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Humanities Essays

Mary Rowlandson’s Captivity Narrative

Puritan captivity stories exploded in popularity as the eighteenth century progressed, fueling nationalist fervor that eventually stoked the fires of political revolution. The Sovereignty and Goodness of God, written by Mary Rowlandson and published in 1682, is a first-person account of the author’s time spent captive among the Algonquian people. Rowlandson recounts the violent confrontation ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1776

Love Concurs Over Death

No matter how peaceful and heroic death may be, it is always very painful. Death always brings an unfitting end to a soul, and neither the manner of death nor how many years the diseased has lived can bring consolation.A hundred years will always be too short, even a thousand. Death claims a beauty and ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2539
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Literary Analysis: The History of an Hour

The History of an Hour is a short story by the novelist Kate Chopin. The story took place in the 1800s when women had very few rights, including the right to vote and hold property. It tells the story of a married woman who deals with abuse from her husband and society but ultimately finds happiness ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 920

Literary Analysis Outline “Young Goodman Brown”

The author, Nathaniel Hawthorne, composed the short story, Young Goodman Brown, revolving around the character Goodman Brown. Though, in the end, the story seems unclear if it was a dream or a real-life experience, it reveals that Goodman Brown was not the only one consulting the devil. Goodman Brown viewed his wife’s Faith as a ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 885

Letter to Martin Luther King

Machiavelli is one of the most influential individuals in history who impacted society through some of his writing, such as the prince. Machiavelli had some key issues that he pointed out, such as the issue of statesmanship and wars, the aspects of goodwill and hatred, the matter of free will, and general reception. However, he ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 802

Jericho Brown’s The New Testament

Jericho Brown extensively discusses myth, elegy, fable, and fairy tale through a soft evaluation of masculinity, race, and sexuality in “The New Testament.” Extremely musical, Jericho Brown’s poetry is characterized by reverence- subsequently transporting and changing the target audience. Brown suggests that “As for praise and worship, I make preference to the last.” Further, “The ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1386

Jane Austen As Moralist

Introduction Janes Austen is considered to be an eighteenth-century moralist. She was the last and the most classical lady in the eighteenth century. She belongs to the Romantic Revival, regardless of that this title does not suit her the least. Her own written novel belongs to the age of Cowper and Johnson. The main aspect ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 643

Influence of Ethnicity, Education, and Socioeconomic Class on Human Creativity

Abstract Technological advancements are seen in the modern world resulting from creativity among individuals worldwide. Creativity is an essential human factor in development in every sector. Human development is measured in three aspects, namely, social, economic, and political aspects. However, achieving an ultimate result in the three elements requires creativity within individuals. Creativity has resulted ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 3862

In the Company of Wolves by Angela Carter

“In the company of Wolves” is one of the famous short stories by Angela Carter. The story is a development and twisting of Little Red Riding Hood that illustrates the gender construction of the society in the seventy onward. Twisting Little Red Riding Hood beats the expectation of the reader as well as challenges the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1481

In Motorcycles and Sweetgrass, to What Extent and How Do One or More Characters Develop While Attempting To Achieve Balance?

Motorcycle and Sweetgrass is a charming novel written by Taylor Drew Hayden about the relevance of belief and balance and some form of magic in people’s life. The novel illustrates how individuals attempt to adapt to the modern lifestyle while still like their ancestors. The characters attempt to stay loyal to their native way of ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 794

In His Speech on 27 September 1951, How Does Mosaddeq View the British Government and Its Role in Iran in the Twentieth Century?

Mosaddeq was an influential politician who ascended into power as the 35th Iranian Prime Minister. He was elected into office through democratic means in 1951. Further, Mosaddeq was viewed by several Iranians as the contending champion in terms of secular democracy and display of resistance towards foreign influence and domination in the history of modern Iran. ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 614

Imperialism & Insanity: A Study on Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness

Abstract In his novel, Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad ironically represents Imperialism and Insanity. The purpose of this paper is to look into the actions of colonists as they oppress and profess to be informed. They prey on the Dark Continent’s poor. In this study, the conquerors portray Africans as uncultured and barbaric. Although the colonists ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3250

Humanities Influence on Culture

Humanities provide a comprehensive understanding of art, linguistics, philosophy, and history, among other things. Nonetheless, depending on the circumstances in which the term “humanities” is employed or applied, the interpretation may vary. However, the report will concentrate on humanity as a study discipline and how it impacts culture in this section. On the other hand, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 975

How To Ruin Everything Essays by George Watsky

How To Ruin Everything refers to a collection of essays whose author is George Watsky, who is also a musician and an artist. He has explained how he managed to conquer the little humiliations, as I can refer to him as a person with the capability to attack or attract the reader’s attention through his ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1089

Questions on Tea Culture

How tea affected the Indigenous population of Canada Different social strata and gender norms emerged depending on how people drank tea. Canada’s market society was a defining feature of its dealings with indigenous people and non-European immigration (Labrie 2019, p.106). It is important to note, however, that little is known about pre-Confederation Canadian consumer culture ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 669
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