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Colonialism Essays

Art, Commerce, and Colonialism: Unraveling Global Dynamics From 1600 to 1800 Through Critical Approaches

Against this backdrop of monumental changes in the world stage that saw the rise and fall of empires, the change of ages in world views, and tremendous socio-political changes around the globe, 1600 to 1800 is a period that unfolds. In such dynamic undercurrents, the domain of art and visual culture experiences a massive transformation ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1866

Impact of Colonialism on Native Americans

In this paper, I will examine how Colonialism affected Native American cultures. This talks about the societal disruptions due to European contacts and focuses on themes such as loss, cultural destruction, and their generational effects. This thesis examines how colonial policies restructured indigenous economics, fragmented the traditional administration, and initiated an uneasy rapport with the ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2381
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The Role of Colonialism in Shaping the Development of Modern Art in Southeast Asia: A Focus on Raden Saleh

The impact of colonialism on the development of modern art in Southeast Asia is a significant and complex subject of study. European colonial powers played a crucial role in shaping the art practices of the region, introducing Western artistic styles and techniques that influenced local artists. This essay focuses on the renowned artist Raden Saleh, ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2754

The Indigenous Maya People of Guatemala

Introduction The indigenous Maya people of Guatemala have a long and complicated history that is deeply entangled with the effects of colonization. The social, economic, and political conditions of the Maya people have been deteriorating for generations (Gudynas, pg. 48). The introduction of European powers during colonization dramatically impacted the Maya and their customary way ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2612

Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistance

“Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistance ” is a film directed by Alanis Obomsawin and a product of the National Film Board of Canada; It documents the Oka Crisis of 1990, which was a standoff between the Canadian government, people from Oka and Quebec, and the Mohawk, a Native American community (National Film Board of Canada, 1993). ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1261

The Challenge of Opacity

Glissant’s concept of “the right to opacity” challenges how anthropologists have historically approached the study of non-Western cultures. He argues that people have a right to withhold information about themselves and their cultures, particularly when dealing with cultural imperialism and colonialism. Glissant believes cultural differences should be respected and celebrated instead of being analyzed and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 643

Final Project Book Recommendation

Introduction The intriguing book ” Mexican Gothic” was created by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, a gifted novelist renowned for her ability to juggle genres and create original stories. Due to its captivating issues, sympathetic characters, intriguing locales, and the author’s great writing technique, this book is a fantastic supplement to the LatinX Literature curriculum. Summary of the ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2262

Potentials for Decolonial Resistance in Potiki

Introduction The novel Potiki by Patricia Grace is a scathing critique of colonialism and its effects on the Maori people of New Zealand. Via the lens of a Maori community, Grace tackles the intricate concepts of colonization, resistance, and identity in Potiki. The novel highlights a central theme – the crucial importance of keeping ties ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1504

Orientalism As Represented in Art

WHAT IS ORIENTALISM Many scholars describe Orientalism as “The way the East, particularly the Middle East and North Africa, are portrayed in Western society”. American-Palestinian academic Edward Said first used the concept in 1978’s[1]. Orientalism, in Said’s opinion, is a type of cultural imperialism that upholds Western views of the east as strange, absurd, and ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2149

The Unwanted Guest Theme in Pablo Neruda’s Poem “United Fruit Co.” and Jamaica Kincaid’s Essay “A Small Place.”

The theme of the unwanted guest s dominant in both Jamaica Kincaid’s essay, “A Small Place,” and Pablo Neruda’s poem, “United Fruit Co.” While Pablo Neruda’s poem explores the effects of colonialism on South America, Jamaica Kincaid’s essay concentrates on the Caribbean. Besides the geographical disparities, these works present a sarcastic accusation of the colonialism legacy and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 687

Power and Identity in the Battle of Algiers: A Post-Colonial Perspective

In Gillo Pontecorvo’s The Battle of Algiers, power elements shape the personalities of both the colonizers and the colonized. The film, which depicts the battle for Algerian freedom from French pilgrim rule during the 1950s, is a convincing assessment of how power relations characterize individuals’ personalities. This essay discusses the power dynamics inherent in colonialism, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 786

The Ethical Dimensions of Anti-Colonial Struggle

Introduction The calls for repatriations for the breach of collective and individual rights have awakened vigorous debate on the much-ignored history of human rights within different social and ethical contexts. According to Alfred and Corntassel (2005), the interest to revisit deeply rooted injustices amongst the indigenous populations has re-ignited the need to understand the connection ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1236

Impacts of Colonialism on Senegalese Women

Colonialism can never go unmentioned as far as the birth of many African nations is concerned. The Western countries came in the early years to scramble for Africa and they won themselves various territories. Some colonized Africa’s southern, western, northern, central, and eastern parts. Among these European powers was the French, who were mostly found ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2768

Colonialism Experienced by Indigenous Communities in Canada

Introduction By focusing on the continued colonialism of Indigenous people in Canada’s face, Darin Flynn’s “The S-Word: Just Stop Using It,” sends a powerful message. The epithet “savage,” used to describe Indigenous peoples, is at the heart of the story since it lends credence to the stereotype that they are less civilized than those of ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1326

Colonialism According to The S-Word: Stop Using It

Introduction The understanding of colonialism was in different dimensions because many features are presented differently. Language is a major influence tool where different mechanisms represent specific agendas and responses (Flynn, 2017). The platforms invented for redefining the scope of studies made it relevant to understand the application of colonialism. The article by Darin Flynn, The S-Word: Just ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1471
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