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COVID-19 Through Various Wellness Lenses


Globally, the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus has had a significant impact on individuals and society. As a direct consequence of the epidemic, which has highlighted the importance of maintaining one’s health in the face of adversity, people’s lifestyles and priorities are being called into question. In this study, we will examine the various facets of well-being through the lens of COVID-19 and assess the impact that these facets have had on society. To determine the effects of COVID-19 on healthcare systems and modern society, we will approach this issue from a multidisciplinary standpoint. Using the most appropriate research methods, we will investigate contemporary concerns regarding people’s health and how these concerns impact both individuals and society. In the context of the pandemic, as a concluding step, we will propose potential approaches for monitoring and enhancing personal and public health. Every aspect of life has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, including physical and mental health and economic and social well-being. This study will investigate the pandemic from history, the humanities, the natural and applied sciences, and social science perspectives. By conducting this analysis, we will be able to provide a comprehensive understanding of the effect that COVID-19 has had on health, as well as the various ways that individuals and societies can respond to this issue.


The COVID-19 pandemic is a social and global issue that has affected the lives of millions of people all over the globe. In December 2019, the pandemic first appeared in Wuhan, China, before rapidly spreading to neighboring nations. The virus is responsible for respiratory infection and can cause severe complications, especially in vulnerable populations such as the elderly, immunocompromised individuals, and those with preexisting health conditions. Additionally, the pandemic has significantly impacted healthcare systems, resulting in shortages of medical supplies, hospital beds, and healthcare personnel. The recent Ebola outbreak in West Africa is a case in point (Hamilton et al., 662).

This topic’s relevant population includes individuals of all ages, genders, and socioeconomic backgrounds. This variety constitutes the population. However, specific populations, including racial and ethnic minorities, low-income individuals, and those without access to healthcare, have been disproportionately impacted by the epidemic. In addition, the epidemic has brought to light existing health disparities and inequities, as well as the significance of cultural practices and social identity in determining the health consequences of an individual (Hamilton et al., 662).

Society has had a significant impact in response to the COVID-19 epidemic, ranging from the actions of governments and public health officials to individuals within their communities. Due to the pandemic, the importance of public health precautions such as social isolation, mask use, and vaccinations in preventing the spread of the virus has become more apparent. However, it has also highlighted the challenges of balancing the needs of society, the economy, and public health. In this investigation, the social science perspective will be utilized to examine how COVID-19 has affected various societal aspects, including healthcare systems (Hamilton et al., 662). We will investigate how issues and events pertinent to wellness in contemporary culture have affected social behavior, focusing on the COVID-19 pandemic.

Thesis Statement

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on people’s health, illustrating the importance of social and cultural factors in determining the health outcomes of individuals. By examining the epidemic through the lens of social science, we can understand how society and healthcare systems have responded to this crisis and generate ideas for enhancing both individual and public health.

Critical Analysis

When examining the influence of wellness on one’s field of study or chosen profession, it is essential to consider the impact of contemporary problems in healthcare systems on contemporary society. This is true when investigating the many facets of well-being and the influence of well-being on those facets. One such contemporary issue is the COVID-19 epidemic, which has affected every aspect of life and highlighted the significance of individual and societal well-being (Valliani, Komal, and Farida Bibi Mughal, 247).

Those exposed to COVID-19 have experienced physical, mental, and emotional effects. The spread of the virus and its effect on respiratory health have negatively impacted people’s physical health. In contrast, the tension and anxiety caused by the pandemic have negatively impacted their mental and emotional health. To gain a better understanding of how COVID-19 affects both individuals and society, it is necessary to adopt a multidimensional, holistic approach to health and wellness.

The biopsychosocial model investigates the interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors that define an individual’s health and well-being. Through the lens of the biopsychosocial model, wellness can be viewed in one manner. The pandemic brought on by COVID-19 has illuminated the significance of each of these elements. It has been established that biological characteristics such as age, preexisting health conditions, and genetic makeup increase the risk of severe illness caused by COVID-19 ((Valliani, Komal, and Farida Bibi Mughal, 247). It has been demonstrated that psychological factors such as anxiety, tension, and depression influence an individual’s susceptibility to the virus and ability to cope with the pandemic. It has been established that a person’s vulnerability to COVID-19 and their ability to recover are influenced by social factors such as socioeconomic status, access to healthcare, and peer support.

The ecological paradigm is an additional lens that can be utilized to evaluate wellness. This model investigates the influence of the environment on a person’s health and well-being by considering various environmental factors. The COVID-19 epidemic has illuminated the significance of the physical environment where people labor and reside. It has been demonstrated that a person’s sensitivity to COVID-19 and their ability to recover from it are influenced by factors such as the air quality they consume, their access to green spaces, and the design of their buildings. In addition, the epidemic has highlighted the significance of the social and cultural environment in which individuals work and reside. It has been demonstrated that an individual’s susceptibility to COVID-19 and ability to recover from it are influenced by multiple factors, including social norms, cultural beliefs, and political policies (Valliani, Komal, and Farida Bibi Mughal, 247).

A third lens that can be used to evaluate well-being is the cultural and social lens. This lens investigates the influence of cultural and social beliefs, choices, and behaviors on an individual’s health and well-being. The COVID-19 pandemic illuminated the impact of cultural and societal attitudes on the transmission of the virus and an individual’s ability to cope with the effects of a pandemic. For instance, cultural norms regarding physical contact and the donning of masks have affected the spread of the virus. In contrast, social isolation has negatively impacted individuals’ mental and emotional health (Valliani, Komal, and Farida Bibi Mughal, 247).

COVID-19 has highlighted the significance of well-being in individuals and society by providing multiple lenses to evaluate wellness. It is essential to employ a variety of methods in order to monitor and enhance individual and community health. These strategies include providing access to healthcare and mental health services and promoting healthy behaviors such as regular exercise, healthy nutrition, and adequate sleep. In addition, these efforts include the promotion of healthy behaviors such as regular exercise, healthy nutrition, and sufficient sleep. Additionally, it may be essential to resolve social and cultural factors that influence health (Valliani, Komal, and Farida Bibi Mughal, 247). This would include enhancing social support and confronting cultural beliefs regarding illness and treatment.

COVID-19 has significantly impacted both individuals and society, casting light on the significance of health and the numerous angles from which it can be examined. Utilizing interdisciplinary approaches and promoting methods for monitoring and enhancing personal and public wellness will allow us to comprehend and address the contemporary concerns surrounding wellness and their impact on individuals and society. By obtaining exposure to various perspectives and enhancing our communication skills, we can better understand wellness and its role in contemporary society (Valliani, Komal, and Farida Bibi Mughal, 247).

Impact on Institution

The pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus had a significant impact on numerous organizations, including those in healthcare, education, and the economy. The epidemic has revealed preexisting socioeconomic and racial/ethnic disparities in access to medical care and healthcare resources within healthcare systems. The dearth of access to testing, treatment, and immunizations has disproportionately affected people of color and those with lower socioeconomic status.

The pandemic has increased awareness of the digital divide and disparities in access to technology and online learning resources. Students from low-income households frequently lack access to dependable internet and technology and have been negatively affected, resulting in the broader achievement disparity. Many people have lost their jobs due to the epidemic, putting many families and individuals in a precarious financial position. Low-wage employees, including essential workers who are more likely to be people of color, have been disproportionately impacted by this (Rwafa-Ponela, Teurai, et al. 9217).

Social Practices

The Covid-19 pandemic has also affected social practices, such as how individuals interact with one another and how they use technology. These alterations are attributable to the epidemic. The pandemic has prompted a shift toward remote work and virtual sociability, leading to increased digital communication and decreased face-to-face interactions. This transformation has consequently increased digital communication. This relocation has increased flexibility and accessibility but at the expense of social connections and the potential for feelings of isolation. This transformation has both positive and negative repercussions, as it has increased flexibility and accessibility (Rwafa-Ponela, Teurai, et al. 9217).

Specific Elements for Change

Within the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, the distribution of resources such as diagnostics, treatment, and immunizations may benefit from modification. There is an urgent need for a more equitable distribution of these resources, primarily focusing on ensuring that those at the most significant risk have access to them.

Significant Factors

Significant factors potentially influencing the Covid-19 epidemic include beliefs and preconceived notions. Due to existing prejudices within the healthcare system, specific populations are subjected to unequal treatment and lack of access to care. In addition, there are a variety of perspectives and attitudes regarding public health measures and vaccinations that may impact the efficacy of efforts to prevent the spread of the virus (Rwafa-Ponela, Teurai, et al. 9217). When regarded through a variety of wellness lenses, the following issues could have an impact on the topic of Covid-19:

Cultural and social attitudes: The perspectives and responses of individuals to the COVID-19 pandemic may be substantially influenced by their cultural and social perspectives on health and wellness. In some cultures, traditional treatment methods or reliance on medication may be preferred, whereas, in others, healthful eating and physical activity may be highly valued. The importance of maintaining a healthy body weight is another illustration. These cultural and social attitudes can potentially impact the transmission of the virus, access to healthcare services, and the health of individuals and communities.

Economic Factors: Multiple economic factors substantially impact the response to the Covid-19 epidemic. For instance, low-income individuals and families may not have access to high-quality medical care, nutritious food, or certain living conditions, which may increase the likelihood of contracting the virus. Similarly, the epidemic has significantly impacted businesses and industries that rely on face-to-face interactions, such as restaurants, travel, and hospitality, resulting in employment losses and a general slowing of economic activity (Rwafa-Ponela, Teurai et al. 9217).

Political Factors: How factors such as government laws, public health campaigns, and media coverage are addressed can also influence how individuals respond to Covid-19. For example, the government’s decision to implement lockdowns or social distancing measures can significantly impact the spread of the virus. However, it can also result in economic and social problems for individuals and communities. Similarly, how the media reports on the pandemic can influence how the general population feels about the virus and how it is fought (Rwafa-Ponela, Teurai, et al. 9217).

Personal Beliefs and Values: Individuals’ beliefs and values can also influence how they respond to the COVID-19 epidemic. Those who place a high value on personal autonomy or have a deep-seated mistrust of the legitimacy of government institutions may oppose preventative health measures such as vaccination or the donning of required masks. Those who prioritize their own physical health or the welfare of their community may be more likely to follow the instructions and take the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the virus (Rwafa-Ponela, Teurai, et al. 9217).

These fundamental characteristics can influence how individuals and communities respond to the Covid-19 epidemic and how preventative measures are implemented. To design effective strategies to combat the pandemic and promote the health of individuals and communities, it is necessary to have a thorough comprehension of these factors and their effects.

Potential Obstacles

One potential barrier that could impede the population’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic is misinformation and distrust regarding vaccines. Education and community involvement are required to address these problems and raise awareness about the importance of vaccination.

Benefits and Challenges

Taking action against the epidemic can save lives, restore economic stability, and halt the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, there are issues, such as the need for a globally coordinated response, the possibility of long-term health effects for those infected with the virus, and the need for ongoing surveillance to prevent further epidemics.


To use this critical analysis to achieve personal and professional objectives, assessing the issue’s impact on cultural diversity and social justice is necessary. This may involve actively seeking out alternative viewpoints and conversing with individuals from diverse backgrounds. In addition, it is crucial to confront biases and presumptions that may influence decision-making and to promote fairness and inclusivity in all aspects of one’s personal and professional life (Rwafa-Ponela, Teurai, et al. 9217).

This can be demonstrated in daily life by, for instance, educating oneself on the effects of the Covid-19 epidemic, increasing vaccination rates, and adhering to public health standards. In healthcare, this may involve overcoming systemic biases and advocating for policies promoting fairness and treatment access. This may also include lobbying for policies promoting equity and care access. This can involve advocating for additional resources and support for students from low-income families in education (Burns, np).


The process of critically assessing the topic of COVID-19 through a variety of lenses about wellness has provided me with a deeper comprehension of the significance of holistic health and the interconnectivity of all facets of wellness. The knowledge that health is not simply the absence of disease but rather the intricate interplay of physical, emotional, social, and spiritual variables has profoundly impacted the individual framework of perception that I have developed for myself. My outlook on the world and my attitude to maintaining my health and well-being have been modified due to gaining this information (Burns, np).

While performing this critical analysis, one of the most important things I did was examine my biases. I have gained a greater awareness of the impact of my preconceptions and assumptions on my perspective of the world due to becoming more conscious of my preconceptions and assumptions. My viewpoint on various health concerns has been widened due to this insight, which has made it possible for me to approach new information with a more open mind (Burns, np).

The critical examination of wellness has provided me with a basis for understanding the interconnection of various fields and their impact on people’s health and well-being. This understanding is relevant to the field of study in which I am engaged. My training as a medical professional has given me a deeper grasp of the intricate workings of disease and a better appreciation for the significance of preventative care and care that takes a holistic approach (Burns, np).

The study of wellness can also help me be aware of the following central area of research that will be important to my field or profession. For instance, the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the significance of public health precautions and the critical requirement for efficient communication tactics in the medical field. If we have a more excellent grasp of wellness’s influence on individuals and society, we will be better prepared to face the problems that lie ahead in terms of medical treatment (McLoughlin, Gabriella M., et al. 770).

My interpretation might have been different if I had approached the problem of COVID-19 and wellness through one of the various lenses available to me in general education, such as the historical or aesthetic perspective. For instance, a historical study could have concentrated on previous pandemics’ effect on the development of public health policies and medical procedures over time. The impact of COVID-19 on creative expression and the function of art in the maintenance of mental and emotional health could have been the primary topic of an artistic investigation (McLoughlin, Gabriella M., et al. 765)

Analyzing wellbeing can be helpful when interacting with others whose cultures, opinions, or perspectives differ. We can approach health and wellbeing more inclusively and be sensitive to the needs of diverse cultures if we recognize the interconnectivity of the various dimensions of wellness. This has the potential to lead to improved communication and an increased level of comprehension between medical personnel and patients from various backgrounds.

The critical analysis of wellness has had a significant impact on both my personal experience and the field of research that I have currently engaged in and the way that I connect with other people. I have a more in-depth comprehension of the complicated nature of health and well-being due to the realization that the importance of holistic health and the interconnection of many wellness components are interdependent. I am confident that this comprehension will continue to inform both my personal and professional life, and I intend to keep investigating the various perspectives offered by a general education in order to deepen my awareness of the world in which I find myself (Settersten Jr, Richard A., et al. np).


In conclusion, the effects of COVID-19 on various facets of human existence have been elucidated by examining the virus through multiple wellness lenses. The epidemic has harmed the population’s physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and environmental health. The pandemic has medical, social, economic, and political aspects. The results of a critical analysis indicate that healthcare, social, and political policies must be revised. Examining biases, beliefs, assumptions, and values can help us surmount obstacles and engage the populace. Wellness concerns can enhance health, productivity, and interpersonal relationships. Wellness can improve quality of life. In healthcare, wellness practices can improve patient outcomes and satisfaction. Wellness impacts the personal and professional lives of individuals; therefore, it is crucial to promote it everywhere.

Consequently, viewing COVID-19 through wellness lenses has revealed the pandemic’s effects on human health. Analysis has demonstrated the need for change and provided solutions. Wellness in daily life and society can enhance health and happiness.


Burns, Danielle, Neil Dagnall, and Maxine Holt. “Assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on student wellbeing at universities in the United Kingdom: A conceptual analysis.” Frontiers in Education. Vol. 5. Frontiers Media SA, 2020.

Hamilton, Jessica L., Jacqueline Nesi, and Sophia Choukas-Bradley. “Re-examining adolescent social media use and socioemotional wellbeing through the lens of the COVID-19 pandemic: A theoretical review and directions for future research.” Perspectives on psychological science: A journal of the Association for Psychological Science 17.3 (2022): 662.

McLoughlin, Gabriella M., et al. “Addressing food insecurity through a health equity lens: a case study of large urban school districts during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Journal of Urban Health 97 (2020): 759–775.

Rwafa-Ponela, Teurai, et al. “We Were Afraid”: Mental Health Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Two South African Districts.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19.15 (2022): 9217.

Settersten Jr, Richard A., et al. “Understanding the effects of Covid-19 through a life course lens.” Advances in Life Course Research 45 (2020): 100360.

Valliani, Komal, and Farida Bibi Mughal. “Human emotions during COVID-19: A lens through Kubler-Ross Grief theory.” Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 14.2 (2022): 247.


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