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Social Issues Essays

Addressing Food Insecurity Among College Students

Introduction and Background Students’ academic success in universities and colleges significantly depends on their mental and physical well-being. Food insecurity is a significant, gradually growing concern causing physical and mental instability among college students, leading to poor academic responsibilities, stress, malnutrition and poor academic performances. The Hope Survey conducted in 2020 portrayed that 38% of ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1202

Bias in Assessment

The importance of assessment can be seen in various fields, including employment and healthcare because evaluating a person’s skills and abilities is what assessments are designed for. Fairness and objectivity in assessments may not always prevail due to the influence of biases, which could skew the results. The presence of biases in assessments can result ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1589
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Bad News Bears – 1976 Version

Introduction The Bad News Bears – 1976 movie is an American athletic comedy written by Bill Lancaster and directed by Michael Ritchie. The movie’s main star, Walter Matthau, acts as an alcoholic former baseball player (a pitcher) who then becomes an instructor for a youth baseball team popularly known as The Bears. Together with Walter ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1942

Social Welfare Policy Among the Aged

Introduction Ageism is prejudice or discrimination against groups or individuals based on their age. It is manifested through discriminatory behavior, stereotypes, or negative attitudes. This factor primarily impacts the elderly segment in society; however, the young may also face discrimination because they are perceived as naïve. Elderly adults face ableism since they are perceived as ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 840

Windows: There There by Tommy Orange

“There There” by Tommy Orange explores the intergenerational trauma and suffering experienced by Native Americans in the United States. The book depicts how Native communities have been ravaged by violence, cruelty, and attempted genocides since the 1400s. Orange suggests that these historical events have left a lasting legacy of trauma that influences the lives of ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1079

The American Dream: Migrant Agricultural Laborers

The American Dream is a culturally-oriented concept that has held a massive place in American society. It is frequently defined as the belief that hard work and determination can result in prosperity and upward social mobility, regardless of background. The idea has evolved through the years to embody financial success, individual fulfilment, and happiness. However, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1579

Poor Sanitation in Ghana

Poor sanitation is described as the primary cause of diarrhea diseases like polio, intestinal worm infections, typhoid, cholera, and dysentery. The problem is noted to cause resistance to antimicrobial spread. Studies have pointed out that lack of or inadequate education is the leading cause of poor sanitation across the globe. This is true because even ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1319

Diverse Representation in the Film: The Hate You Give

Introduction written by Angie Thomas, the film “The hate you Give” is a fictional movie that narrates the life of a girl by the name Starr Carter who lives to balance her two lives where she is raised in the “ghetto” and studies in a prestigious surrounding where it is the white folks who mostly ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1572

The Power of Storytelling: Breaking Down Stereotypes Types and Prejudices

Human beings are diverse in identity, mandating the need for a different perspective on any issue affecting us and society. In “The Danger of a Single Story,” Nigerian storyteller Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie recognizes how stories matter in our lives. However, most of us are brought up listening to a single story about a person, community, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1091

South Los Angeles

Violence, poverty, education, homelessness, and incarceration disproportionately afflict South Los Angeles’ Black and Latino population. Systemic racial discrimination, economic inequality, and restricted resources and opportunity have caused these challenges for years. Aiken, Reina, and Culhane found that these concerns have caused a housing crisis in South L.A. that disproportionately impacts this group. The authors assert that ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1525

Developing an Argument About Richard Wright’s

Introduction Richard Wright’s “The Man Who Lived Underground” explores racism and its effects on self-esteem. Fred Daniels, a Black man wrongfully accused of murder, faces a terrifying day in police captivity in the novel. Wright shows how racism may affect a person’s self-image, behavior, and decisions through Fred’s story. This tale follows Fred Daniels, a ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1377

The Court’s Response to Human Trafficking Globally

Introduction A serious crіme that has еxіsted for centurіes, human traffickіng has sіgnifіcantly increased in recent years as a rеsult of globalizatіon. Thе еasіеr cross-border movement of goods, capital, and people madе possible by globalizatіon has made іt simplеr for traffіckеrs to takе advantage of peoplе. In thе context of accеleratіng globalіzation, this essay will ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2249

Grenada Laws Relevant to Ending Abuse

Grenada is among the five Caribbean nations nominated to participate in the joint global United Nations and European Union Spotlight Initiative (SI). The SI coordinates human efforts, focuses attention, and employs resources strategically to enact a comprehensive national program on ending all forms of violence in families and against girls and women. Grenada state has ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1210

Terrorism in Japan

Introduction Terrorism is a threat to national security and involves the unlawful use of violence or intimidating civilians to promote specific ideas, which may be religious or political, among other reasons. Japan as a nation has dealt with little terrorist activity because of the effective measures that have been put in place to contain such ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1726

Critical Reflection on the Topic ’Environmental Education.”

Summary Performance-based funding rewards public universities that promote student success over enrollment. Enrollment-based funding encourages colleges to enroll students but does not necessarily help them earn degrees or certifications. Outcomes-based funding approaches reward colleges for graduating diverse pupils. Outcomes-based funding formulas use student progress and completion, while states use input, process, and other measures differently ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1341
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