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Homelessness Essays

Addressing Homelessness: A Comprehensive Examination of CalWORKs Initiatives and the Urgent Need for Holistic Support

Homelessness, a determined and complex cultural test, creates a distinct shadow over the existence of people and families in networks across the US. Amid this emergency, projects, for example, the CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HSP), arise as encouraging signs, offering monetary help and housing-related services to those out of luck. In tandem with these endeavors, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 936

Addressing the Needs of LGBTQ Youth Experiencing Homelessness: A Community-Based Approach

Introduction Trauma-related victim populations need to be considered with great care since they are quite different from each other, and the issues that concern them cover a broad spectrum of problems. Among these, LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness form a particularly disadvantaged group facing not just the challenges of housing insecurity but also the maze-like layers ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 810
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Crisis Intervention With the Homeless Population

Introduction The pervasive issue of homelessness continues to be a pressing concern globally, with individuals facing myriad challenges in their daily lives. Within the broad facets of this issue, crisis intervention emerges as a critical aspect in attending to the needs of homeless individuals. Homeless individuals are exposed to several issues, such as mental health ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2238

A Government Program Proposal Addressing Housing Insecurity for Older Adults

Within the ambit of government agencies, there is a need for innovative approaches within the context of the intersectionality of social issues in the human services landscape. Housing insecurity among older adults should be addressed through proper interventions to safeguard them. This essay aims to develop a full plan for a governmental program that addresses ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1615

Homelessness Among Veterans

Introduction Homelessness amongst American veterans is a complex and enduring problem that requires extensive investigation. In this context, Montgomery’s historical exploration serves as an essential basis that explores the origin of veterans’ homelessness and identifies the challenges of adjusting to civilian life. This study by Tsai and Rosenheck (2015) unravels the complex links between mental ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2089

Addressing Homelessness/ Poverty in America & Globally

Introduction America’s homelessness problem is a major socioeconomic issue that is closely related to poverty. The problem is exacerbated by elements including insecure housing, times of economic hardship, the growing wealth gap, unemployment, and health crises. The issue appears in different forms such as those living on the streets of cities, individuals finding difficulty finding ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1141

The Integration of a Critical Disability Lens Analysis

Introduction In each community is a mosaic of persons with different tales to tell, problems and achievements. Within the life of Larry’s life is a story which takes place in the documentary “The Collector of Bedford Street.” The story explores Larry’s life network of interactions, survival strategies, and goals. It is a complex picture of ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1979

Homelessness and Public Health

Homelessness is a global issue that has affected many families. Especially in the United States, due to the high number of immigrants in the country, homelessness is a crucial problem that needs intervenience. Homelessness has negative effects on public health. In this essay, the health effects brought about by homelessness are discussed. They include the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 859

Homelessness and Affordable Housing

Introduction Homelessness, a widespread problem that affects individuals, families, and small groups, requires a comprehensive, complex approach with many essential aspects. Affordable housing, which helps homeless people find homes, is crucial. Stable and affordable housing helps people and families repair their lives and strive toward a better future. Addressing homelessness requires more than just homes. ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1694

Homeless Single Mother Seeking Shelter

Introduction Endless difficulties and differences mark today’s world; the situation of single mothers and their children more often remains concealed in society’s awareness. This case study reveals insight into an especially piercing story — a single mother and her autistic child, compelled to sleep in their car without family help and alienated from religious and ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1708

Drug Abuse and Addiction, Its Effect on Women in Society, and How They Become Homeless Due to the Habit

Introduction In my pursuit to address the intricate communal issue of drug abuse and its distressing connection to homelessness among women, I bring to this project a profoundly enrooted personal interest and unyielding motivation. My fascination with this pressing matter arises not merely from my zeal for community service but also from the emotional tales ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4289

Review of Best Practices: New Homeless Outpatient Service

On any given night, seventeen individuals out of ten thousand individuals living in the United States are suffering homelessness, which indicates that there are more than 500,000 homeless people in the United States. (Burns et al., 2021). As the homeless population expands, excellent care becomes more challenging to find. This study will examine two ways ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1103

Tackling Youth Homelessness

Introduction There is a significant social justice issue with youth homelessness, which calls for comprehensive legislation to address the underlying complexities and provide help to vulnerable youth. Federal policymaking is crucial because of its impact on social dynamics, the resolution of critical social challenges, and the advancement of a fairer allocation of resources. The Low-Income ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1300

Homelessness as a Pressing Public Health Issue in Orlando, Florida

Homelessness poses a significant public health problem for the city of Orlando, Florida, and its impact on the community is profound. The Orlando Sentinel newspaper is an informative source to understand the issue of homelessness in Orlando and how the community works on a resolution. This paper describes the issue of homelessness experienced in Orlando, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1071

Denied Dignity: The Ethical Crisis of Healthcare Inequity for Toronto’s Homeless

Reducing homelessness and improving health outcomes for this vulnerable population are pressing issues facing Toronto and require urgent action grounded in ethical principles of justice and utilitarianism. Recent local news articles highlight alarming cases where homeless individuals have been denied basic healthcare, leading to needless suffering or death, which starkly reveals the inequities around access ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 904
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