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Social Issues Essays

Unveiling Gendered Misrepresentation of Disney Princesses in Media

The portrayal of Disney princesses in the media is a subject of continuous discussion regarding its effect on cultural views of orientation jobs. Isabelle Gill’s article digs into this talk, featuring how media audits frequently propagate gendered deceptions of these notable characters, subsequently influencing little kids who admire them. Gill contends that regardless of whether ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1232

Enhancing LGBTQ+ Inclusivity in Healthcare: A Quality Improvement Initiative

Discrimination and prejudice, overt or subtle, present significant barriers to reducing the efficacy of healthcare provision in this case specifically towards LGBTQ+ and transgender persons. Inclusive and non-discriminatory environments are pivotal in ensuring that those populations classed as marginalized can access much-needed care. This paper will instead attempt to delve into a safety quality issue ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1577
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DF1: Childhood Sexual Abuse

Introduction Childhood sexual abuse involves indulging children in sexual activities that they do not fully understand, which can include oral-genital conduct and non-touching abuses, such as exhibitionism, applying the child in pornography, and voyeurism (Betchel et al., 2019). Healthcare providers are required to provide education services and advice to parents and guardians on sexual abuse, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 646

Gender Equality at Coca-Cola

Executive Summary Since its inception, Coca Cola has been a catalyst of social interactions, refreshing the world and improving lives. It has a passion for people and their lives, a characteristic it exhibits through its advertisements, reducing the carbon footprint with its production, continuously improving sustainability, and its internationally renowned commitment to human rights. The ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3555

Should Abortion Be Allowed Around the World?

Debates relating to multifaceted abortion have remained relevant from historical times to date. Proponents of pro-choice justify abortion as they highlight the significance of reproductive autonomy. Pro-choice argues that women have the right to make decisions about their bodies. On the other hand, pro-life proponents recognize that abortion involves the termination of a developing human ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1065

Exegesis of Carol Hay’s Main Argument

“Who Counts as a Woman” is a 2019 article in the New York Times written by the Canadian Philosopher and associate philosophy professor at Massachusetts, widely known for her publications on moral philosophy and feminist theory. In the article, Hay dissects one of the most debated topics in recent times regarding transgender women and why ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1453

Addressing Homelessness: A Comprehensive Examination of CalWORKs Initiatives and the Urgent Need for Holistic Support

Homelessness, a determined and complex cultural test, creates a distinct shadow over the existence of people and families in networks across the US. Amid this emergency, projects, for example, the CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HSP), arise as encouraging signs, offering monetary help and housing-related services to those out of luck. In tandem with these endeavors, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 936

Water Security and Agriculture/Food Security

Agriculture influences worldwide challenges, particularly water security and human prosperity. Food security and biological equilibrium rely upon the association of water and agriculture because of environmental change and populace development. Broad inquiry and intelligent evaluation of different strategies and arrangements are required to address the chaotic water-agriculture nexus challenges. Water-proficient innovations, new water-the-board systems, and ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3143

Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable People

Safeguarding is an important duty in protecting kids and vulnerable groups from harm. Understanding and implementing basic principles and good practices for safeguarding is vital to an early practitioner, who is responsible for passing on a welcoming environment where young minds can be nurtured. This report intends to identify key principles and best practices in ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2400

Gender Segregation in Nursing

Nursing has been known as a female career for many years and continues to be embraced by more women than men. The nurse population globally is 76.9% women and 23.1% men. Despite the high population of women and their lengthy experience, the leadership roles in nursing are occupied by men. As an outcome of patriarchal ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 668

The Fight Against Terrorism

With increased interdependence between countries, more room for conflict arose. In taking stands with certain positions or specific countries, enemies are made. As a result, countries actively invest in protecting their borders and maintaining vigilance to avoid internal attacks. The paper focuses on Al Qaeda and how best to confront it. It examines why it ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2264

Capital Punishment Is Not Morally Permissible.

Capital Punishment is a matter that has been in several debates over the years in society. It has attracted several arguments from various parts of society, including philosophical practical, and ethical fields. From my moral perspective, capital Punishment should not be morally permitted. This is because the act of punishing individuals through the death penalty ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 870

Unveiling the Pitfalls in American Education

Introduction Many critics of the American education system argue that it cannot be classified as a progressive tool because it suffers from systemic flaws that render it ineffective. Although improvements have been made in this area, addressing these long-term challenges is necessary for a solid education system. According to Zhoubo et al., Issues with curriculum ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1163

Theoretical Essay- Black Feminism Theories: Alicia Keys

The black feminist woman and object I have selected for my essay is Alicia Keys. Alicia Keys is an American singer and songwriter. Keys, a pianist with classical training, began composing music at 12. Columbia Records signed her at the young age of 15. She can be aptly described as a contemporary Renaissance woman. Because ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1780

Navigating the Depths of Healthcare Inequality in the U.S.

The last eight weeks have exposed me to different aspects of the U.S. healthcare system, and this has been an amazing experience. Of all the items under discussion, healthcare inequality is one issue that must be remembered. This write-up gives an account of my sentiments on this ever-prevalent issue. In going through the complexity surrounding ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 932
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