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Business Essays

Framework and Concepts in Critical Conversations

Background Humans communicate in all aspects of life, but the higher the stake of the conversation may fail to be effective. Also, opinions may differ during the conversation as each individual may present different ideas concerning a particular situation or event. In the course of time, emotions may prevail over the conversation, thus contributing to ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1937

Essay on Financial Management

The growth of any business is a long-term practice that requires a lot of resources and expertise. I’ll try to persuade them by laying out my 5-year strategic growth plan, which will prioritize long-term rather than short-term results while reaffirming the company’s original ethical and environmental values. Plan of Action (Five Years) the mission, objectives, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 712
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Financial Management: Amazon Inc.

Introduction Amazon Inc. is an American international technology company mainly based on e-commerce, digital streaming, and cloud computing. It is an online retailer, manufactures e-book readers, and provides web services. Over the years it has been in operation, the company has become an iconic example of electronic commerce. Among the commodities offered by the company ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2410

Factors of Production

Introduction The factors of production are land, labor, entrepreneurship, and capital (Mehmood et al., 2019). Land is the natural resource that a company needs to create products and services, while labor is the human resource necessary to produce throughout an organization. Entrepreneurship relates to any action a company can take towards its growth through innovation ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 813

External Factors Affecting Business Operations

Introduction According to Abay, Tessema & Gebregziabher (2014), External factors are the things that exist outside a business that can impact the performance or success of the business either directly or indirectly. It’s the role of the business to keep track of the external factors to realize and settle the issues caused by those factors ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 966

Evaluation of the Performance Management System

Introduction A performance management system would allow for the business and strategic goals of the organization to be cascaded across the entire organization. The employees of a company should have a clear connection with the organization’s strategy, vision, goals, and what is expected of them. This ought to be mirrored in the performance management system ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1530

Evaluating Resident Resistance and Over-Tourism: A Case Study of Budapest

Overview Recently, terms like “tourism phobia” and “overtourism” have been bandied around. They reflect the difficulties of coping with a rise of tourists in metropolitan locations and tourist’s influence on the city and its citizens. In places where residents and tourists alike complain that there are just too many people, the standard of living or ... Read More
Pages: 19       Words: 5224

Ethnicity and Diversity

A diverse workforce helps the company better understand and serve its customers. In addition, studies have shown that companies with diverse workforces tend to outperform those without them. Since its inception, Walmart has been a company that has championed diversity. In fact, one of the company’s core values is “respect for the individual.” This value ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 643

Ethics and Information Security in Reverse Logistics

Technological advancement has played a significant role in support of firms’ growth as they focus on new markets globally. However, companies should ensure items timely reach the customers while in a good state. The increased advancements of the digital era have resulted in companies interacting with consumers through virtual platforms (Pinna & Carrus n.d). Consumers ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1823

Ethical Decision Making and Hiring

Abstract A Code of ethics is a set of principles that states the expected conduct of employees and third parties in the line of business. The code of ethics prevents unnecessary business risks arising from the conduct of employees or third parties in the line of business. A Code of conduct is a set of ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1439

Important Qualities of a Good Manager

Management is an art a business or organization uses to achieve its pre-determined goals by getting things done by directing employees’ efforts. The essential function of management is planning, controlling, staffing, organizing, and handling. A manager does all these. Manager reduces turnover and increases job satisfaction by providing stability to their employees. It makes good ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1483

Entrepreneurial Assessment of Coca-Cola

Introduction Several characteristics are commonly connected with entrepreneurship. These include Innovation, risk-taking, determination, and perseverance. Entrepreneurs are frequently considered go-getters and people who are not afraid to take chances. One of the most crucial parts of entrepreneurship is Innovation. Innovation is the key to producing new products and services that customers will want to buy. ... Read More
Pages: 19       Words: 4966

Innovation in Entrepreneurial Organizations

Innovation constitutes introducing a new concept or an intervention. This action occurs in different sectors; however, emphasis will be on the business sector. Regarding the business sector, innovation is evident in distinct forms, including new products and business models. Innovation is coined from various sources, such as new markets and changes in the economic state ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 626

Enron Ethics Case Study

Enron’s scandal is famous for its irregular accounting practices, which lead to its collapse. The scandal involved manipulating accounting information, corporate fraud and unethical practices by the executives. Enron’s Bankruptcy in 2001 was the greatest in U.S history and continues to draw attention to corporate fraud and ethical accounting procedures. The scandal has resulted in ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1799

Dixons Carphone Plc’s Financial Report

Introduction This report seeks to analyze the financial performance of Dixons Carphone plc using its financial ratios and compare the company with Best Buy as one of its main competitors. The report will detail Dixons Carphone plc’s key features, its current financial position, key resources and some of the challenges it faces in the market. ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4279
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