The problem of housing and homelessness is a core challenge now in many parts of the UK and is experienced by the most marginalized communities, including those with very low incomes. In Luton, a town in Bedfordshire, this issue has been worsened by reasons like high house values and regeneration that make room for private experienced and social housing specifically scarce (The Productivity Commission, 2021). The latest estimation tells us that presently, there is at least one homeless person within 66 households in Luton (which stands second in the UK after London), and thus, it is not a new issue. It has long been in existence. (Hughes 2023) This essay will focus on the conflict theory in sociology as a theoretical framework for earning an understanding of the causes of housing and homeless issues among the low-socioeconomic group in Luton.
Conflict Theory and Its Application to Housing and Homelessness
The conflict theory follows the conflict perspective in sociology that is focused on acknowledging the existence of permanent tension within society and competition for restricted resources (Dowdeswell, 2023). In this theory, Marx argues that society is polarized by the existence of different classes, with the dominant class (bourgeoisie) that hostilely engages the suppressed class (proletariat) (Aubry et al., 2020). In conflict theory, powerless groups like people experiencing poverty, the gaps and the homeless experience social problems because of the uneven distribution of power, wealth, and resources in society.
In measured light of housing problems and homelessness in the case of low-socioeconomic groups in Luton, conflict theory is a useful tool to look at the preferences of program outcomes (Easthope et al., 2020). According to the theory, the shortage of affordable housing options and homelessness that is widespread in Luton is merely the inevitable consequence of the exploitation of resources and power in society.
The conflict theory points out that Luton`s upper class and powerful groups are primarily concerned with material profit and real estate improvement. The developers in these groups focus on the development of low-income residential areas while squeezing the low-income community to make room for rich residential complexes (Easthope et al., 2020). For this reason, the precarious housing needs of the lower socioeconomic strata are sometimes overlooked for the sake of pursuing short-term economic profits.
Alongside, conflict theory also argues that the disadvantaged group in Luton needs to be stronger in political and economic standards, which makes it impossible for them to advocate appropriately for their housing rights adequately. In most cases, they tend to be subjected to marginalization and excluded from the decision-making processes regarding housing policies and urban development (Holmes, 2022). This imbalance of power provokes a cycle of housing disparity and homelessness as the socioeconomic class’s interests are always imbalanced against the interests of the ruling class.
Limitations of Conflict Theory
Conflict theory does present important observations regarding the resource unevenness and the power disequilibrium that causes housing and homelessness among the Luton low socioeconomic group; however, it is important to note the limitations of this theoretical perspective. One of the main reasons for disapproval of conflict theory is its habit of overcomplicating complex social situations by making them two groups battles as in the waged-wage carriers conflict (O’Regan et al., 2021). However, in actuality, the system of housing and homelessness includes many stakeholders with different levels of power, interests, and capacity to influence things rather than having two openly conflicting positions of opposition.
Additionally, critics have faulted the conflict theory as having a limited focus and an over-reliance on economics as the only underlying reason for inequality and social conflict (Mills, 1959). While the economic factors arguably play the determining role in framing the nature of housing and making the homeless people among the low-socioeconomic group, there may be some other social, cultural, and institutional aspects which can be very crucial as well. An instance could be that of racial, ethnic, gender, or those with disabilities stereotypes resulting in obstacles to accessing reasonable housing or maintaining stable living surroundings (Mills, 1959). Furthermore, mental and substance abuse problems, family assaults, and other non-material factors can heighten the vulnerability of a person to homelessness, but they are usually not taken into account within a conflict theory stream.
The disadvantage of conflict theory lies in the fact that it takes a macro-perspective of power struggles and social processes. Therefore, it fails to fully present the individual experiences and choices of the people experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity. Although it is necessary to understand the broader structural factors that influence this situation, the researcher should also note the diversified personal situations, adaptation ability and strength of the individual who belongs to the low socioeconomic group (Aubry et al., 2020). The theoretical background for conflict theory could not be fully adequate in the analyses of individual choices, personal preferences, and the intricate interrelation between structural limitations and personal agency when it comes to housing issues.
Conflict theory has received critique because of its disregard relation to the important influence of cultural aspects, such as values and social norms that determine the dynamics of society (O’Donaghue, 2023). In the scope of the lodging and homelessness religion, communities’ demerit faire, common prejudices, and pelerin perspectives play a role in the formulation of the policies, the distribution of resources, and the availability of the support services jurisdiction. The conflict theory also can not be a fully relevant theory for the case when the cultural aspects might be either creators or solvers of the housing insecurity phenomena among definite groups of society.
Lastly, while conflict theory emphasizes the relevance of power struggles and resource competition, it ignores the possible potential for working together, building partnerships and fostering mutual understanding between a range of actors, which can lead to tackling housing and homelessness challenges (O’Donoghue, 2023). Because this theory may overlook accumulative effort, coalition building, and equitable solutions where all the parties collaborate, recognizing the opportunities by which both parties work along up to the goals meant for both sides, it needs to emphasize and emphasize collective action.
Addressing Housing and Homelessness in Luton through a Conflict Theory Lens
Considering the pivotal points of conflict theory, the solution of housing issues and homelessness in the low-socioeconomic group of Luton is undertaken through a variety of steps which address the core social imbalances and unequal distribution of resources (Redclift et al., 2022). As one of the main strategies, enhancing the political and economic empowerment of low-class social groups by implementing activities such as community organizing, advocacy campaigns, and grassroots movements could be an effective measure (Onapa et al., 2022). Through pushing forward the rights, the lower social class’s power will increase in the community decision-making process, and they will be able to voice the demands that will prioritize their needs.
Conflict theory points to the need for such a structural change that would result in society much more equitably distributing its power and resources than at present. These measures could include introducing progressive taxation systems, improving regulations to avoid displacement and gentrification, and dedicating more funds to subsided housing projects as well as social housing projects (Preston-Shoot, 2023). That will be remedied through the put in place of structures and policies that will deal with the fact that inequality and imbalances in power exist so that the housing needs of the low-income group are addressed.
Moreover, this notion asserts the need to cultivate togetherness and teamwork between the less advanced group and their allies (Preston-Shoot, 2023). When they come together and join the groups of community organizations and advocacy groups, the low-socioeconomic group members may build alliances and increase their power to bargain with housing justice requests.
The problem of housing availability for lower-strata society in Luton is a very intricate and versatile problem that demands an overall solution. The sociological conflict theory, where insight is gained into power, wealth and use of resources, is seen as a relevant orientation of this problem, particularly regarding the unequal distribution of these among the citizens (Sochos & Smith, 2023). Through the implementation of strategies which imply political and economic empowerment, structural changes and collective actions, the consequences of the social housing shortage and the homelessness of the low-income group found in Luton can be curbed.
Even though conflict theory has its limitations, it gives a critical understanding of the role of struggle for power and natural resources in the maintenance of social problems (Ismail et al., 2024). Through identifying and eliminating these power gaps, authorities and other stakeholders will become able to develop more targeted and fair solutions in line with the housing needs of the low-socioeconomic groups, and, as a result, everybody will be provided with well-founded social empowerment and equality.
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