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Social Work Essays

The Influence of Flexner on Social Work

Introduction Social work was a profession during the delivery of a lecture in 1915 by Abraham Flexner. Regarding those periods, social work had no uniformity in training and practice, which Flexner claimed is the essential prerequisite for any discipline aspiring to a professional status. His speech triggered monumental changes in social work education and training, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 818

The Integration of Faith and Social Work

The readings provided for this week offer a multifaceted exploration of the integration of faith and social work, touching upon motivations, character formation, understanding of social work theory and practice, practical application, ethical considerations, and implications for professional practice. When considering the topic of truth within this context, it is apparent that truth, as understood ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 668
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Application of Theory to Assessments and Interventions in Social Work

Social workers need to understand theories that help explain the problems with their clients to determine the best assessment and interventions. A particular social issue may be approached using more than one theory. This paper will explore the application of theory to the assessment and intervention of a client with a depressive disorder during fieldwork. ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2572

Empowering Equity: Bridging Barriers and Building Futures

Executive Summary Institutional constraints perpetuating inequality and denying GiveWell populations access to vital resources present several obstacles. Education and healthcare barriers disproportionately impact disadvantaged communities, reinforcing cycles of poverty, inequality, and limited possibilities. When it delivers entire social work services to address global inequities, GiveWell gives hope for equality. We aim to free people and ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1841

Self-Care Techniques Action Plan

Self-care is a set of practices and exercises that ensure physical, mental, and emotional health, resilience to stresses, and working well between personal life obligations and work commitments. Social workers can better their service provision to clients and communities by being empathetic, establishing limits, and not burning out. Social work practice often faces stress and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 788

Psychodynamic Theory in Social Work

The article skillfully analyzes the application of psychodynamic theories, especially object relations and self-psychology, in trauma-informed social work practice. Adopting a subtle framework, the author promotes the inclusion of psychodynamic interventions such as holding environment, containment, and self-object transferences as essential elements in the establishment of both relational and internal safety. By using these theoretical frameworks; the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1009

Integrating Perspectives on Human Growth: Biological, Social, Cultural, and Psychological Dimensions

Abstract This paper presents the broad vision of human growth and accomplishment of such an interaction as the biological, social, cultural, and psychological aspects to gain more awareness about the mentioned phenomenon. It begins by analyzing the biology of development that is impacted by the relationship between genetics and embryology. Moving on, attention is drawn to ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1571

Advocacy in Human Services: A Literature Review

Abstract The history of advocacy in human services is shaped by a series of changes and transformations provided by legislation and the involvement of notable individuals in society. The profession began in 200 BC when Hippocrates provided ways to resolve mental illness through social services. In 1500, England provided institutions that could help mentally impaired ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1990

Substance Use, Abuse and Dependence: A Social Work Perspective

Introduction While the terms substance use, abuse, and dependence are used synonymously in much of contemporary society’s literature on mental health and social work, they should be distinguished from each other. Understanding these differences is important for social workers working with people who have drug and alcohol-related problems. This paper is devoted to the intricacies ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 744

Social Work – Developmental Theory

Human development theories are essential to understanding social work’s numerous forces that affect persons and families. Social workers use various theoretical frameworks to understand and practice because human behavior can be varied and influenced by age, class, culture, disability, ethnicity, family structure, gender, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation. The study ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1593

Social Work and Sustainability

Introduction The role of social work emerges as a critical impact in addressing the discourse related to sustainability and environmental justice. According to Bexell et al. (2019), social work can help develop sustainable solutions that address social issues like social injustice, poverty and inequality. Also, Friedman and Rosen (2020) and Welsh (2020) consider that social ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3055

Applying the PCS Model To Address Oppression: A Case Study Analysis

Introduction This report adopts the PCS (Personal, Cultural, Structural) model, developed by Professor Neil Thompson in 1997, as the analytical framework for addressing oppression in the case studies of Zainab and Kevin. The PCS model gives an understanding of individuals who discriminate on personal grounds, others who discriminate based on their culture, and those who ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1731

Recorded Video (Mock Interview) and Analysis

Introduction and Summary Social work is an important aspect that integrates, accounts for, and involves extensive executions, ideals, and ideologies, among other details. Getting the optimal results for a given engagement requires an intricate and careful exploration of the ideas, stakeholder collaboration, and the associated legislation (Fook, 2022). This assessment details the particular steps, processes, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1733

Racial Achievement Gap in the United States Education System

Racism is a kind of prejudice that holds that people of different racial categories are different from one another and that, as a consequence, certain racial groupings are less valuable than others. Despite decades of educational reform and social policies designed to address educational inequality, the racial achievement gap persists in the United States education ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1323

Sage of South Florida

Social work has the primary goals of causing social change and empowering groups in societies. The field seeks to improve equality among the members of society and push for minority groups to access their rights. Usually, even though states and the federal government have laws that protect the different groups, systematic issues cause some groups ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1372
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