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Social Media Essays

How Is Black Mirror’s Reflection of the Digital Age Relevant to Society’s Relationship With Technology and Media?

1.0 Introduction Black Mirror, released in 2011, invites viewers to see, for better, or for worse, a dark, some would say dystopian, future where technology has evolved to be addicting, hostile, alienating, and invasive(Duarte and Battin, 2021). The series involves stand-alone episodes investigating a twisted high-tech dystopian universe where the most incredible humanity breakthroughs and ... Read More
Pages: 22       Words: 5912

Smartphones Among Young Spanish Teenagers

1. Introduction A smartphone is a mobile device that can be used as a computer as they work efficiently and are small enough to fit in the hand of the user. Smartphones are used to receive and send emails, send multimedia messages, take photographs, and text individuals. Most individuals, especially teenagers, use smartphones mainly to ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4447
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Fake News Essay

Introduction Fake news refers to the intentional spread of misinformation or information that is not true through print, broadcasting or internet based social media. In order for any information to qualify as fake news, it has to be intentionally published in order to mislead people so as to gain either financially or politically or in ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1721

Effects of Social Networking on Mental Health

Abstract In the past decade, society has witnessed a dramatic upsurge in the use and application of social networking. Similarly, there has been an evident increase in mental health issues across the globe. This particular paper explores the relationship between social networking and mental health. Applying Repko and Szostak’s interdisciplinary research process and theory, the ... Read More
Pages: 25       Words: 6672

Literature Review: Excessive Usage of Social Media and Online Games

Social media and online gaming have rapidly increased in recent years. Many young adults are always on social media platforms due to the availability of internet services. Spilkova, Chomynova & Csemy (2017) conducted research intended to analyze adolescents’ increased rate of internet usage in the Czech Republic. Normal internet usage and online gaming should not ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2129

The Relationship Between TikTok and the Exportation of Chinese Culture

Introduction TikTok is loved by 100 million Americans because it is a home for entertainment, self-expression and connection. TikTok is considered the most valuable startup in the world, valued at USD 75,000 million. The application allows users to post funny videos, similar to Snapchat and Instagram. In total, it has been downloaded more than 2,000 ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3797

The Ethics of Social Media and Visual Analysis (Right Wing Instagram Tag Data)

Introduction User-generated multimedia data can be shared and viewed on social media platforms (Mastykash et al., 2018). A growing number of academics realize that popular social media sites like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter can be invaluable resources. Academics can benefit greatly from a wide range of social media features. Because social media is an integral ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4538

The Effects of Social Media on the Social Influences of People

Social media plays a very crucial role in our lives. As a military officer, social media impacts my job in areas such as security clearance. Social media affects specifically socialization, especially as a military officer. Socialization is limited through the inability to control every situation thrown on someone and the existence of competing norms in ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1034

The Analysis of Facebook Addiction and the Impacts on Facebook Users

Addiction is often used in the context of drug abuse. However, Alter’s book shows the deep relationship between behavioral addiction and substance addiction. According to him the brain acts on a cost-benefit analysis. If the rewards outweigh the cost then the brain tends to repeat this behavior leading to a habit. People have been viewing ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2173

How Has Texting Affected the Way College Students Communicate With Their Parents

Literature Review It is necessary to offer terminology and relevant studies to effectively establish the connection between college students and text messaging and also to better comprehend the influence of texting on college student communication with parents. The impacts of texting on college students and contact with their parents have prompted this researcher to explore ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1302

Is Social Media Destroying Empathy

The two most recent popes have opposing opinions on contemporary technologies. Young people “creative ways of contact that do not foster humaneness but instead risk generating a sense of loneliness and confusion,” according to Pope Benedict XVI (Lazar, 2010). In May 2016, Pope Francis described the Internet as a “gift from God,” saying, “The networks ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1041
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