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Topic: Kindergarten Teachers’ Perception, Experiences and Challenges Using Visual Aids for Children With Autism


In this case study, I will focus on kindergarten teachers’ perceptions regarding using visual supports for children with autism in East Texas. The quality of life of individuals with autism will be studied to emphasize the importance of understanding the developmental pathways and interventions students with ASD may need. Additionally, the research aims to shed light on the role of visual supports, which is the specific focus of this study. By examining these aspects, the study aims to provide valuable insights into improving the educational experiences and support systems for children with autism in kindergarten settings.

Problem Statement

This is a significant area of interest since it guides us toward understanding the concepts and theories associated with the research topic. It is essential to specify and understand the problem statement. In this case, the research problem is “To examine the kindergarten teachers’ perceptions regarding the usage of visual supports for children with autism in East Texas.”

Research Questions

These are the questions that the research or the project is set to answer. In this case, the research questions include the following;

  1. What are the kindergarten teachers’ perceptions of the effectiveness of visual support in facilitating the learning of children with autism in Texas?
  2. What challenges do kindergarten teachers experience when implementing visual aids for autistic children in Texas, and how do these challenges influence their perceptions?
  3. How do the kindergarten teachers’ attitudes influence their willingness to incorporate visual aids in an inclusive education for autistic children?
  4. Are there variations in the perception of kindergarten teachers regarding years of experience when it comes to visual support in aiding understanding in children with autism?

Research Design

An appropriate research design is a blueprint of a scientific study. It is, therefore, essential to identify one that fulfills the research requirements. A research design will include the data collection methods, tools, and techniques that help obtain evidence to address the problem under study (Lune & Berg, 2018). This qualitative research focuses on the perceptions of kindergarten teachers in Texas. The participants in the research process provide the practical changes in their context. It is characterized by collaboration, reflection, and iterative planning, acting, observing, and reflecting cycles. The most suitable approach in this case, based on the variables of the research problem, is the use of a case study.

Case Study

A case study in a qualitative research design that offers a detailed understanding of the experiences of the teachers. Case study research design provides contextual, concrete, and in-depth insights into the subject (Leavy, 2023). It will provide the major characteristics and implications of the case, making it a suitable method for understanding or answering the research questions.

Based on the nature of the research topic, it is more of a bounded and particularistic system. A bounded system focuses on the specific context of the kindergarten teachers in east Texas and the adoption of visual supports for children with autism. The bounded system allows the research to provide a detailed examination within the specific parameters of the research topic. We do not want to obtain general or limited results according to the problem statement’s scope. The particularistic system focuses on the experiences of the teachers under study. These experiences are particular in the selected cases. With this approach, it is possible to get a detailed understanding of the specific instances instead of a generalized understanding of the population.

We have adopted a qualitative research design; hence, we will incorporate both the heuristic and descriptive elements. The heuristic approach is focused on discovering and learning about the research topic. Using the case study approach, I will conduct in-depth interviews, analyses, and observations to understand the teachers’ perceptions, strategies, and challenges when using visual aids in autistic children. On the other hand, the descriptive approach will provide detailed accounts of the situation’s characteristics and qualities. The research will yield answers describing the experiences of the selected teachers in East Texas. Incorporating bounded, particularistic, heuristic, and descriptive approaches allows for exploring and discovering the experiences with visual supports. The data collected provides valuable insights that can inform future events with similarities and that align with the study’s goals.

Case Selection

This is the first step in determining the representative kindergarten teachers who have experience using visual support aids. They have to be within the state of Texas and are teaching children with autism. This way, they will be fit to provide answers to the research questions. Secondly, it is important to identify a population based on years of experience, training background, and the demographics of the schools they are teaching. These teachers are responsible for providing suitable data for the research; hence, ensuring that they fit the inclusive criteria is important.


The research study is focused on kindergarten teachers’ perceptions in East Texas of using visual supports for children with autism. The population for this research will be the kindergarten teachers within the geographical location of east Texas who have experience or are currently involved in visual support for children with autism. They have to be able to respond to interviews that determine their perceptions and attitudes on using visual support in children with autism.

Sampling Method

This study’s population of interest is kindergarten teachers in East Texas, specifically targeting 10-12 teachers. The sampling method will involve selecting a representative sample of kindergarten teachers from schools in East Texas. This is qualitative research, and based on the nature of the research, the most suitable sampling method is purposive sampling. This method involves selecting the participants or the research population with a criterion relevant to the research questions and objective. This sampling method is considered to be judgmental. It is a non-probability approach where researchers use their judgments when choosing individuals to participate in the interviews or surveys.

The purposive sampling approach, in this case, will identify and select kindergarten teachers in East Texas who meet the criteria of having experience or being involved in using visual supports in children with autism. It is, therefore, important to reach out to the potential participants through collaboration with educational institutions, schools, and teacher networks in east Texas. I will get them into interviews by providing clear information about the study’s purpose and seeking voluntary participation. The sample size depends on the depth of the information necessary to conclude the research. 10 participant is suitable for this research given that the sampling method will identify individuals who are rich with the data needed. By considering the perspectives of teachers familiar with visual supports, the study can gather valuable data directly related to the research aim to provide insights into the experiences, challenges, and successes of using visual supports in kindergarten settings in East Texas.


  1. We assume teachers will be honest, provide accurate information during the interviews, and share their perceptions, challenges, and experiences. This is because we trust to obtain reliable insights.
  2. We assume that the selected sample is representative of the population of teachers in east Texas using visual supports and have the required experience to respond to the interview accurately.
  3. We assume that the data collected from this research study can be used, applied, or used in similar educational settings.
  4. We assume that the documents used in document analysis are authentic and accurately represent practices that provide answers to the research study.
  5. We assume that there are no external influences.
  6. We assume that teachers have positive intentions, which can shape the interpretation of the data collected.


It is important to identify and acknowledge the limitations of the research to maintain transparency and ensure that the audience of this study understands the study’s scope and constraints (Merriam & Tisdell, 2015). The major limitation of this research is its limited generalizability, which means that it does not have information beyond the context of East Texas in that teachers’ experiences and perceptions may differ in regions. Secondly, the research study could possess a sample bias because it is highly possible to underrepresent or overrepresent participants, which impacts the diversity of insights. In addition, the results can possess self-reporting bias in that the participants may provide responses that align with the perceived expectations instead of expressing their experiences. It is important to address these limitations, which leads to a thoughtful and reflective approach that builds upon and provides an understanding of teachers’ perceptions, fulfilling the research study’s requirements.


Delimitations are factors that define the boundaries of the research. They specify the aspects of the research, which means that some of the components are intentionally excluded and restricted (Merriam & Tisdell, 2015). Geographical delimitation is present in this research. Our focus area is East Texas; therefore, the findings may not be generalized in other regions with different educational settings, policies, contexts, and demographics. The study is also delimited to a specific grade level, which only represents the experiences and perceptions of kindergarten teachers. In addition, the study is focused on visual support aids, which excludes other support strategies that teachers can use. Furthermore, the research concentrates on kindergarten teachers, eliminating the potential perspectives, experiences, and perceptions of parents, children, or students. The delimitations in this research study manage the expectations in this research and provide a clear understanding of the scope of the research and the significant variables necessary in making the conclusions.


This study investigated kindergarten teachers’ perceptions regarding using visual aids in children with autism in East Texas. The study uses a case study with a purposive sampling technique to get a sample that provides data through interviews and document analysis. The research acknowledges the research ethics, limitations, delimitations, and assumptions associated with the research topic. The chapter looks into the intricate landscape of data collection and analysis in understanding the topic concerning all the factors that arise.


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Merriam, S. B., & Tisdell, E. J. (2015). Qualitative research: A guide to design and implementation (Fourth edition). John Wiley & Sons.

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