms the center of controversy to other philosophies. In this theory, Plato asserts that the world in which the human being ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1658

Development of the Spiritual in Christianism

Introduction The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit make up the Holy Trinity, which is the most literal description of God. Because of this, he is co-equal and co-eternal with the Father and Son, as he is both human and divine at the same time. When it comes to being a son of the ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2898
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