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Social Media Essays

Influence of Instagram on Hong Kong Dinning Culture

The advent of Instagram has revolutionised Hong Kong’s dining culture. The nation’s Generation Z comprises people born between the late 1990s and the preliminary 2010s, who represent 22 percent of the entire population of 1.6 million people who are accustomed to using smartphones. Through their smartphones, Instagram or Instagramming has effectively permeated the dining culture ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1731

How To Write Well

Social media has many positive benefits to people, especially business people and the entertainment industry. However, it has a lot of potential of wreaking havoc on a relationship. It can decrease the time with a partner, cause conflict arising from hurt feelings or disagreements, and increase the chances of having missed connections. Michael Solis, a ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 722
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How Social Media Affects Interpersonal Communication and Relationships

Introduction Social media has surpassed email as the primary method of communication with individuals from all around the globe. It has proved beneficial to some and harmful to others. Social media is slowly but surely transforming how we live and interact. Our social relationships have devolved into impersonal encounters through smartphones or other accessible electronic ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3509

Causes and Effects of Social Media

Introduction Social media, a technology that initiates sharing views and ideas over virtual networks and groups, has become prominent in modern society. This media gives the users hasty electronic communication of personal information, documents, and videos. Users engage social media through computers, tablets, and smartphones via software based on the web (Li, Larimo, and Leonidou. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1016

Burkean Identification: Rhetorical Inquiry and Literacy Practices

Twitter and Facebook are two of the most popular social media platforms. Users now have communities open to them at all times, thanks to Facebook and Twitter. The sites are continually changing, giving new opportunities to investigate the nature of self and community. Burke’s target demographic is the general people, who constantly utilize social media platforms ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 943

Adolescents’ Intense and Problematic Social Media Use and Their Well-Being in 29 Countries

Article Critique Boer, M., Van den Eijnden, R. J., Boniel-Nissim, M., Wong, S., Inchley, J. C., Badura, P., Craig, W. M., Gobina, I., Kleszczewska, D., Klanšček, H. J., & Stevens, G. W. (2020). Adolescents’ intense and problematic social media use and their well-being in 29 countries. Journal of Adolescent Health, 66(6), S89-S99. The objective of this study was to identify whether the extreme and challenging use of social media ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 983

Doing Gender on Social Media

The world’s views about gender conformity and construction are increasingly evolving. Gender is not socially formed, and people do not have to believe in or embody gender norms. Unfortunately, many individuals find it difficult to accept people for who they are rather than their gender, which leads to gender stereotyping. The writers contend in the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1378

The Role of Social Media in Emergency Field and Crisis Management

Introduction Management of crisis refers to a censorious organizational task that entails the proper setting of plans and vital incidents concerning occurrences as they happen mainly in dubious and unpredictable means and ways. The surge outcome effects in line with the expected crisis consequently can result in undermining the ability of a country to operate ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2784

Technology and Relationships

Abstract The information error has fundamentally altered how people conduct themselves in various sectors such as education, business, and general social interactions. Technological advances in areas such as email, social media, and instant messaging were all designed to expedite and enhance communication. Today, friends and families separated by huge distances can now communicate face to ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1898

Social Network Phenomenon

The idea of quitting social networking sites could mean the end of the world to many people, especially the young generation. The number of people joining social media platforms continues to balloon each minute globally. However, the trend is facing unprecedented backlash, especially due to the violation of privacy by big data companies such as ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 674

Social Media Platforms As Mediums of Anti-Rape Feminist Movements

The expanding presence of feminist movements is a demonstration of how the increasing use of social media has aided in the initiation of conversations, particularly among the younger generation (Jackson, 2018). Despite the fact that social media platforms were designed to be used for communication, activists all over the world have found ways to utilize ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2720

Social Media Is Changing How People Communicate

In today’s world, there are more than 2.8 billion social media users. This implies that more than a 3rd of the globe’s populace is using various forms of social media to interconnect. In other words, the world has changed to temporary stories of today thanks to social media platforms. For instance, Twitter is a rapid-patrolled set-up ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1044

Social Media Campaign: Only You Campaign by Spotify

Introduction Social media campaigns are emerging trends in the social media field. ‘Only You’ Campaign aimed to increase the quality of listening experience for Spotify users. It created personalized listening data and suggested content that the listener might want to try. The campaign began in June 2021 to offer a quality listening experience to its ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1190

Social Media Analysis Report for Ford Motor Company

Executive summary Social media marketing makes it convenient for people to connect globally through social media. The incorporation of social media advertising into businesses is no longer an option but a necessity. Ford has incorporated social media marketing tools into its marketing campaigns to increase the demand for its cars and brand awareness. Even so, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1066
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