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Canada Essays

Response to Editorial Piece by Coates (2022)

The argument by Coates (2022) is correct because the efforts that the government has been making to develop North is so much that it should have already developed if the right strategies were laid out. The delay in the achievement of the projects by the government is due to the challenges affecting the northern part ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2097
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A Comparative Geography of Guildford and Cloverdale

A Comparative Geography of Guildford and Cloverdale Cities are residents of several individuals comprising the entire population of the world who are attracted by the infrastructural and economic resources that sustain the well-being of the people. Infrastructure and cities drive many people to have developed them for the future they mainly foresee due to the ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2445

Eradicating Sexual Exploitation in Canada

Aiming to eradicate sex exploitation in Canada, the #NotAChoice campaign was created and launched by the pan-Canadian Abolitionist Feminist Advocates in 2021. This campaign remains imperative in raising awareness of the devastating effects of sexual exploitation and the need to combat it comprehensively. This campaign indicates that prostitution and other forms of sexual exploitation remain ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2330

Social Determinants of Health

Introduction Health is a basic secondary unit essential in an individual’s life. Social determinants of health significantly impact an individual’s health status. These include education, income, food security, employment, social exclusion, etc. In various countries, government officials have set up public policies. These have a significant impact on the social determinants of health. Canada is ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2956

Nike Presence, Marketing, and Advertising Strategies in Canada

Abstract Nike is one of the most well-known brands in the world and has a wide-reaching presence, with over $30 billion in revenue and over 2.5 million employees. Moreover, it is an international company that earned an estimated revenue of USD 31 billion in 2018, employing over 2 million people worldwide. Nike’s marketing strategies are ... Read More
Pages: 18       Words: 4769

LGBTQ+ Community in Canada

What is the real meaning of the LGBTQ+ community? The LGBTQ+ community identifies as gay, transgender, bisexual, Queer, or lesbian (Dwyer, 2019). These people are mostly believed to have different cultural backgrounds as compared to those who are heterosexual. These kinds of people have faced a lot of discrimination in history. However, they have also ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2087

Postcolonial City and Northwest Territories Housing Crisis

Introduction The lack of affordable and adequate housing in the Northwest Territories, particularly for Indigenous women and girls, has led two national housing groups to call for a state of emergency. These groups demand that Indigenous voices be heard in decision-making to ensure their housing needs are met (Blake 23). Additionally, they are calling for ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2603

Justin Trudeau Wearing a Brownface

Effective communication is indeed significant during an interaction. It allows human beings to relay, convey and provide feedback for their desires, thoughts, and feelings. In the modern world, communication with other people can be achieved in various ways, including oral reports, digital media, and face-to-face. Perception in the communication process includes organizing, selecting, and interpreting ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1363

Language Barrier Among International Students in Canada

Introduction Canada is one of the most attractive countries for students who dream of studying abroad and staying in the country in which they study. By the end of 2022, more than 800,000 international students resided in Canada, with more than half admitted in the same year. The country’s attractiveness is further boosted by its ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1567

Deviance and Social Control

Considerably, the ‘mental disorder’ conceptualization has comprised various illnesses or problems affecting mental health. To define the mental disorder, naturalist definitions were proposed to clarify the non-social and medical basis for diagnosis. The proposed definitions by Wakefield and Boorse are highly considered influential and essential. The definitions include concepts relative to physical and mental illness ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1789

The Challenge of Canadian Immigrants

Thesis Statement  In search of better employment, many people immigrate to Canada. Still, there are many problems for immigrants who move to Canada because they need financial and emotional support, and sometimes they feel discriminated against. Introduction Canada is believed to be the top country receiving the highest number of immigrants annually. It is perceived ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1627

Robinson’s Monkey Beach

The intriguing book Monkey Beach by Eden Robinson examines the link between the Haisla people of British Columbia, Canada, and magic. In the book, magic is shown as a vital component of the Haisla society and is used for various sociopolitical purposes. In this paper, I will analyze the social role of magic in Monkey ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1763

Equitable Access to Healthy Food for all Ontarians in Canada

Issue Proper nutrition is crucial for healthy development and growth and helps ward off severe conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Therefore, restrictions on nutrient-rich food due to a lack of financial resources are harmful to health (Anderson et al., 2021). The government-mandated Nutritious Food Basket (NFB) Protocol in Ontario should inform public policy ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1506

Birds in Southern Ontario

Introduction Canadian woods were practically constant before European settlers arrived. They were made up of vast expanses of forest ecosystems and sections of woodland at various ages or ecological succession levels. Consciously, these were active forests. Additionally, settings where regeneration was dependent on both numerous minor and rare large-scale disruptions, such as snowstorms, severe storms, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1701
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