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Canada Essays

Biosphere Eco-City in Canada

Introduction The chair of Biosphere Eco-City Canada, Jim Birtch, has a podcast on Innovation Fuel discussing the Biosphere Eco-city initiative. Biosphere Eco-City (BEC) is a metropolitan region and its surrounding countryside where cooperation and collaboration guarantee that everyone’s actions may contribute to sustainability, ultimately developing a culture of sustainability. BEC coordinates organizations on sustainability in ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 698

Poverty in the Community of Saskatoon, Canada.

Saskatoon, Canada, is a colorful community going through the urgent difficulty of poverty. Poverty is a complex social problem with ways-achieving outcomes for individuals and society. This paper will examine the importance of poverty in Saskatoon, discover the social, political, and ancient context surrounding the Problem, investigate existing resources and interventions, and advise tips for ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1048
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The Winnipeg General Strike: A Catalyst for Labour Relations in Canada

Introduction: The Winnipeg General Strike was a momentous occurrence that played a major role in Canadian history during 1919. It became evident in response to several correlated issues, such as unfavourable economic conditions and turbulent politics coupled with the need for workers’ rights. In order to fully understand how the Winnipeg General Strike became such ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1716

Towards a Just Justice System: Proposals for Criminal Justice Reforms in Canada

Introduction: Canada relies on its criminal justice system to ensure fairness and public safety. However, the system encounters a host of hurdles that impair its potential to deliver equal and just access for all. Creating a just justice system requires proposing practical reforms at diverse levels, like policy-making bodies, courts, correctional facilities, and community-based services. ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2114

Research Paper on Tourism

Tourism Tourism is the movement of people for various reasons, whether for pleasure or business. According to (World Tourism Organization, 2020), Tourism is defined as the economic, cultural, and social phenomenon that involves the movement of people to different countries or places besides their usual environment for personal, business, or professional purposes. Globally, the tourism ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1009

Colonialism Experienced by Indigenous Communities in Canada

Introduction By focusing on the continued colonialism of Indigenous people in Canada’s face, Darin Flynn’s “The S-Word: Just Stop Using It,” sends a powerful message. The epithet “savage,” used to describe Indigenous peoples, is at the heart of the story since it lends credence to the stereotype that they are less civilized than those of ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1326

Canada’s Immigration Policies and Economic Utility

For this analysis, topic 6 of Harald Bauder’s book, “Economic Utility”, was chosen as the foundation. In this chapter, Bauder (2011) explores the relationship between Canadian immigration policies and economic development. The author contends that economic factors are the primary material interest and driving force behind Canada’s immigration laws and that public and media discussions ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 932

Indigenous Criminal Justice – Research Ways the Government Continues To Colonize Indigenous People

Introduction: In North America, the subject of the colonization of Indigenous peoples’ lands is not a recent one. The beginning of colonization may be traced to the arrival of Europeans on this continent, who forced their institutions, values, and cultures on the indigenous peoples. The methods of this colonization included forceful assimilation, brutality, and establishing ... Read More
Pages: 22       Words: 5842

Cultural Dimensions Comparison for the United States and Canada

Introduction Different countries have different cultures that make businesses operate differently to make a profit. The cultural differences call for business people to embrace and appreciate the differences and use them to their advantage. For instance, in some cultures, people are more punctual, while in others, people are less punctual. Thus, a business can be ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 999

The Role of Law in Shaping the Relationship Between Race/Ethnicity and Space in Canada: A Historical Analysis

The law has played a significant role in society by ensuring people live in harmony with one another, which despite taking effect, has not been sufficiently redressed, i.e., the past and recent efforts to dismantle the inequality structures to achieve inclusivity and equality through the law require further input. While the link between race and ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2452

Mental Illness in the Canadian Criminal Justice System

The global mental illness problem has affected the Canadian criminal justice system. Each year, thousands of mentally ill people are imprisoned without care. One in five Canadians has a diagnosable mental health or drug use disorder, and criminal justice system participants are usually disadvantaged. The criminal justice system does not always protect intellectually impaired persons. ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2219

Influence of Information and Knowledge Management on Increasing Profits and Efficiency in Franchise and Chain Stores: A Case Study of Ontario, Canada

1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background and Description of Issue Franchise and chain shops have grown practically ubiquitous in retail due to their ability to rapidly expand and gain economies of scale. However, growth into new sites is one of many factors influencing these shops’ profitability. Instead, referring to Easton et al. (2021), it is determined by ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4348

Palliative Care: Euthanasia

Healthcare and personal support are some of the noble courses in the professional world. The premise is mainly motivated by the fact that healthcare and personal support providers often save, change, and improve the quality of life of the people that need their help. With this knowledge, therefore, it is critical to note that these ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 971

Strategic Management: Creating Competitive Advantages

Introduction Waste Management Inc. recycles and manages the waste in the US and Canada. It offers dumping, recycling, and environmental services. This essay answers three company questions. First, it will critically evaluate the recycling industry’s essential variables and dynamics that affect the chosen company’s strategy. Second, it will assess the company’s resources, capabilities, and core ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2567

Response to Editorial Piece by Coates (2022)

The argument by Coates (2022) is correct because the efforts that the government has been making to develop North is so much that it should have already developed if the right strategies were laid out. The delay in the achievement of the projects by the government is due to the challenges affecting the northern part ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2097
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