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Technology Essays

Role of Religion, Race, and Gender in the Development of Technology in Western Civilization Up Through the American Civil War

Religion Religion provided justifications for pain and grief, winning and losing, and solace to the worried and the mourning. With the American Civil War that continued throughout, the battles and their outcomes came to be seen as a manifestation of divine providence. Religion, a set of ideas and practices that address the purpose of life, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 760

Analysis on the Threats Defense Argument

Introduction Globalization and technology use obviously have impacts on the global environment, but the effects are not as far-reaching as those of other threats, such as climate change, energy sources, civil war, and poor health of entire populations. Part of the reason why globalization and inappropriate use of technology are less critical is due to ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1249
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US Sports Industry

How can data-driven platforms and artificial intelligence help organizations? Data-driven platforms operate on a specified given set of data. This facilitates quick decision-making by business organizations. On the other hand, artificial intelligence enables an organization to draw insights. This assists them in improving their decision-making skills. Data-driven platforms and artificial intelligence assist organizations understand their ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1006

Technology and Relationships

Abstract The information error has fundamentally altered how people conduct themselves in various sectors such as education, business, and general social interactions. Technological advances in areas such as email, social media, and instant messaging were all designed to expedite and enhance communication. Today, friends and families separated by huge distances can now communicate face to ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1898

Technology and Nursing Informatics

Diabetes is a chronic illness characterized by a deficiency in insulin secretion, resulting in long-term organ complications. The prevalence of diabetes has increased in the current decade, and globally it’s estimated to grow to 592 million people by 2035, resulting in increased health care utilization (Macdonald et al. 2017). The lasting disorder is caused by ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1193

Technology and Critical Thinking

Young generations of today’s world, which has occasionally been referred to as the digital natives, have experienced a remarkable change in their social relationships and learning styles. Accomplishment as far as social life is concerned has been viewed as comprising of more than routine learning. Instead, it consists of sharing and cooperation, using know-how to ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1187

Technology and Capitalism

Introduction Technology has had a significant impact on the lives of many individuals. Customer complicity in the “war on free will’s” reforms goes back decades. Complicity in the continuation of “Self-delusion” has also been demonstrated. Finally, they’ve expressed their apprehensions about the possibility that their future tense may be violated. As demonstrated by these ideas, ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2764

Impact of Technology

Technology is a system of scientific knowledge used for practical purposes. Culture is a way of life that is beliefs, religion, language, and rituals passed from one generation to another. Technology impacts culture via media globalization, for media technology is the most significant influence worldwide. People can get all kinds of information through computers and ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 891

Business and Technology

Abstract The business has undertaken through the Web, with its dynamic, fast-developing, and highly competitive qualities provide new possibilities for a capital generation as we enter the twenty-first century. Existing organizations are launching new online endeavors, while new initiatives use the Internet’s advantages. Entrepreneurial start-ups and business enterprises are the most common ways for e-businesses ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 3911

How Is Black Mirror’s Reflection of the Digital Age Relevant to Society’s Relationship With Technology and Media?

1.0 Introduction Black Mirror, released in 2011, invites viewers to see, for better, or for worse, a dark, some would say dystopian, future where technology has evolved to be addicting, hostile, alienating, and invasive(Duarte and Battin, 2021). The series involves stand-alone episodes investigating a twisted high-tech dystopian universe where the most incredible humanity breakthroughs and ... Read More
Pages: 22       Words: 5912
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