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Business Essays

Business and Management

Introduction Michael E Porter’s Five Forces Study gives a framework of analysis, appraisal, and analysis of the industry and its dangers. A system is vital for projecting the probable evolution of the competitive scenario and operates in five distinct components (Goyal, 2020). The Five Forces model works best when applied to the whole market, rather ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 650

Business and Finance

I am a firm believer in maintaining a professional demeanor in business. Business experts perform various tasks to raise a company’s sales and revenues, cash flow, and profitability (Ahlström, 2019). As a result of the high value placed on their skills and knowledge, these people are often in demand. They are paid well and have ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1511
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The Moral Obligation To Be a Whistleblower

Whistleblowing is the process by which an employee communicates the illegal and immoral activities of the organization to the public. The employee identifies the action and gathers the relevant facts. Informing the authorities of illegal activity ensures the overall well-being of the organization and society. Most organizations view whistleblowing as an illegal act that compromises ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1416

Visual Culture: Artz & Wrapz Company Evaluation

Introduction This essay explores the theme of environmental sustainability. Overtime, the environment has been of great concern in many sectors of the global economy. Ensuring environmental safety has been critical to human survival and the sustainability of every business community. Furthermore, this essay focuses on science-based technology, which dwells on car vinyl wrapping. Relating to ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1780

Assessing the Impacts of Just-in-Time Strategy in Supply Chain Management of BOROGUE, Abu Dhabi

Part 1: Evaluation of Two Different Qualitative Methods This portion of the assignment seeks to critically assess two potential qualitative approaches that might be employed to respond to the DBA/PhD research question. The topic of the research is the assessment of the impacts of Just-In-Time strategy in the supply management of BOROGUE, Abu Dhabi. The ... Read More
Pages: 18       Words: 4781

Essay on Audit

Key Standards for Ethics and Independence in Audits There are several standards that the auditors in law enforcement and ethics need to meet to perform their duties professionally. One of the crucial standards in this field is independence. Independence refers to the absence of connections between the auditor and the subject of the audit. Independent ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1237

Essay on Advertisements

An advertisement in a business setting plays an essential role in influencing consumers’ purchase behavior. It impacts their buying behavior by creating a desire to purchase the products, arousing their interest, and attracting attention. A good advertisement elevates brand awareness and increases sales. Primarily, it is an excellent way for consumers to explore the products ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 676

Conflict Management Analysis and Evaluation

Introduction Conflict is inevitable in any environment. It is a word that can form friction, disagreement, or discord resulting from a group or individual when the others do not accept their beliefs, ideas, or actions. Conflicts are diverse. Workplace conflicts, family conflicts, peer conflicts, business partners, and other disagreements exist. Despite the existence of conflicts ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1803

Uber Passenger Transportation Service

Introduction The passenger transportation service industry has grown significantly due to the demand for public transportation systems. This has been considered a fundamental sector in the economy that concentrates on moving people and products from one point to another. Generally, they include companies such as railroads, airlines, logistics firms, and those providing transportation infrastructure. However, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1079

Evaluating Risk and Decisions

1. Introduction The probability of anything bad happening is known as risk. A risk management strategy outlines possible dangers to a business as well as the activities that personnel should take to keep such risks under control. Risk management is not just prudent for ensuring the viability and profitability of a firm. To avoid data ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 3988

Enron Company and Its Financial Issues

Part A: Financial statement of Enron Company. Introduction The success of every company depends on its financial progress. Financial statements are vital in staging and determining the growth of the company. Enron has witnessed fast and effective growth because it managed its financial quo (Abdel-Khalik, 2019). They are destined on two significant aspects that are ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 3001

Research Project Report: Economic Performance of the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Spain From 2011 to 2021

Introduction This report aims to analyze the economic progress of four European countries: France, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Spain. These four countries are similar in that they are all first-world countries and can all be classified as high-income economies. This report will analyze economic trends in the four countries over the last ten years, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1912

Basic Principles of Competent Communication

As social entities rely on other individuals to accommodate their requirements, people require communication in their daily lives. In order to help each other and to ensure that individuals feel content, interaction is necessary throughout every stage of society’s groups (Bevan, 2020). However, there are times when miscommunications develop amid personal interactions, which make it ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 565

Personal Experience Paper: Bakersfield Entertainment

I visited the Bakersfield Entertainment attraction with my cousins Jennifer and Amber. Bakersfield is an entertainment destination in California that is a central hub for entertainment, shopping, vacations, and holiday trips. We booked tickets for the seasonal Bakersfield sound, which has various music venues and entertainment listings. The Bakersfield sound entertainment event was held in California ... Read More
Pages: 2       Words: 545
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