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What You Would Like To See Happen in Our Country for the Remainder of This Year

It is known that we have issues in our country that have to be fixed. No country is perfect; to improve it, we must strive because everything can be improved (Salman, 2020). Most citizens complain about these issues, blame the system, and believe they cannot be solved (Sharma, n.d.). For every country, making considerable changes is a crucial concern. Some citizens believe that those in power can only make changes, whereas others believe an individual can change society (Sharma, n.d.). Seeing my country cleaner and stop littering around, visiting my country green than it is, seeing none of the street children begging, seeing my country’s economy more stable, people being environment-friendly, helping support children’s education, stop participating in corruption, helping those in need, donate blood and pledge to donate your organs are some of the things I would like to happen in my country as discussed below.

Firstly, I want to see people stop littering waste in the streets and see my county cleaner. The waste disposal unit in many cities in my country must be revitalized (Salman, 2020). Although the government has few people infected with diseases caused by uncleanliness, such as typhoid and cholera, citizens need cleanliness (Dutt, 2020). Not throwing waste on the streets and spitting them in the dustbin can make a big difference.

Secondly, I would like to see my country greener than it is. Even though some cities are naturally green due to their fertile soil rich in nutrients, the rest are not. These would be necessary for the ecological community when the rest of the country is cropped and cultivated (Salman, 2020). When the whole country becomes green in vegetation, there will be plenty of food for humans and animals. These would also bring additional crops.

Thirdly, seeing innocent children begging on the streets is heartbreaking. I wish these children would not appeal anymore. This would be better if they were educated and respected (Salman, 2020). The government should build many children’s homes to care for street children and orphans. Such deeds will help these children fulfill their dreams and achieve their goals in life to live beautiful and fruitful lives.

Fourthly, our country’s economy should be more stable. Everyone in the government should be able to access food, shelter, and clothing. I would like to see every citizen’s fundamental rights addressed appropriately (Salman, 2020). When everyone gets their basic needs, they will have the energy to work and improve their lives. If these changes and improvements occur, they will make our country a better place.

Fifthly, I would like to see people in my country being environmentally friendly. Being environmentally can significantly impact improving our country with conducive air and environment (Dutt, 2020). People should Plant trees, carpool, use eco-friendly materials, and take their cars checked to control pollution. There is a one can do for this reason with such minimal effort.

The government and the rich people should help a child’s education. According to (Dutt, 2020), those in better financial positions and jobs could offer a few amounts to help poor children’s education. This would improve the country if every business tycoon would contribute. Overall, literacy could improve in our country.

People should stop participating in corruption. They should neither give bribes nor receive bribes. They were bribing officials to renew their driving licenses or traffic police to get released. If bribing is not involved, it is indeed hard to get things well done in the country, but change should start, and it starts with you (Salman, 2020). Stopping corruption will make our country develop at a high rate, and the flow of money will be increased.

Much money is used in every experiment at a research organization. As a result, medications are costly. Many people die due to being unable to pay the hospital bills. So, I would like the government to lower the prices of medicines and health services (Salman, 2020). Many lives will be saved, especially for people experiencing poverty, when the sick person is the family’s breadwinner and will live happily with their family.

There are a lot of dangerous diseases for which patients require blood donation or organ transplant donations. My country’s population is significant, so any number of offerings is accepted. Citizens should be free and willing to donate their organs (Salman, 2020). Currently, some cities are facing a blood shortage, and according to specialists, this could be solved if a few percent of the population could donate blood (Dutt, 2020). Blood donations are common nowadays. All people have to do is participate and donate blood.

In conclusion, the above-discussed improvements and changes would make our country a good place if they occur. Every country leading government or those in power should make an effort each time to ensure the citizens’ lives are reasonable and their rights are well respected. The citizens should also put effort into helping the government make the country a better place because this can lead to a good economy.


Dutt, S. (2020, August 14). 9 Little Contributions You Can Make To Make Our Country Better. IndiaTimes.

Parker. (2017, October 12). Recommendations of the Parker Review published. Diversity UK.

Parker, C. (2016, November 12). 8 predictions for the world in 2030. World Economic Forum.

Quintanilla, H. (n.d.). What changes you see in the last 5 years, and what changes are you expecting from the next 5 years? Quora. Retrieved May 8, 2023, from

Salman, F. (2020, September 1). Fatima’s Archives.

Sharma, A. (n.d.). Changes in Society Essays. IELTS Buddy.


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