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Reasoning and Argumentation


Reasoning and Argumentation is a psychological branch that explores how human beings reason and convince other people using a particular language. Mainly, reasoning and Argumentation were primarily concerned with establishing the connection between reasoning verbally; and existing classical logic as far as human beings are concerned. Illustrating reasoning and Argumentation from this angle, thinking in human beings is considerably lame compared to verbal reasoning as it is prone to multiple barriers. For instance, for almost three decades, Argumentation which is a kind of verbal reasoning, is drafted as logical reasoning that is common sense controlled though it is uncertain. The world is only based on persuasions from different people only to see it in their way; it is easy to fall in. In this regard, verbal reasoning is the main driving factor in an uncertain world, with logical reasoning being the opposing force.

Various factors give verbal reasoning, in this case, argument, more power to outdo logical reasoning in the current. From the local external environment to prevailing norms in society, people mostly tend to adapt to what they find on the ground without employing logic-driven critical thinking (Bulut, & Arikan, 2019). For example, when it comes to education, especially in developing countries, it is considered paramount in verbal Argumentation to the extent that it scares away logical thinking and reasoning that may erupt at a personal level. In these localities, people have been brainwashed through arguments to believe that only that which comes with education is what is required and what they need. In this connection, they lose the importance of their thought could lead to a different destiny.

Moreover, on the external environment, emerging factors in the society tend to sway people from personal logical thinking towards the belief of the community that is developed through verbal reasoning (Dvorák & Dunne, 2018). For example, during political elections, especially in developing and corrupt countries, it is easy to brainwash voters through word of mouth to abandon what they thought was right. Following their interests generated from an individual point of view, politicians use different ways to ensure that they control the majority through arguments. For instance, they may create an eye-catching scenario that will pull the people’s concentration from what is logical as far as a particular aspect is concerned.

Another emerging issue is social media platforms that argue virtually on what is trending to make it look right. People abandon their ordinary lives to copy what the technology considers proper. For example, through social media, people admire celebrity couples following illusions that negatively affect them. What people copy and follow without reasoning results in fake living.

The other reason that makes verbal arguments superior to logical reasoning is the lack of freedom, especially in expressing ideas and emotions (Baroni et al, 2018). This general assumption is that the young should listen and follow what the older people are saying. This aspect denies the young generation the freedom to think freely. This forbidden freedom concludes that the young people should follow verbal reasoning to receive incentives such as blessings, and neglect will attract curses. In this connection, the power to reason at a free will is stolen through threat. People are scared to think and express themselves fully. The power of logical reasoning, in this case, is adversely affected. In other words, it is like an organized way of robbing the public of their right to reason freely; Argumentation being the leading cause.

However, in multiple cases, the power of logical reasoning outguns verbal argument. First, a high intelligence quotient limits the challenge of external pressures. This is why genius people tend to follow what they reason personally and follow it up to accomplishment. When people are free to choose what they should follow without an external environment, there is a high probability that they have the right attitude; hence success comes easy. This aspect explains how verbal Argumentation is a significant barrier to logical reasoning. Furthermore, this aspect can describe differences in growth, especially in human capital between developing countries that believe in verbal reasoning and developed countries that grant freedom of thought.


The verbal argument is the main driving factor in the modern world, leaving behind logical reasoning. This challenge can be attributed to variations in the external environment, especially in terms of emerging issues and human preserved beliefs. To achieve efficient reasoning ability, it is important to rekindle the power of personal thought. In this way, it will be possible to distinguish logically between reasoning and Argumentation.


Baroni, P., Gabbay, D., Giacomin, M., & Van der Torre, L. (2018). Handbook of formal argumentation.

Bulut, B., & Arikan, I. (2019). Argumentation-Based Learning in Social Studies Teaching. Journal of Education and Learning8(3), 89-94.

Dvorák, W., & Dunne, P. E. (2018). Computational problems in formal argumentation and their complexity. Handbook of formal argumentation4.


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