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Psychology Essays

Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on Hospital Workers in Nursing Care Hospital

The COVID 19 pandemic is a respiratory disorder that was first detected in Wuhan, China. Due to its rapid spread, the infection was declared a global pandemic. Besides, as the coronavirus cases increase, hospital workers are subjected to a more workload, increasing their chances of facing the adverse effects of the pandemic. Several studies reveal ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1104

Protocol For A Systematic Review: Exploring the Psychological Aspects Behind Alcohol Consumption

Background/ Rationale There isn’t a single, clear-cut reason why some people have alcohol issues. Numerous studies examining the psychosocial origins of alcohol use have shown various ways to engage in harmful behaviour that includes alcohol use. Alcohol consumption is caused by a combination of biological and psychological variables, and it is wrong to think of ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3849
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Personality Research Paper Outline: The Impact of Birth Order on an Individual’s Personality

Thesis Statement Grounded on Alfred Adler’s classification of the birth order (oldest, middle, youngest and lonely) (Al-Khayat & Al-Adwan, 2016), the article asserts personality traits including family and social relations to no small extent are influenced by birth order. 1st Main point: Birth order describes the position of an individual among his or her siblings. Birth order affects ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 687

Mental Health Essay and Annotated Bibliography

Mental wellbeing among the middle aged women is an essential aspect in the current world. Mental health can be defined as a state of well-being where each person identifies his abilities, can withstand stresses of life, can operate productively as well as fruity and has the ability to make a contribution to her or his ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2292

Mental Health: Depression

Being sad is a normal part of living. Occasionally, we go through experiences that wound our self-esteem, or we experience loss as in death or failed relationships or even loss of material possessions as in theft of a piece of jewellery that was very important to us because we worked very hard to be able ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1536

Internet Addiction Among Adolescent

Internet surfing is one of the currently most popular leisure activities among teenagers. Although the internet has helped expand social networks among them and release their emotional stress, it can lead to addiction (Du & Lyu, 2021). This essay analyzes adolescent internet addiction and the effect on this age group’s health behavior and general health. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 828

Human Development Application Paper

Introduction How is the lifespan development of John Bender exposed in the movie “The Breakfast Club”? How easy is it to track the set of changes that happen throughout the movie? Lifespan development is fundamentally the exploration of the change that individuals go through from conception to death. It is a basic analysis that will ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4478

How Stereotypes Affect an Individual’s Facial Recognition Skills

A stereotype, according to social psychology, is a fixed, overgeneralized view about a class or a specific group of individuals. Face recognition, on the other hand, is a method of recognizing a human face using technology. Biometrics are used in face recognition to extract facial traits from a video or image. Facial recognition is the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1387

The Well-Being of Children in Foster Care

Introduction Children and young adults are a representation of the future generation. Therefore, it is paramount for individuals, parents, guardians, the government and the society as a whole to create an ideal environment for their social, emotional, and physical development. Foster care describes the process whereby social agencies, within the due boundaries of the law, ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2125

Effects of Social Networking on Mental Health

Abstract In the past decade, society has witnessed a dramatic upsurge in the use and application of social networking. Similarly, there has been an evident increase in mental health issues across the globe. This particular paper explores the relationship between social networking and mental health. Applying Repko and Szostak’s interdisciplinary research process and theory, the ... Read More
Pages: 25       Words: 6672

Sex, Lies and Conversation by Deborah Tannen

Deborah Tannen’s essay on Sex, Lies and Conversation presents a point-by-point comparison between men and females’ feelings in a relationship. Tannen argues that women are not from Venus and men are not from Mars either. However, how every sex thinks is quite different from the opposite partner. According to Deborah, each sex has a diverse ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 638

Hollywood Film Critique: Psychological Disorders

Dissociative Disorders in Identity 2003 Identity is a 2003 thriller film that was directed by James Mangold that captured audiences due to its characterization as a gripping murder-mystery with various unexpected turns and an unforgettable ending. In addition to its acclamations as one of the best “single-location” film, the movie provides insights into one of ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1448

Determinants of Interpersonal Attraction

Introduction The society today values the concept of diversity which illustrates that individuals often meet various types of people in their day to day activities. However, despite meeting and interacting with multiple people, individuals form lasting relationships with only a few. As such, psychologists and other scholars have dedicated various resources on the analysis of ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1195

Common Mental Health Issues Among Teenagers

Today, children and teenagers face influences and pressures that could significantly affect their mental health. Although parents may frequently perceive their children as moody or going through a growth stage, strange behaviour could be ascribed to a mental health issue. Most mental health practitioners confirm that anxiety and depression are major health issues affecting the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 688

Case Conceptualization Based on the Film “The Namesake”

Case conceptualization from the Ego psychology Conceptualization Case conceptualization At the time of treatment, the patient, Nikolai formally Gogol was a 32-year-old married man. Nikolai is an Indian-American born and brought up in New York, USA together with his sister. Nikolai parents had migrated to the USA a few years prior to his birth as ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1759
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