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Psychology Essays

Effects of Divorce on Child Development

Divorce is a harrowing experience for a growing child. Breaking of marital bond affects every area of a child’s life. Children divided from one of their parents suffer trauma that affects their education, behavior, and mental health (Sondre et al., 2020). Divorce can also cause children to feel a lack of control over their lives, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 920

Decision-Making Techniques

Introduction Decision-making remains a daily process that every person frequently performs, making it an exciting topic among researchers. Decision-making is performed using various decision-making theories and styles. Some decision-making theories and styles include intuitive, descriptive, analytical, heuristic, normative, rational, emotional, and creative decision-making. The author will utilize heuristic, rational, intuitive, and creative decision-making styles to ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1661
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Extended Definition of Family

The word family is subjective since individuals have different perceptions and understanding of the right definition of the word family. Generally, the word family is perceived as a unit of social network amongst individuals related together; that is a composition of a father, mother and children (Sprecher 283). In addition, family include extended members other ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1038

Effects of Peer Pressure on Delinquency

Introduction In recent years, cases of juvenile crimes have risen with various factors leading to the issue. One of the major factors that have been identified is peer pressure. Peer pressure is the influence induced by a minor on another, leading to behavioral change. Peer pressure does not entirely lead to negative behavior, such as ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1648

Effects of Gang Violence on Adolescents and Their Development

This paper examines how gang violence affects adolescents and their development. Studying this topic is crucial, considering the prevalence and the adverse impacts of this problem in society. Gang violence affects adolescents’ academic performance, employment opportunities, and health. Therefore, as the gangs develop, these adverse impacts worsen. Studying this subject can help determine the causes ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2381

What Are the Barriers and Potential Enablers to Recovery-Oriented Trauma-Informed Care in Mental Health Services?

Trauma-informed care has gained significant attention and traction across institutions in recent decades. This model of care has been adopted in education institutions, healthcare settings, and mental health clinics. However, the definition of trauma-informed care remains a mystery as researchers and health institutions have not come to a consensus on the definition to use. The ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1960

The Potential Impact of Parental Attitudes and Behaviors on Adolescent Self-Objectification in Relation to Sexualized Media

Section 1: Article Review In recent years, the impacts of sexualized media, including video games, on adolescent self-objectification have received considerable attention from researchers. Self-objectification refers to the process by which individuals internalize an outsider’s perspective on their body; instead of valuing their inner qualities, they see themselves as items to be judged primarily on ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2420

Teaching Pretend/Imaginary Play Skills to a 2–10-Year-Old Child With Autism

Introduction Children with autism may present challenges in playing with one another. This limits their level of interaction with one another, which is normally essential for children’s development. Interaction of children with each other during play makes it possible for them to learn from one another, and also, they can enjoy their time together. It ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1455

The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Emotional Disclosure for Managing Stress

Introduction This essay aims to evaluate credible, empirical evidence regarding the effectiveness of behavioural interventions to determine which is most likely to help Bob manage his stress during this challenging time. The two interventions to be evaluated and compared are cognitive behavioural therapy and emotional disclosure. This essay will also provide an overview of these ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1954

RUA: Scholarly Article Review

Introduction Psychological and social factors profoundly impact the severity of symptoms and the lives of those living with bipolar disorder. Ironside et al. (2020) explore how bipolar disorder affects the development of one’s identity, especially concerning self-worth and achievement. Bipolar disorders are associated with a disordered relationship between ambition, external approval, and self-worth. A review ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 779

Psychology and the Role of Ethics in the Discipline

Introduction Psychology is a discipline that seeks to understand human behavior and mental processes through research and observation. Ethical considerations that guide the conduct of study and practice have had an outsized influence on the development of psychology throughout its entire history. “ethics in psychology” refers to the guiding principles and norms that determine how ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2248

Impacts on Mental Health of Athletes Who Have Been Injured

Literature Review Sports-related injuries have increased the demand and debate surrounding the associated injuries on athletes’ mental health. After an injury, some athletes can no longer play their favorite game or take a long time to resume playing. The American Medical Society for Sports Medicine established that after an injury, the associated psychological response includes ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1347

Relational Cultural Theory and Effectiveness in PTSD

Introduction Naturally, as human beings, we need connections to flourish and arise when dealing with various aspects of existence. However, isolation is a significant source of suffering for many individuals at personal and cultural levels, especially those with substantial disorders such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (Cormier et al., 2023). A psychological theory called Relational ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3120

Effects of Social Media Use on Self-Esteem in Adolescent

1.0 Introduction The advent of social media has revolutionized global communication, providing individuals with unprecedented opportunities to share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences. Social media use has become a pervasive part of everyday life in many societies, especially among adolescents, who often spend considerable amounts of time on these platforms. While social media use can ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 3896

Cognitive Attentional Syndrome in Hong Kong People With Depression

Summary The article “Cognitive attentional syndrome in Hong Kong people with depression” was published on Academic Search by Chiu-Kim Lam and Wing-Hong Tsang (2023). The heath-related report is investigative and aims to reduce the increasing depression among adults in China. 15% of the world’s adult population, which account for 260 million people, suffer from depression-related ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 735
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