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Homelessness Essays

Drug Abuse and Addiction, Its Effect on Women in Society, and How They Become Homeless Due to the Habit

Introduction In my pursuit to address the intricate communal issue of drug abuse and its distressing connection to homelessness among women, I bring to this project a profoundly enrooted personal interest and unyielding motivation. My fascination with this pressing matter arises not merely from my zeal for community service but also from the emotional tales ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4289

Review of Best Practices: New Homeless Outpatient Service

On any given night, seventeen individuals out of ten thousand individuals living in the United States are suffering homelessness, which indicates that there are more than 500,000 homeless people in the United States. (Burns et al., 2021). As the homeless population expands, excellent care becomes more challenging to find. This study will examine two ways ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1103
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Tackling Youth Homelessness

Introduction There is a significant social justice issue with youth homelessness, which calls for comprehensive legislation to address the underlying complexities and provide help to vulnerable youth. Federal policymaking is crucial because of its impact on social dynamics, the resolution of critical social challenges, and the advancement of a fairer allocation of resources. The Low-Income ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1300

Homelessness as a Pressing Public Health Issue in Orlando, Florida

Homelessness poses a significant public health problem for the city of Orlando, Florida, and its impact on the community is profound. The Orlando Sentinel newspaper is an informative source to understand the issue of homelessness in Orlando and how the community works on a resolution. This paper describes the issue of homelessness experienced in Orlando, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1071

Denied Dignity: The Ethical Crisis of Healthcare Inequity for Toronto’s Homeless

Reducing homelessness and improving health outcomes for this vulnerable population are pressing issues facing Toronto and require urgent action grounded in ethical principles of justice and utilitarianism. Recent local news articles highlight alarming cases where homeless individuals have been denied basic healthcare, leading to needless suffering or death, which starkly reveals the inequities around access ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 904

Final Paper Assignment: The End of Policing Book Review

Vitale’s ‘The End of Policing’ delivers a damning appraisal of current US law enforcement., Vitale examines the issue through a historical prism and a heartfelt request for innovation, encouraging readers to reassess public safety with a groundbreaking new paradigm. In-depth investigation and compelling arguments fuel a groundbreaking reconsideration of the police’s role in society, prompting ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2182

Understanding Miriam’s Kitchen: A Detailed Study of an Organisation Working To End Chronic Homelessness

Introduction The task attempts to introduce the field placement company “Miriam’s Kitchen” while keeping its identity a secret. It gives a general outline of the agency’s history, including its inception year and purpose. An in-depth comprehension of the agency’s operations will be attained by looking at various factors, including financing sources, staff, services, and changes ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 883

Outline of Villavicencio’s the Undocumented Americans

Introduction Villavicencio’s The Undocumented Americans (2020) delves deeper into the lives of immigrants, who are often portrayed negatively in the American media. Villavicencio does not limit her discussion of immigrants to stereotypes of them as either laborers or bright young students. Unlike American popular culture, Villavicencio gives a far more comprehensive perspective that touches on family life, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1241

South Los Angeles

Violence, poverty, education, homelessness, and incarceration disproportionately afflict South Los Angeles’ Black and Latino population. Systemic racial discrimination, economic inequality, and restricted resources and opportunity have caused these challenges for years. Aiken, Reina, and Culhane found that these concerns have caused a housing crisis in South L.A. that disproportionately impacts this group. The authors assert that ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1525

Reducing Homelessness in the Communities

For my program, I will use Pauly et al. (2013) and Foscarinis’s (2018) articles, which have highlighted strategies that have worked before. The main program focuses on homelessness in America, and the strategies available are varied, but there are some that have worked in the past and, therefore, can work for my program. Pauly et ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 662

Current Effects of Homelessness in California, US

Homelessness is a major concern in the US, primarily in California. From 2015 to 2020, the number of unsheltered homeless increased by 30% despite a decline in the ratio of sheltered homeless by about 10% (Richards and Kuhn 2). About 500,000 people experienced homelessness in America in 2020. The problem is highly pronounced in California, ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2052

A Health Needs Assessment Strategy and Intervention Proposal To Reduce Health Disparities Among London’s Homeless

Introduction Thousands of individuals in the United Kingdom are homeless on any night, making homelessness a significant problem. Due to their socioeconomic status and lack of access to healthcare, this community is at risk of suffering health inequities. This paper aims to examine the healthcare requirements of homeless people in the United Kingdom and suggest ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4522

An Evaluation of the Criminal Justice System’s Approaches and Impacts on Domestic Violence Homelessness and Its Victims

Abstract This research document analyzes the critical response of the criminal justice system to domestic violence and homelessness. It specifically examines the impact of law enforcement, tribunals and criminal records on the housing stability of domestic violence survivors who end up homeless. It also investigates the systemic biases and obstacles that prevent survivors from gaining ... Read More
Pages: 18       Words: 4770

Decision-Making & Problem-Solving Final Project

The challenge faced by CEOs of Texas homelessness nonprofits is that every charitable organization wants to receive contributions right now. However, there are several initiatives in place to address homelessness in Texas. The City of Austin Homeless Strategy Division and Innovation Office announced that more than 20 local nonprofit organizations had been awarded contracts worth ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1525
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