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Psychology Essays

Beck Depression Inventory BDI-II

The beck depression inventory is a 21 item self-report inventory that measures symptoms of depression and characteristics attitude. The 21 items corresponding to signs and symptoms of depression are considered to give a single score of the BDI II (García-Batista, et al, 2018). Beck’s inventory report has been used for 35 years to assess and ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2363

Basics of Decision Making

A decision is a resolution or conclusion reached after consideration. Decision making is an act of making a choice. It involves identifying and choosing options according to the decision maker’s preferences and values. Making a decision, therefore, implies that there are various alternative options to consider. The decision maker has to identify these options and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 666
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Article Review: Do Distracting Activities Increase Tolerance for an Infant Cry?

Purpose of the study The primary purpose of the study was to establish whether the availability and engagement in distracting activities increase a parent’s or caregiver’s tolerance for an infant’s cry. The article recognizes while crying is developmentally emblematic, inconsolable crying might have adverse effects not only on the caregiver but also to the child (Glodowski ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1301

Psychological Analysis of Adolf Hitler

Introduction The name Adolf Hitler remains popular decades after his death since it conjures images of a madman in power. Undeniably Adolf Hitler is linked to one of the worst genocides in history. He is associated with Nazi concentration camps in Germany and Europe and an evil of such high magnitude that millions of Jewish ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1959

Significance of Psychometric Analysis of Undergraduate Nursing Students Using Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale

Mental health issues have become prevalent, especially among college students. Nursing students are subjected to psychological morbidity or stress that tends to progress even as they continue their training (Chouhan et al., 2021). The issues they encounter are not only based on individual life instead extend to difficulties in learning. As a result, they are ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1719

Literature Review: Excessive Usage of Social Media and Online Games

Social media and online gaming have rapidly increased in recent years. Many young adults are always on social media platforms due to the availability of internet services. Spilkova, Chomynova & Csemy (2017) conducted research intended to analyze adolescents’ increased rate of internet usage in the Czech Republic. Normal internet usage and online gaming should not ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2129

How Do the Realist and Instrumentalist Interpretations of Science Differ?

Introduction Scientific interpretation is an important aspect that has helped explain many phenomena that occurs in the world in a significant manner. It is vital for the essay to explore various approaches towards the interpretation of theories, processes and various concepts as they relate to the natural world (Furedy, 1991). Two of the most prominent ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1775

Why Do Youth Use Drugs and Alcohol?

A drug is any chemical substance that causes a relative change in the psychology or physiology of an organism when consumed by the body. Alcohol, also referred under the chemical name of ethanol, exists as a psychoactive drug that is an active ingredient for various drinks such as wine, beer, and distilled spirits. In most ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1913

Why Are Conservatives Happier Than Liberals?

In this experiment, the researchers were studying the relationship between political orientation and the general well-being of the people. They wanted to determine how being affiliated with a particular political party influences one’s general being and happiness (Napier & Jost, 2008). The researchers studied people’s happiness concerning their political affiliation by conducting interviews and analyzing ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1143

The Concept of Nature and Nurture

The nature and nurture concept is one of psychology’s most debated philosophical issues. Nature refers to genetically inherited factors that affect who we are. Nature is responsible for our physical appearance and personality traits. Contrariwise, Nurture refers to the environmental factors that affect people, for instance, childhood experiences, social interactions, and culture. The concepts of ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1207

Stroop Effect and Selective Attention

Abstract The research examines Stroop effects among people of different ages and gender. It employs three various Stroop tasks named Card A, Card C, and Card B. Each Stroop task has a different level of conflict or interference in participant responses. The research is conducted on 100 participants, with 50 young people and 50 older ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2714

Stewie Griffin – Family Guy

Background Stewie Griffin is portrayed as a one-year-old Caucasian male, although he could also be five years old as he attends preschool in later episodes. He is also unemployed but shows a keen mastery of mechanical and physical engineering (Lumen Learning, n.d.). Throughout the show, he designs things such as weather control, mind control, teleportation, ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3746

Research Article Critique: “Does Animation Facilitate Understanding of Graphic Symbols Representing Verbs in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder?”

In an article, “does animation facilitate understanding of graphic symbols representing verbs in children with autism spectrum disorder?” The authors are investigating what affects animations on the identification of graphic cyphers. The research involves using Autism Language Program Graphics Cyphers in children established with mild-to-severe Autism Spectrum ailment at the age of 3 to 7 ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1102

Importance of Nurses Distinguishing the Concepts of Health and Wellbeing

According to World Health Organization, a person is considered healthy based on three criteria: physical, mental, and social well-being (Determinants of Health | Healthy People 2020, 2021). The absence of disease does not mean that a person is healthy, and this has been proven since the biopsychosocial model of health considers both the social and ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1836

The Analysis of Facebook Addiction and the Impacts on Facebook Users

Addiction is often used in the context of drug abuse. However, Alter’s book shows the deep relationship between behavioral addiction and substance addiction. According to him the brain acts on a cost-benefit analysis. If the rewards outweigh the cost then the brain tends to repeat this behavior leading to a habit. People have been viewing ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2173
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