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Business Essays

Advertising Expenditure and Sales Data

Introduction In order for businesses to effectively advertise their goods and services to their target market, advertising is a crucial part of any marketing strategy. In order to forecast future sales, identify the major factors affecting sales performance, and provide suggestions for enhancing sales performance, a detailed analysis of advertising expenditure and sales data is ... Read More
Pages: 21       Words: 5583

Spaghetti House Restaurant Case Study

Executive summary A British Food Brand, the Spaghetti House, has been the primary focus of the research for the project and development. The food industry stakes are high, and this is especially true in the United Kingdom. The food business needs to develop organisational procedures and strategies for addressing these challenges and succeeding in the ... Read More
Pages: 21       Words: 5558
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Silicon Valley Bank Accounting Case Study

Introduction The accounting function is so critical in a work environment. If properly done, the books of account could be accurate, meaning any decision made from these books of accounts could be right. Even though internal standards are meant to control the practice of accounting, companies, and firms continue to fall and topple with bad ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2184

Rational, Natural, and Open Systems of Organizations

Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, the United States saw the rise of a new American institution: the organization. Socialization, standard-setting, communication, and the pursuit of common goals were all made possible due to the efforts of these groups. Organizational theory is a valuable tool for learning about different types of businesses and how they ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2552

Quality Management – Saskpolytech Student Cafeteria

Abstract Quality management is a comprehensive system for achieving a desired level of quality in the products and services provided by an organization. It involves a holistic approach to managing processes and operations to ensure customer satisfaction and meet customer expectations. Quality management principles and techniques, such as Total Quality Management (TQM), Six Sigma, and ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4076

International Human Resource Management

“International Framework Agreements are more effective at engaging with trade unions than Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Codes of Practice.” Critically evaluate and discuss this statement. Introduction Two essential strategies that multinational corporations (MNCs) can employ to control the social and environmental repercussions of their activities are corporate social responsibility (CSR) and international framework agreements (IFAs). ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3696

Indian Agriculture: Transformation of the Agriculture Sector During and Post COVID-19

Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian economy, employing a significant portion of the country’s workforce and contributing significantly to the GDP. The Covid-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the agricultural sector in India, disrupting supply chains, affecting market prices, and posing significant challenges to farmers. However, the pandemic has also brought new ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1887

Fundamentals of Airline Management

Introduction: The airline sector is an essential part of the global economy because it links people and companies all over the world. However, operating an airline is not without its challenges, as companies must navigate a complex web of government regulations and economic restrictions. In addition, airlines must work closely with a range of stakeholders, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1858

Factors Influencing Customers’ Purchasing Decisions

Research Background Different factors usually influence customers when deciding on the right products to buy. The factors range from psychological, social, cultural, personal, and economic factors (Hanaysha, Al-Shaikh, & Alzoubi, 2021). These factors help customers categorize themselves in the right place and know how to purchase products. Further, the customers know the products they cannot ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1117

Impact of Quality Management on the International Business Management: A Case Study of the Coca-Cola Company

Introduction One of the biggest and most prosperous beverage corporations in the world, The Coca-Cola Company has a long history that dates back more than a century. The company has consistently maintained its leadership position in the beverage industry despite encountering numerous obstacles over the years, because of its cutting-edge marketing tactics and dedication to ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1096

Global Expansion Plan

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Canadian maple company’s mission is to provide health and wellness products to its consumers across the globe. The pure maple syrup the firm is offering fits this niche. Therefore, based on the economic, cultural, political, and legal analysis, the product is feasible in the UK market. For instance, the UK people have ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2723

Enterprise Resource Planning Technology

Technology Description Using a spreadsheet is diminishing, and companies are moving towards using resource planning software in their daily activities. The Enterprise Resource Planning system is a software or system used by organizations and businesses to collect and organize important information and data about the organization to operate efficiently and cost-effectively even when the business ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1193

Endeavor Air in Depth Study

History Endeavor Air is a subsidiary airline of Delta Air Lines. However, it is wholly owned. It is a regional airline that is located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Endeavor Air was originally Express Airline when it was founded in 1985. Since then, throughout the years, the company has undergone several changes and has also engaged in ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1383

Effects of Leadership Development on Employee Performance

Literature Review The primary duty of leadership is to improve its workforce’s moral character and productivity, which eventually results in an improvement in the organization’s production graph. Leadership is now generally acknowledged and scientifically supported. Organizations consider leadership development as a critical strategy to improve employee performance and obtain additional advantages, such as strategic edge. ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2795

Diversity and Ethics Perspective

The workplace environment presents several disadvantageous positions for women. First, supported by gender-based views, men have had a headstart in management positions. From such positions, they influence policies on advancements in organizations. The study by Nkomo et al. (2018) found numerous hurdles to the advancement of women due to the lack of a women’s inclusion ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1104
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