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Colonialism Essays

Effects of Title 42 on Afro-Cubans

Introduction The humanitarian principle refers to providing relief to anyone in need without consideration of distinction. People fall in need for several reasons, including political, economic, war, or natural calamities. The people in need are primarily vulnerable and usually need a shoulder to lean on to process their current hardship and find the strength and ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3427

Methods Used by Africans to Fight for Self-Determination

Introduction The fight for self-determination in Africa has a long and complex history. For centuries, foreign powers have subjected African nations to colonization, exploitation, and subjugation. In response, Africans have employed various methods to fight for their independence and autonomy. These methods have varied over time and across different regions of the continent, but all ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1826
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Decolonization of Institutions

Colonialism has been a significant challenge facing several communities all over the world. Colonialism dates back to ancient times and has been ongoing globally. The problem with this art of colonization is the general dependence on other individuals for prosperity. This dependence challenges us to recognize our strengths and how we are constantly part of ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2096

Is Israel a Colonial State?

Introduction Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt are the countries that border the tiny Middle Eastern nation of Israel. Since its establishment in 1948, it has generated controversy since it is the only country in the world with a majority of Jews. Its participation in numerous violent conflicts, its possession of Palestinian Territory, and the continuous ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3639

Science and Empire

Introduction Since the 16th century, science has significantly contributed to the development of empires. During ancient times, scientific activities led to the establishment of empires because they involved aspects that included expansion and exploration. Sailors, researchers, geologists, and other scientists facilitated expansion after discovering a new world. Often, the discovery of the new world occurred ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1875

A Shade of Colonialism

Freedom is sweet, and no one wants it taken away from them. After world war I, London declared Egypt a British protectorate, and this feeling of Egyptians’ freedom was snatched from them. They needed a revolution to revolution so that they could get their freedom. The first reaction to this “colonialism” was seen after Sa’d ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1416

Slavery in the American Colonies

The institution of slavery has a longstanding history that can trace back to the ancient kingdoms. The Greeks and the Romans practiced slavery not only to offer cheap labor but also as a sign of respect and power (Mathieson, 2019). Individuals who enslaved people in the ancient kingdoms wielded power. The quest for power and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 776

Is the History of British (and Other Western) Colonialism and Slavery Relevant to Our Understanding of Racism Today?

British colonialism and slavery have long and complex histories stretching back centuries. During the 16th century, the British began trading posts in the Caribbean and North America, selling enslaved Africans. The trade became the basis for a massive slave economy, with millions of enslaved Africans being shipped to the Caribbean, North America, and South America.[1]. ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2702

Discuss the Various Ways Ideas of Race and Histories Like Colonialism and Slavery Have Functioned To Create and Maintain Racial Hierarchies in the Labor Market

Introduction Throughout history, the concept of race has been utilized to defend and uphold repressive institutions and power structures. This has been especially clear in the labor market, where racism has been a significant factor in establishing and maintaining racial and class hierarchies. Racial hierarchies in the labor market have been established and upheld due ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1039

Cultural Appropriation: A Case of African Influence on Modern Art in the Social Context

Introduction The lack of perception that once prevented Western scholars from properly studying traditional African art is returning to haunt them in their contemporary and modern art studies. According to Dutton (2018)., the blindness to the creativity and individuality of African artists is due to the prevailing aesthetic that is different from that of Western ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2536

Globalization’s Effects on Africa’s Culture and Politics

Abstract Globally, we are seeing a shift from orthodox conservative regimes to modern colonial ones and from the multilateral superiority of diverse imperial goals to the bipolar double domination of western capitalist and eastern central-controlled economies bolstered by advances in modern technology. Since the conclusion of the Cold War in the early 1990s, this pattern ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1754

Positive Effects of Colonialism in Africa

The term “colonialism” refers to the act of gaining governmental control over another nation, whether fully or partially, by settling there and exploiting its economy. When a nation extends and maintains its dominance over the other population or area, it is called colonialism. During the nineteenth century, major powers like the United Kingdom and Germany ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 879

Eurocentric Thought and Africentric Evidence

The Process of colonialism and Eurocentric thought created propaganda about the criminal justice of Africa that has existed for an extended period. Still, its presence is so evident in today’s world. Africentric evidence fights those assumptions by providing evidence that the criminal justice system was still present in the African continent and was used to ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 914

Effects of Colonialism in South Asia

The long term consequences of medical missions in colonial India Due to the colonialism of India, the country’s medical health has significantly been affected by colonialism. For instance, in the southern parts of India, the health performance has been doing well, while the northern part of India has been performing poorly. According to Calvi & ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1393
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