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Canada Essays

Social Housing Policy

Introduction Housing is an essential human need. The cost, type and amount of shelter pronounce the “supply” side of the Canadian housing market. The number of houses, housing requirements, and people’s income determines the “demand” side of Canadian housing. Housing programs and policies are arrangements governments organise to advance the quality and quantity of houses ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1529

Interpreting Population Data

Population Growth Rate in British Columbia Any region’s population will fluctuate for a diverse range of reasons, including social, economic, political, and environmental aspects. The prospective population of a research region can be forecasted by studying the demographic tendencies. The population census is conducted after a predetermined period, so the yearly growth rate is utilized ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 902
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Vancouver’s Crime Situation

Vancouver, a major city in Canada and North America, has experienced a surge in crime over a couple of years. Crimes such as robberies have increased by nearly 21% between 2017 and 2019. Major crimes such as assault and robbery have also taken a major hit. Several policies and practices can be attributed to the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 860

My Policy Brief on Pock Harm Reduction in Canada

Introduction Harm reduction policies, initiatives, and activities attempt to lessen the problems linked to drug usage instead of eradicating drug consumption. According to the evidence, harm reduction is a critical component of a holistic, empathetic, and cooperative community healthcare strategy to drug consumption problems. It consists of policies, initiatives, and resources to assist individuals who ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1637

Reflection: First Nations and the Inuit

Introduction Starting with the First Nations and Inuit way of life, the readings focus on the overall history of the Indigenous people in Canada. They explore their lands before the colonials, identifying their cultures, environment, and way of life before delving deeply into their interactions with the colonials. Stories of their encounters with the French ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1653

Police Discrimination Against Indigenous People in Canada

The extensive technological development has increased videos on phones and social media platforms; as a result, there is more attention on the issue of racial disparities in policing indigenous and other minorities. Despite that, police discrimination, such as excessive force, has not decreased. Aboriginals and black people have a higher chance of experiencing police violence ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1581

Inequality in Canada

Socioeconomic inequality and uneven wealth distribution are among the most common social justice issues in every society. Unemployment, lack of opportunities, and unequal payment among employment are some of the leading causes of socioeconomic inequality. Canada, like other countries around the world, faces a challenge with social inequality and uneven distribution of wealth (Stigendal, 2018). ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1735

Inadequate Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence in Canada

Introduction The issue I want to talk about is how poorly domestic abuse victims are protected in Canada. No matter a person’s gender or sexual orientation, domestic violence is defined as any incidence or series of episodes involving controlling, coercive, or threatening behavior, violence, or abuse between people aged 16 or older who are or ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2784

Freedom of Expression

Introduction Dear Mr. Justin Trudeau The target reader for this brief is the Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau. The right to freedom of expression in Canadian Policy and Law greatly concerns many individuals. This is because the policy and laws surrounding freedom of expression are constantly changing and evolving, making it difficult for people to ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1517

Reflecting on Canadian Art: “Mitsikosiwak” & “The Scoop”- by Kent Monkman, and “The Bather” & “Hester”- by Prudence Heward

Introduction Art of Canada has given me immense knowledge concerning the essence of visual art pieces. Canadian Art History has transformed my view and understanding of historical pieces of art, which are in the various galleries throughout Canada, such as the Vancouver Art Gallery I visited. Reflecting on the history of Canadian art, it is ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1334

Case Study Analysis: Using a Health Promotion Framework for Multilevel Analysis

Introduction There have been many impacts associated with diabetes among the Canadian population. More than a third of the population lives with pre-diabetes, while more than 10% have been diagnosed with diabetes (Tremblay & Hamet, 2019). However, the cases will rise if the individuals diagnosed with type-two diabetes are included. The problem has been associated ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2156

The Outside Circle by Patti LaBoucane-Benson

Introduction The article discusses the importance of graphic novels and comics in Indigenous writing. It argues that these forms of writing are necessary antidotes to the conventional history of Canada. The article provides evidence from the novel The Outside Circle by Patti LaBoucane-Benson, to support its argument. The Outside Circle is a graphic novel that ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1203

Report on Plant Growth Chambers to China

Abstract Conviron is a Canadian company dealing with manufacturing agricultural produce growth chambers. The company needs to utilize the trade relationship between Canada and China to enter the Chinese market, one of the largest global markets. To achieve this, Conviron must observe three market intelligence to penetrate the Chinese market; competitive, market, and product intelligence. ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1366

Privatization in Canada

Canada has a long history of state-owned enterprises, mainly referred to as Crown corporations. The act of privatization has a fiscal impact on the government of Canada. According to Levac and Wooldridge (p.25) defined privatization as the transfer of activities from the public sector to the private sector. Privatization can take different forms depending on ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2480
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