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Social Issues Essays

Racial Disparities in Death Penalty Sentencing

Racial disparities in sentencing have been a longstanding concern within the criminal justice system. Ethnic equality debates have arisen on the grounds that the different ethnic and racial groups do not receive equality due to their statuses affecting the judicial decisions. It is important to acknowledge the impact of race in court cases because it ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1702

Racial Discrimination Advocacy Essay

Racial discrimination is a problem that has existed in our society for a long period, and its history can be dated from the past years. Racial discrimination is mostly demonstrated or encountered by people of color, mostly African` Americans, Latinos, Asians, and Hispanics. These people are discriminated against within different sectors and institutions, such as ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1348
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Ethical Dilemmas in Interrogating Suspected Terrorists: Impact and Implications

After the 9/11 terrorist attack on the U.S, the criminal justice system in the country changed its tactics in dealing with cases of terrorism, including the process of questioning people who have been suspected of being involved in terrorist activities. The adoption of new techniques has caused some debates among different stakeholders who have reservations ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1480

What Happens When We Deny People Abortions?

Introduction The statement by Diana Greene Foster (2023) at the end of her speech that “Access to abortion is about control over one’s body, life and destiny” was very powerful. Foster presents a convincing and fact-based argument on the practical effects of restricting access to abortion at a time when the American debate over abortion ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 851

The Interplay Between Child Abuse & Neglect and Delinquency: A Complex Relationship

Introduction Childhood experiences build identities and guide life. The formative years are crucial for rapid cognitive, emotional, and behavioral development. Childhood trauma, especially abuse and neglect, drives this intricate process. Beyond the immediate issues, these events mature a person. Physical, emotional, and sexual abuse and neglectful care during childhood severely affect growth. This essay discusses ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1054

Navigating Discrimination and Its Behavioral Effects

Behavioral diversity can be profoundly influenced by the uneven power dynamics generated externally from factors such as discrimination, oppression, prejudice, and aggression, affecting an individual’s ability to make sound decisions. This innate relationship between these societal forces impacted on individuals brings out different outcomes as everyone reacts differently to the other, emphasizing a need to ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 853

Examining the Intersection of Organized Crime and Terrorism

Differences between Organized Crime and Terrorism Although some operational affinities exist between organized crime and terrorism, they differ in several aspects. To begin with, the major objective of most organized crime is profit. Drug trafficking, extortion, and money laundering are some of the harmful activities these groups carry out to ensure the accrual of wealth ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 928

Ending World Hunger

Marketing Plan Introduction World hunger is a significant issue that perpetuates poverty and despair for millions. There is, therefore, a need to explore the complex causes of global hunger and emphasize the need for innovative solutions. Many people globally are facing a lack of nutritional meals. World hunger, exacerbated by socioeconomic inequities, climate change, and ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3277

A Government Program Proposal Addressing Housing Insecurity for Older Adults

Within the ambit of government agencies, there is a need for innovative approaches within the context of the intersectionality of social issues in the human services landscape. Housing insecurity among older adults should be addressed through proper interventions to safeguard them. This essay aims to develop a full plan for a governmental program that addresses ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1615

Tackling Food Insecurity in the Modern World

Introduction The problem of food shortage persists in a period notable for great inventions and high prosperity. It brings out the existing inequality in the world as well as its complexity. Food insecurity is much more than a lack of enough food; it means not being able to reliably access nutritious and sufficient foods that ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1910

Racial Disparities in Incarceration in the United States

The United States needs prison reform, with a significant concern being the disproportionate representation of individuals from racial and ethnic minority groups within the prison population. In the last half-century, the number of inmates has nearly quadrupled. As of 2018, there were 6.8 million inmates, with African Americans constituting 34% (Enders 2). To put these ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1711

Unravelling Barbie: A Male-Crafted Standard Imposed on the Female Imagination

Barbie, in my opinion, is not a symbol of female liberty; rather, it represents a norm established by a male, white, heterosexual, middle-class American. This norm has been applied to the feminine imagination, influencing society’s expectations of beauty, gender roles, and other parts of society. According to (Taber et al.) Barbie, far from being a ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1151

A Cross-Sectional Exploration of the Complexity and Scope of Sex Trafficking From a Sample of Homelessness Youths at Covenant House Florida

Introduction The topic area of my intended research involves social work services and their implications on the sex-trafficked youth population. Specifically, the prevalence of sex trafficking and victimization, especially among youths and adolescents has significantly grown within the past decade across the United States as shown by previous research conducted by Franchino-Olsen et al. (2022). ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 707

Gender, Identity, and Cultural Change in 1960s Dirty Dance

Introduction Dirty Dancing (1987) endures as one of the most iconic coming-of-age romance films set during the pivotal cultural moment of the early 1960s. When the film begins, 17-year-old Frances “Baby” Houseman eagerly anticipates summer vacation with her affluent Jewish family at Kellerman’s, a posh resort in the Catskill Mountains. While her stern physician father ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 3923
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