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Social Sciences Essays

3 Branches of Government

The constitution of the United States divides the power of the government into three branches: the executive, the legislative, and the judicial. These three branches collaborate to develop authority that has equal power over the entire country and establish powerful authority. Furthermore, each branch is responsible for carrying out specific responsibilities and duties to function ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 897

Argumentative Essay: Is Freedom of Movement a Factor To Threaten World Peace?

Freedom of movement defines the right of an individual to travel from one place to another or from one country to another. This right also allows individuals to visit different places and change their residence depending on their decision. This right is usually provided in many nations’ constitutions and international law. Freedom of movement states ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 991
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IR Theory in Helping Us Understand Global Politics

IR theories help us understand as well as make sense of the world around us through different lenses. These lenses usually denote different theoretical perspectives. IR theories help us understand a complicated world through the use of familiar analogies just like maps. Some details are omitted in the IR theories to bring out a clear ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1148

Investigatory Stop and Police Arrest

An investigatory stop is short duration detention of an individual by enforcement of the law. Investigatory stop, also termed as a temporary or terry stop and arrest, requires the law enforcement officer to have reasonable suspicion of an individual’s engagements in criminal activity to be valid. The criminal justice system defines reasonable suspicion as the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 577

Invasion of Russia in Ukraine

On February 24, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. Internationally, the incident is considered an act of aggression. Russian soldiers attempt to take complete control of Ukraine’s southern coast and connect up with territory they have occupied in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine for years. The statistics of people affected by the country’s war will be ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 598

Interpretation of the FMLA and the Courts

FMLA Laws from Employer and Employees’ Perspectives The FMLA which stands for Family and Medical Leave Act gives employees the legal mandate to take some time off work to care for a family member who meets the eligibility requirements for FMLA benefits. Because of the Act’s useful nature, the required framework of care is large, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1623

International Human Rights Law

Introduction International human rights law refers to guidelines and principles that protect universal features of human beings from sovereign power exercise. Human rights also possess international legal significance (Chowdhury & Bhuiyan, 2010). The committee monitors the distribution of justices of the international legal order. International human rights law came because of the Second World War. ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1769

International Drug Trafficking

Introduction International Drug Trafficking is the worldwide illegal trade that involves the manufacture, cultivation, and distribution of substances subject to laws on drug prohibition and is approximated to be 32 billion USD business. The lately launched UNODC campaigning program in international organized crime outlines that drug trafficking continues to be the profitable business for criminals ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2240

Intelligence Paper Report – Threats Facing National Elections

Introduction Typically, governments always seek to shape political and economic conditions worldwide for their benefit. In the US and Europe, foreign governments have employed cyberattacks and social media agitation to influence information environment. These efforts aim at influencing foreign policies to benefit the involved countries’ political, economic, and military influence. However, when such activities impact ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2650

Intellectual Knowledge and Competence

Introduction Intellectual knowledge and competence refer to the comprehensive measure consisting of the cognitive and non-cognitive characteristics concerning recognizing seen individual differences leading to differences in future attainment. It’s vital since it gives the potential of a creative approach to working out philosophical issues and analysis of the results. Intellectual knowledge and competence include; characteristic ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 726

Improving Metacognition: A Comparison of Interventions

Educators occasionally notice the disconnection between students’ expectations and their performance. Students get surprised by their poor performance quite often. Their predictions are mostly inaccurate due to overconfidence. There exists a connection between low performance and low metacognitive accuracy, and students whose performance is poor are the most inaccurate. Low-performing students over-predict their performance as ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 720

Importance of Revision

The act of revision is a necessary step in the writing process. While writing an essay or research paper, there will always be some inaccuracy, some that the author may not be able to notice for himself. Revision is the last step in transforming a rough draft of an essay or research paper into a ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 608

Importance of Implementing Multicultural Education in Public and Private Institutions

Multiculturalism is an essential principle that enhances the recognition of diverse cultures in various areas. Multicultural education in public and private institutions may take time before it is fully incorporated because it is a process that involves relationships between people. Some of the characteristics associated with multicultural education include reducing prejudice and stereotypes of diverse ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 827

Implicit and Explicit Attitudes Concerning Sexual Relationship

Even though research on sexual functioning has blossomed in recent decades, we still have a limited grasp of individual differences in sexual pleasure and desire. Sexual attitudes have been shown to significantly impact how we view sexual conduct, particularly our appetites and feelings of sexual pleasure. Attitudes are mental representations of an item that remain ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 924

Impacts of the Luxury Industry on Young People

Section 1.0: INTRODUCTION Advertising plays a critical role when it comes to matters of dispatch of information to the general public and the economy at large. Annually, hundreds of people are recipients of information that has spread due to global advertisement. Hundreds of billions of dollars have also been used to make sure that consumers ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2011
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