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Social Sciences Essays

Why Am I Me?

Human behavior is multifaceted and is determined by various factors including biological variables as well as how we relate to other humans. Biological variables encompass those associated with genetic makeup and also those from the environment we live. Genetics influence who we are. Human intelligence and coyness are inherited. Besides, a change in biological structures ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 784

Developing Fluent Skills

According to Brownell (2013), fluency is the capacity to decipher a script with accuracy, automaticity, and correct intonation and stress. It is the suitable use of expressions and terminologies to convey meaning. Fluency in reading enables students to understand what they are reading be it reading loudly or silently. The purpose of this paper is ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 635
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Offenders Mental Health

Introduction Research has repeatedly indicated that those in jail have greater rates of mental illness than the general population (Fazel et al 2016). However, a recent assessment by the National Audit Office (NAO, 2017) found a gap in mental health service provision in UK prisons, as well as a lack of parity of treatment with ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3045

Essay on Democracy

Introduction An institution of governance that invests the ruling power in its people is a country that practices democracy. The reality is that participation in a democratic government is representative, the people have a strong influence on the decision made by the group representing them either directly or indirectly, and therefore the opinion of the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1396

My Stress Management Experience Through Yoga in a Month

Methodology Subject I am a male aged 24, with a strong conviction to health and wellness. My recent past has predisposed me to stressful situations especially challenging family and relationship issues coupled with learning burdens. My recent visit to a doctor revealed signs of early arrhythmia. My favorite physical activity is Yoga due to its ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 873

Most Important Reasons for Low Public Trust in Government? How Could Public Trust in Government Be Increased?

Abstract There are three significant factors that have been associated with the lack of the public’s trust towards the government. Political differences are the key contributing factors in which a greater percentage of the opposing party citizens have low trust in the government after their defeat. Negative impacts concerned with the government ruling help increase ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 921

Mental Health Issues Perception in Society

Introduction In developing countries, mental health is currently regarded as a neglected issue. Mental health disorders can affect one out of every four people at some point in their lives, affecting their ability to function, behave, and think. Personal knowledge of the mental illness, knowing and engaging with someone with mental illness, public prejudice against ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2675

Marijuana Legalization: Why Marijuana Should Be Legitimized?

Cannabis should be legalized since the rising prevalence of medication marijuana concerns a socially acceptable way to alleviate signs of diseases like arthritis and an approach to mitigate the complexity(“Gallup politics”) of chemotherapy. Introduction Marijuana is a plant possessing uses regarding medicinal and recreational drugs. Cannabis-established products originate from the scorched seeds, leaves, flowering tops, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1467

Margaret Thatcher’s Biographical Story

Margaret Thatcher was the first female British Prime Minister and a leader of the Conservative Party. Thatcher’s administration lasted between 1979 and 1990. She remains the longest-serving British Prime Minister of the twentieth century. She established herself as a formidable statesman who was variously feared, respected, hated, and admired (Daddow et al., 2019). Margaret Thatcher ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2333

Lifespan and Development Case Study

Case Study #1: Erickson stage of Initiative Vs. Guilt Increased mental, muscular, and verbal abilities provide the way for new activities and inquiries. There is a great deal of willingness to learn and a great deal of curiosity. Parents who answer their children’s questions encourage them to think for themselves. Parents who see their children’s ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1356

Legal and Policy Framework in Social Work

Introduction Today, the legal and policy frameworks for social work practice grant social workers the power to take the most suitable actions. The legal framework of social work is very vital as it affords the practitioner power and an understanding of the statutory and legal requirements for effective and fair social work practice (Brammer, 2010). ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3190

Is It Important To Be a Lifelong Learner?

The corporate world is rapidly changing, with technology closing the geographical divide. Skills that were previously relevant for a certain job may not be enough today, so employees must continuously advance their knowledge. The benefits of lifelong learning are much more than just professional growth. It helps learners to have a global perspective and understand ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 617

Liberal Arts Education

Liberal arts education offers extensive intellectual space to humanity issues. It helps students explore ideas, issues, and methods across humanities, arts, and social sciences. The student might learn to read critically and write well through broad thinking. Liberal arts prepare students to make a living as well. It gives students the freedom to think, communicate, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 554

Law of Evidence Regarding E-Discovery

The different types of e-discovery in an overview context In legal terms, electronic discovery, often known as eDiscovery, refers to discovery in which the material sought is in digital format. This kind of data is often referred to as electronically stored information, or ESI. ESI differs from paper information in that it has an intangible ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1979

Intervention Plan for California Corrections and Rehabilitation

Organizational behaviors The second week’s feedback suggests that each employee is distinct in their psychology and ability to fit in. Over time, the concept of organizational behavior evolved in breadth (Hitt et al., 2017). This research spawned modern theories of corporate organization and decision-making. Racial, economic, and gender roles affect how workers collaborate and function ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4499
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