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How To Become a Thought Leader

Thought leaders come in all shapes and sizes, from all walks of life and communities, and can be of any age, gender, or nationality. However, not everyone has the potential to be a thought leader. Patience, experience and expertise in a specific sector, a certain amount of devotion, and a readiness to take on new challenges or the manner things have always been done are all required for thought leadership (Turner & Wilson, 2009). If you’ve previously established a terrific brand, service, project, campaign, or organization, becoming a thought leader is a lot easier because you’ll have a strong audience and something to talk about. I’ve worked with people who have a specialty but haven’t yet built something they would call their own. You can still become a thought leader in your field if you are ready to put in the effort to formalize what you believe and have the endurance and courage to develop momentum over time.

In the first forum of becoming a thought leader, I stated that I felt like I was being led to become a thought leader in the Education industry. Because Industry 4.0 poses significant employment conditions, safety, confidentiality, and investment issues, thought leaders play a crucial role in its implementation. Thought leaders in Education 4.0 can adapt novel ways to teaching methodologies, such as internet platforms (Entwistle, 2021). Thought leaders in the education sector must offer a variety of techniques to solve difficulties that students face, notably in information technology and potential hazard. Adopting Industry 4.0 may not ensure future safety and confidentiality (Lanier, 2017). Although digitalization has many advantages, it is also probable to cause cybercrimes. Such improvements in digitalization necessitate a significant capital expenditure, which does not appear to be inexpensive. Furthermore, this shift necessitates a significant investment in the school system’s management. In the present day, teachers and non-teaching personnel in the education Industry 4.0 can be thought leaders. In order to leave a legacy and open people’ minds to the extra advantages, thought leaders in the education industry can share their thoughts.Thought leaders have a crucial function in devising strategies for accomplishing the objective.

First and foremost, thought leaders must establish an objective and teach others. They must consider why they would like to be a thought leader in the first place. Thought leaders ought to be willing to share information and experiences with their audience, allowing others to learn from their mistakes. To establish trustworthiness, thought leaders must devote effort to identifying values and reviewing essential behaviors. They have to provide ways to bring online educational approaches into the futuristic society. Readiness and openness to exchange thoughts and perspectives with others and address difficulties in a practical style (Armitage, 2020). As competent individuals, thought leaders share their expertise and ideas with their supporters. The educational field, in particular, has been affected by the digital revolution. Teachers and students would realize the advantages of technologies in schools at all levels. Education is required to begin the process of digital transformation and educational technologies. However, in the classroom, new digital technologies could be tremendously disruptive (Charry & Kosits, 2017). As a result, thought leaders must guarantee that cyberbullying, unauthorized access, security, and confidentiality concerns are handled. Also, the great digital technology has ethical implications that we may not be informed of.

I still feel a slight tug in both directions, but after the research and reading during this course, I thought I was leaning towards guidance and counseling even more than before Armitage, 2020). I push to research alternative methods and medicine to treat disruptive behavior disorders (DBDs) among learners, especially teenagers (Entwistle, 2021). DBDs may begin as early as a student’s childhood. If a child or adolescent with a DBD is not treated, they are likely to have significant behavior issues at home, school, or both. As they grow older, they are also more likely to experience alcohol or drug abuse problems and criminal and antisocial activity. While in graduate school, instructors aren’t always prepared well enough to deal with students with DBDs. I’ve looked into the process of setting up and developing a clinic as part of my studies.

After questioning several thought leaders for my research, the main barrier I see in becoming a thought leader in the “imposter syndrome.” Even the most eminent thinkers wonder aloud, “What am I doing here?” Even if it’s only once in a while, that calm voice is difficult to ignore. At first, I concentrated on writing down what I was discovering (Armitage, 2020). I didn’t make a conscious effort to position myself as a thought leader. I was a co-learner instead. Then came the time when I could answer questions that other teachers were stumped on. I assisted teachers who were stuck. Creating my accomplishment approach was the final step in my journey to becoming a thought leader. Slow Down, Ignite Concepts, and Innovate have been three actions that I always reiterate in my objectives. When we give our minds a rest, they might innovate (Charry & Kosits, 2017). Finally, when we’re in the innovation stage, I’m educating counselors on developing, creating, and outsourcing objectives to get more accomplished and to use treatments to minimize disruptive behavior among students, such as adopting safety culture approaches.

The Lord is leading me to help teachers within the guidance and counseling in educational settings and has already put me on this path. Engaging with students with DBDs can be difficult for teachers, particularly in a school environment where just a tiny percentage of students have DBDs—but, thanks to my experience, I can devise new approaches that teachers can use to make all students feel welcome and eager to learn (Mizell, 2010). The behavior of DBD learners can be regulated by creating a classroom management plan that is specifically customized to fit these students’ requirements. Disruptive behavior disorders may make it difficult for learners to concentrate in class, but with the advice, I can provide, teachers can learn how to help children study at their own pace. Trusting this route and seeing where it leads me makes perfect sense intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. I am confident in my path because wherever I end up, it does not matter what road I took to get there; I’ll eventually get where I was meant to be.

Johnson et al. (2009) also showed the various ways that Christianity can be used and embedded in the psychology world to help others. He explains how to combine psychology and faith rather than making them go their separate endeavors (Charry & Kosits, 2017). Although the Bible forms the basis of Christians’ core values and beliefs, it does not provide the answers needed to comprehend humankind better. Thus, there is a need for Christian psychologists and clinicians to integrate spiritual reality with facts. I feel that finding the appropriate balance to care for others is the most important takeaway (Reese & Sidani, 2020). Suppose we can challenge ourselves to understand our interpretation of Biblical teachings better. In that case, we can channel that into helping those on the path slightly behind us.

In conclusion, the religious aspect of human existence is acknowledged as a possible source of motivation and determination for change-making. More precisely, psychological studies helps us better comprehend personality psychology and perception. Because educational difficulties necessitate both students and teachers to be creative and innovative in coping with complexity, thought leaders can lead students to adjust to the workforce culture throughout their education—thought leaders in Education 4.0 face fundamental problems in developing competent, creative, and judgment-free workers(Charry & Kosits, 2017). Thought leaders must motivate their followers to learn continually, experience and change to attain the objectives. Because the world is changing so quickly, experts who can adjust to new situations, keep up with the pace, and maintain their expertise up to date regularly is needed. Everyone must prepare for the Industrial Revolution, as we will be confronted with many new technologies that combine the physical and biological worlds. Technologies offer enormous promise for bringing individuals from all around the world together. It has a significant impact on an educational and qualitative approach. To guarantee continual progress in the teaching and learning setting, thought leaders in the education industry may have to influence the government, teachers, parents, and future generations.


Armitage, G. C. (2020). A brief history of periodontics in the United States of America: Pioneers and thought‐leaders of the past, and current challenges. Periodontology 200082(1), 12-25.

Charry, E. T., & Kosits, R. D. (2017). Christian theology and positive psychology: An exchange of gifts. The Journal of Positive Psychology12(5), 468-479.

Entwistle, D. N. (2021). Integrative approaches to psychology and Christianity: An introduction to worldview issues, philosophical foundations, and models of integration. Wipf and Stock Publishers.

Lanier, K. (2017). 5 Things HR professionals need to know about generation Z: thought leaders share their views on the HR profession and its direction for the future. Strategic HR review.

Mizell, H. (2010). Thought leaders. The Learning Professional31(6), 46

Reese, S. R., & Sidani, Y. (2020). Learning organization thought leaders interview series: Interim synthesis of commonalities and differences. The Learning Organization..

Turner, T., & Wilson, D. G. (2009). Reflections on documentation: A discussion with thought leaders from Reggio Emilia. Theory into Practice49(1), 5-13.


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