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Well-Being Essays

Parental Loss to Terminal Cancer: The Impact on Well-Being and the Role of Resilience Factors in Post-Bereavement Adjustment.

ABSTRACT This dissertation delves into the profound impact of losing a parent to terminal cancer and its implications for individuals’ well-being. It explores the crucial role of resilience factors in the adjustment process following bereavement. The study thoroughly investigates the intricate dynamics of coping mechanisms and adaptive processes that contribute to the overall resilience of ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2082

A Mental Health Literacy Policy for the Well-Being of Patients Aged 21–55 With Depressive Symptoms in North East Region of Dallas.

Executive Summary This extensive study examines mental health strategies for depression in North East Dallas residents aged 21–55. The analysis focuses on mental health technologies, workplace programs, and targeted education. Customize educational programs for each audience. These campaigns promote early depression treatment, awareness, and stigma reduction. Collaboration with community groups and continuous evaluation ensure cultural ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4025
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Thesis Statement Activity-Scenario 4- Anti-Marijuana Campaign

Overview Research shows that marijuana is the most abused drug by teenagers and adolescents after alcohol. According to a 2022 survey in the United States, approximately 30.7% of the 12th graders are active marijuana consumers. A separate study conducted in 2019 among U.S. high school students indicated that at least 37% of the students had used ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1139

Good Health and Well-Being

I have selected the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) that could significantly improve global health: SDG 3 – Good Health and Well-Being. The vulnerable population I will focus on is maternal and infant health in developing regions like Sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia. In these regions, pregnant women and young children continue to face substantial health ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 613

Factors Contributing to Well-Being Among College Students

Introduction Researchers have attempted to identify the factors that significantly impact happiness and fulfilment for many years. This is part of their quest to comprehend the complexities of well-being. This report examines the empirical study of happiness using data from the Capstone Seminar on Happiness in 2020 and 2021 (Biehle & Mickelson, 2012). This study ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 958

What Impact Does Practicing Mindfulness Have on Reducing Stress and Improving Overall Well-Being in Scientific Research?

Introduction The ability of mindfulness meditation to lower stress and improve general well-being has come to light in recent years. The increasing amount of empirical data demonstrating the advantages of mindfulness makes it necessary to investigate the lived experiences that corroborate scientific results and the theoretical frameworks that support its efficacy (Micklitz et al.,2019). To ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1146

Health Education Rationale

The importance of health education at the K-12 school level cannot be overstated. This critical curriculum element is key to encouraging students’ well-being and development. We recognize this need to provide our learners with a complete and all-encompassing approach to health, allowing them greater access to lead a more successful and fulfilling life. By offering ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1444

The Negative Effects of Human Trafficking on People’s Well Being

Introduction Human trafficking is modern-day human slavery (Farrell & de Vries, 2019). It can be defined as an illegal act that violates humanity and human rights involving recruiting, transporting, and harboring people using force and means of deception, abduction, and power exploitation. Every year, millions of men, children, and women of all ages and backgrounds ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2067

Factors Influencing Health and Well-Being in Middle-Aged Adults and Important Health Messages

Introduction Middle adulthood 40–65 is important. Physical, psychological, and sociological changes affect health and well-being. Health elements are needed to communicate and treat middle-aged people. WHO defines health as mental, bodily, and social well-being. Complex middle-aged health. It emphasizes overall emotional and social well-being. Physical health determines middle-aged well-being. This period usually involves physiological changes ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2742

Advocacy for Senior Citizen’s Health and Well-Being

As the number of senior citizens keeps rising, families, communities, and countries are increasingly adjusting their healthcare approaches to advocacy for this category’s emotional, psychological, physical, social, and mental health. Health advocacy for senior citizens is taking center stage with specialized personnel who work as volunteers and private and public specialized officers within health institutions, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1300

COVID-19 Through Various Wellness Lenses

Introduction Globally, the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus has had a significant impact on individuals and society. As a direct consequence of the epidemic, which has highlighted the importance of maintaining one’s health in the face of adversity, people’s lifestyles and priorities are being called into question. In this study, we will examine the ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3453

The Evolution of Child Welfare From 1800 to 2022

Introduction The Evolution of Child Welfare from 1800 to 2022 is an ongoing story of progress. Over the last two centuries, the U.S. has seen vast changes in the way it approaches child welfare and the protection of children’s rights. In the early 1800s, children were often viewed as the property of their parents and ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3662

Mental Illness Challenges Professionalism and Society

In recent times, the mental well-being requirements of healthcare professionals have drawn attention as a significant public health issue and a danger to the provision of high-quality treatment. Healthcare workers are subjected to various stressors during work, some of which may severely impact their bodily, psychological, and emotional health status. The professional community and society ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 794

Prediction of Well-Being From Isolation, Self-Efficacy, Resilience

Abstract Well-being is the degree to which an individual is a degree at which has the pleasure of what life brings. The study predicted the positive and negative effects of the joint predictors of isolation, resilience, and self-efficacy on well-being during pandemic times. The study involved 99 participants randomly selected from the UEL Psychology Undergraduates ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1926
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