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Canada Essays

Overrepresentation of Indigenous People in Canada’s Criminal Justice System

Introduction In recent years, the overrepresentation of indigenous Canadians in Canada’s criminal justice system has received much attention. Since the 1980s, various commissions in the country have been addressing indigenous justice issues. Irrespective of the policy recommendations and research emerging from the inquiries of such commissions, organizations, and individuals, the problem continues to worsen. This ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1598

Country Analysis: China, Canada, and Turkey

Abstract The paper presents the country comparison of the three countries: China, Canada, and Turkey. The study has demonstrated their economic analysis, their description of their country national Five porters analysis. The study presents the SWOT analysis of the three countries. Finally, the demonstration of problems faced by the three countries and suggestions of their ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4549
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