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Humanities Essays

Battle of Palo Alto

Introduction The Palo Alto Battle occurred on May 8th, 1846, whereby a small American Army led by General Zachary Taylor won a decisive victory over the massive Mexican army. This battle marked the opening combat of the Mexican-American war. The Palo Alto battle, which occurred on the northern bank of the Rio Grande, belonged to ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1555

Nkisi N’kondi and Shiva as Lord of Dance Artworks

The two selected artworks from chapter one of the Art Matters by Pamela Gordon are figure 1.29, Nkisi n’kondi nail figure, and figure 1.30, Shiva, Lord of the Dance (Gordon, 52). The Artworks chosen are in the form of painting and sculpture and are used to portray vital ideas. The selected artworks are formed using ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1430
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Applied Linguistic and TESOL

Introduction English is utilized and studied by people from all over the world, not only those who reside in nations where English is the primary language (Villegas, SaizdeLaMora, Martin, and Mills, 2018). Because of these discrepancies, many students studying Basic English have difficulty advancing to higher levels. Several elements of the language bring about these ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2343

Counter Objecting “All Animals Are Equal” by Peter Singer

Outline In his article “All Animals are Equal,” Peter Singer argues that the need to treat all animals equally like humans is vital and that experimenters should experiment on mentally disabled persons or orphaned infants instead of using animals. He says this is because the humans proposed have no intellectual ability as adult animals. I ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 864

Afrofuturism in the Memory Librarian

Afrofuturism is an intersection of liberation and speculation from the elements of magical, science fiction, speculative fiction, and African history with the desire for a justified world. This science fiction story blends well with Afrofuturism through its lens on racial variances and the drive for equality despite personal attributes such as nonbinary. Through the captivating ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 668

A Review of Dying Well by Dr. Ira Byock

Introduction Many people live in dismay of the natural, inevitable death. Ira Byock, a prominent palliative, and hospice care expert, articulates the enhancement of care at the near end of life. In his book, Dying Well of 1998, he recounts passages of his previous patients to emphasize the need for hospice care and emotional peace for the ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1697

Essay on Imperial Governments

Introduction For the conquering authority, the purpose of colonialism was always the same: to gain financial advantages. However, the colonial control of France and the British was essentially different. On the other hand, France aimed to turn the white and African populations it ruled into French citizens. At the same time, England was focused on ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2573

“My Sister’s Keeper”

I found Jodi Picoult’s “My Sister’s Keeper” an emotionally riveting narrative that outlines the ethical dilemmas people experience when called upon to make some of the most challenging decisions. The story encompasses serious ethical or moral issues, especially regarding Anna’s treatment; she has been compelled to donate bone marrow and blood to save Kate, her ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 670

Where Do I See Myself in Five Years?

Where you see yourself five years from now is a common question mostly used by interviewers during their recruitment process. Even though this is a commonly used question during recruitment sessions, many people or candidates think of it as a waste of time because most people lack an idea of their future. Those people without ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1739

To What Extent Has Netflix Affected the Hollywood Film Industry

Abstract The growth of streaming Video on Demand and the decline of traditional mediums such as DVDs is affecting the film industry. Netflix is one of the giant streaming services globally, leading the ongoing change in the industry. Today Netflix is among the leading filmmakers globally (Kasper, 2022). In 2021 the company dominated 19% of ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4228

The Tragedy of Arthur: Legitimate Power Over Others

Introduction Regardless of how bad they are or how often they disappoint their children, parents are crucial figures in everyone’s life. They play a significant role in the growth and upbringing of their kids, and they are also responsible for how they turn out in the long run. Consequently, parents have the legal authority to ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2181

The Storm by Kate Chopin

Marriage and sexuality play a significant role in our day-to-day life. This has been impressively exhibited by a short story, The Storm, written by Kate Chopin in 1898. There are two main characters Alcee’ and Calixta, who was involved in a relationship before the story happened. However, the two characters got married to other people. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 853

The Historical and Theoretical Analysis of Virginia Wolf’s Novel “To the Lighthouse”

This analysis investigates Woolf’s novel To the Lighthouse, which creates a kind of assessment regarding human reality and values and criticizes and examines the multifaceted workings of people’s inner lives. In this narrative, the author depicts life itself through matriarchy and patriarchal positions in the family. This study’s fundamental concern is exploring Woolf’s novel To the Lighthouse in connection ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2095

The Effects of Hedonism

Hedonism refers to the ethical theory that pleasure is the purpose and aim of human life. Therefore, hedonists always strive to experience total pleasure and believe that pleasure is the only good in life and pain is the only evil hence the ultimate goal is to maximize pleasure and minimize pain. Nevertheless, many may argue ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1167

The Challenge of Culture Relativism (and Tolerance)

Cultural relativism is the belief that there is no universal truth in defining ethics and morality due to the existence of different cultures. According to the theory, societies have different cultural codes that define their behaviors. For example, the Callatians ate the bodies of their dead while the Greeks cremated and buried them respectively, and ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1024
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