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Social Sciences Essays

Integration of Academics in Health Studies

When I began college, I studied biology and became a doctor. However, I soon realized that I was not passionate about the topic and would be miserable if I pursued a career in that field. I decided to switch to an interdisciplinary major in health and society, which allowed me to explore various topics within ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1004

Integrated Psychiatric Assessment

Psychiatric assessment for children is quite different from that of adults. This is because it is necessary to include parents or guardians in the decision-making process regarding treatment when dealing with children or adolescents. In adults, however, it is the individuals who make the decisions. It then means that psychiatric assessment of children needs to ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1900
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Influence of Community on Deviant Behaviors

Deviant behavior can be defined as not adhering to the rules or norms of society or the community’s standards. An example of deviant behavior is a deviation from the accepted norms of a particular group of individuals. Such behavior could be regarded as criminality, alcoholism, school indiscipline, house prostitution, cultism, and gambling, as well as ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 658

Indoctrination, Criminal Labelling, Institution of Marriage and Masculinity

In the material shared in class, what does Noam Chomsky mean by “indoctrination” and why is it occurring? What are the alternatives forms of education that he is defending? In terming education as indoctrination of the young, Noam Chomsky highlights that society has predefined the educational path for their children. It has been a custom ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2038

Examining My Implicit Biases

IAT Results Analysis Before taking the Harvard’s Implicit Association Test (IAT), I considered myself as a person free of racism, even at the subconscious level. I used the IAT to measure my implicit attitudes at the unconscious level, and I was surprised by the results. Schlachter and Rolf (2016) identify the IAT as a test ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1912

Identify Your Relationship With Stress and Develop a Personal Self-Care Plan That Includes Key Strategies You Will Implement To Support Your Well-Being

Self-care is the ability of people to prevent disease, promote health, maintain health and cope with illness (WHO,2021). It also includes everything possible, enabling one to stay physically and mentally healthy, maintaining proper nutrition and hygiene (WHO,2021). Self-care can also be described as all the steps one needs to manage life stressors and manage her ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 854

Identify and Discuss the Three Major Views of Human Nature

Human nature is the common basis for human existence, which impacts theirbeliefs,community arrangement and behaviors which remains unchanged over time and across cultural, ethnic, and racial contexts. Several enlightened thinkers and religions have different views which explain the nature of human, including the doctrine of noble savage, the view of angry savage, and dual human ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1747

Annotated Bibliography: How Minority Groups in America Perceive Law Enforcement

Pryce, Daniel K., et al. “A neglected problem: Understanding the effects of personal and vicarious trauma on African Americans’ attitudes toward the police.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 48.10 (2021): 1366-1389. The authors investigated the perception and attitude of African Americans towards the police. They interviewed several African Americans in Durham, New York, regarding their relationship with the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 588

Annotated Bibliography: How Can Policing Community Prevent Excessive Use of Force by the Police During Arrest?

Abrams, Z. (2020). What works to reduce police brutality. The article elaborates data on psychological research, which indicates that the community members are only interested in the best treatment by the police, which should respect them and give them a voice to explain their situation before the police take any action. People are interested in knowing ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4652

Historical Background and Development of Kashmir’s Educational Structure

The history of Kashmir’s education system is vibrant. Many texts talk about the fact that travelers from across India, China, and Tibet would travel to Kashmir to learn and engross the literature and philosophies [1]. Many Kashmiri Pandits and Kashmiri Muslims taught these philosophies. Before the outreach of European culture, there were many pathsalas and ... Read More
Pages: 27       Words: 7314

High School vs. College

High school and college are inevitable educational stops. Both invite one to participate in debates and assessments that help them grow and enhance practical, professional, and personal skills. They also build character, which is critical in the future job search. Some people prefer one over the other for personal or social reasons. Classes, responsibilities, and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 583

Gender Socialization by Families and Schools

Most gender socialization in contemporary society comes from the closest contacts of a child from a young age; family and school. When I was growing up, the first agent of gender socialization I encountered was family; father, mother, and siblings (Kollmayer et al., 335). Family plays a pivotal role in gender socialization as it is ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 727

Gender Bias in Child Custody

Gender stereotypes have played a significant influence on child custody decisions throughout history. Despite current gender-neutral legislation, male advocacy organizations allege that custody rulings continue to favor mothers. The media and women’s rights advocates argue that child custody proceedings unfairly target mothers. Mothers were regularly granted sole custody throughout the twentieth century due to the ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1837

How Does Freud Understands the Concept on “Narcissism”?

Sigmund Freud is an Australian neurologist who has contributed a lot to Psychology. He developed some new therapy techniques focusing more on talk therapy. Freud explains Narcissism as an object of adoration and sexual arousal manifested in the ego and libido. A narcissist is characterized by intense self-love and contempt for others. Narcissism is a ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 600

Family and Child Law Coursework

Option A: Critically assess the view that, despite a robust legislative framework and an extensive body of case law emphasizing the importance of fairness and non-discrimination, the financial burden arising from divorce falls mainly on women. Introduction While both men and women face financial difficulties after a divorce, the burden on women is often greater. ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2958
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