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Social Issues Essays

Racial/Ethnic Disparity Among Pregnant Women in Healthcare Industry

Introduction Racial and ethnic disparity in healthcare system has been a topic attracting attention across various fields of research. To start with social scientists have been in the forefront to explain and analyze how socially driven factors have exacerbated healthcare outcome among minority segments of the society. The incongruities and imbalances in the treatment of ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 3894

Correlation Between Minorities Today and the Races in Dragon Ball Z

Abstract Minorities still deal with a variety of racism and discrimination-related problems in modern American culture. The porpose of this research is to explore the relationship between modern minority groups and how races are portrayed in the hugely successful anime series Dragon Ball Z. The research looks at how the show’s varied cast of characters ... Read More
Pages: 21       Words: 5556
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Substance Abuse in Child Actors

Introduction Child actor or actress is the term used to refer to children acting in movies, television, or stage. Adults who start acting during childhood are also called former actors or actresses. The other term for child actor or actress is a teenage actor or teen actor, and some common examples of child actors include ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2296

Ongoing Challenges of Recruitment Trends for Women and Minorities in Law Enforcement Agencies

It is necessary to apply specific initiatives in law enforcement agencies due to the continued difficulties in recruiting women and minorities to overcome prejudices, raise awareness, and change recruitment procedures. This approach will ultimately promote diversity and inclusivity inside these organizations. Law enforcement agencies strive to have diverse and representative personnel to serve and protect ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 726

Critically Analyze the Management of the Manchester Arena Bombing

Introduction Unprecedented events require the local authority, the community, and the government to implement interventions that reduce damage and loss. This is demanded by implementing high skills and resources to enforce mitigation strategies. For instance, the Manchester Arena Bombing that occurred on 22 May 2017 resulted in the death of 22 people; hundreds were injured, ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2817

Association of American Sign Language (ASL) Culture and Nursing

Introduction Nurses provide healthcare services to patients in clinics, homes, schools, the military, churches, communities, and emergency medical helicopters. Most patients expect nurses to communicate effectively, be culturally competent, and provide quality and safe care. However, when nurses are assigned to care for deaf patients, the issue of cultural incompetence becomes more apparent (Pendergrass et ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2318

Analysis of Fences

Fences is a literary work by August Wilson. Wilson wrote the play in 1985 but set in 1950 in Pittsburg. Denzel Washington directed the film in 2016. The film details the life of an African-American family living in an era of racism characterized by segregation. Troy, the central character in the play, is a product of ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2182

Debate Case Paper

Introduction In higher education, various social and political factors greatly influence its effectiveness and functioning. Affirmative Action in College Admissions is the chosen social or political aspect of focus in this paper. Its implications for institutions and students will be discussed. Affirmative action has been under heavy scrutiny and debate in higher education, particularly in ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3048

The Influence of Gender on Self-Perception and Responsibilities

Although Maher and Sothy lead utterly distinct lives with different circumstances and intersectional identities, they share a gender identity that shapes their responsibilities, self-perception, and relationships with men. In Amna’s “Café May,” Maher is “unmarried and childless” and employed. Maher’s cultural upbringing dictates that as the unmarried sister, she must contend and acquiesce to Salma ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 773

The Impact of Time Management and Societal Expectations

The study analyzed the relationship between college students’ drug usage, societal expectations, and mental health and investigated the approaches for promoting the mental health of college students. Substance abuse and societal expectation have an impact on the mental health of college students. Drug use can worsen the mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and suicidal ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 793

Income Inequality in the United States: A Social Justice Issue

Introduction Income inequality has been a developing issue in the United States, with the hole between the rich and the poor reliably broadening throughout recent many years. Disregarding being perhaps the most prosperous country on earth, the U.S. has neglected to give equal opportunities to every one of its residents, in this manner propagating a ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1515

Immigration Has Become a Contentious Topic for Everyone

People have been moving to the USA from their native countries in quest of a better life for themselves and, especially, for the loved ones they have brought with them, which has made immigration a problem for the country for many years. Immigration is relocating to a nation other than one’s own. With residents from ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1209

Death Penalty Abolishment

Introduction The death penalty has been dated back in time as far as the Fifth Century B.C practiced by the Romans and the Athenians; the punishment goes even further to the Eighteenth Century B.C in Babylon under the rule of King Hammurabi. Overall, the punishment by death has stood the test of time, and in ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 805
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