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Psychology Essays

What Does it Mean to Get Offended?

Being offended can be defined as an experience of pain, rage, or resentment resulting from a perceived slight or disrespect. When anything is said or done that is seen as being rude or inconsiderate, it might offend someone. There are many ways in which an individual can get offended, including remarks regarding someone’s ethnicity, gender, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1615

The Impact of Parental Incarceration on the Well-Being of Children

The incarceration of a parent can potentially influence their children’s health and happiness significantly. This shift is significant for the child and the child’s family, community, and society as a whole because it affects all of these groups. Children with a parent who is incarcerated run the risk of having emotional and social difficulties and ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 953
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Psychology: Understanding Human Behavior

Abstract Psychology is a highly scientific discipline that aims to understand human doings and mental processes. Psychology aims to explain why people carry the way they do and predict and control their doings. Psychologists use various methods to contemplate human behavior, including observational, correlational, and experimental (Burton & Radford, 2022). Observational methods involve watching people ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2646

Reflexive Analysis and Practice

Introduction The reflexive practice involves informed reflexivity as an epistemic virtue that promotes using reliable techniques to achieve epistemic aims. The assignment discusses the concept of reflexivity, highlights the difference between reflexivity and reflection, and explains how teachers can benefit from reflexive practice. Finally, it highlights how reflexive practice can improve the effectiveness of future ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1148

Multicultural Issues in Human Services

Introduction Human services counseling has become crucial to offering support and help to people from different cultural backgrounds in today’s more diverse and globalized world (Diller, 2018). Human services professionals must now possess the important talent of understanding and effectively communicating with people from various cultural backgrounds. This essay investigates the various course learning outcomes, ... Read More
Pages: 41       Words: 11053

Psychology: Inattentional Blindness

In some instances, people fail to take note of something that is in the range of their view in a conscious state. This is perceptual blindness, referred to as inattentional blindness. As defined by Saryazdi et al. (2019), inaettentional blindness refers to the failure to notice an event or object when an individual is focusing ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3202

What Is the Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Mental Health Outcomes Among Employees in Different Industries?

Introduction The workplace is a crucial aspect of many people’s lives, and the quality of their working conditions and job satisfaction can significantly impact their overall well-being. Job satisfaction refers to an individual’s general sense of contentment and fulfillment. Various factors influence it, including pay, work-life balance, job security, and workplace culture. Research has shown ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2457

The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)

The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is a social psychology theory that seeks to clarify the relationship between individuals’ prior beliefs, attitudes, intentions, and subsequent actions. The theory contends that attitudes, subjective norms, and the belief that one can exert control over one’s actions determine conduct. This essay’s topic is a transformation strategy based on ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1030

Brandon’s Childhood Trauma and the Solutions

Childhood trauma can significantly impact an individual child’s emotional and mental well-being. The social worker applied the ecological model to comprehend the situation in Brandon’s case from a person-in-environment approach which helps explore Brandon’e experiences with sexual abuse, his family dynamics, and the more significant societal and cultural factors that shaped his behaviors. The social ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 751

Essay on Relationship

The Sternberg triangular theory was coined by Robert Sternberg in 1988, proposing intimacy, passion and commitment as components of love (Coleman, 2019). According to Sternberg, a relationship is characterized by an element or a combination of these components. Intimacy is the safe feeling that people feel in relationships. It makes people trust their partners with ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 628

Theory Analysis From Literature

The expectancy theory of motivation is a well-known motivation theory developed by Victor Vroom, a Canadian psychologist. The theory suggests that an individual’s motivation to perform a particular task is based on expectancy, instrumentality, and valence. Expectancy refers to the belief of an individual that their effort will result in a specific level of performance. ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1426

Improving Access and Care for Youth Mental Health and Substance Use Conditions

Introduction Mental health is a component of overall well-being, and human health is essential to defining human health (Prince et al., 2007). The youth population is considered healthy, but about 20% of youths experience mental concerns. This report addresses youth mental concerns: anxieties, depression, aggressive, disruptive behaviors, post-traumatic stress disorders, hyperactiveness, attention deficiency, and substance ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2506

Mental Health and Wellness for College Students

Section One: Annotated Bibliography Wang, Qing, and Yujie Lu. “Coaching college students in the development of positive learning dispositions: A randomized control trial embedded mixed‐methods study.” Psychology in the Schools 57.9 (2020): 1417-1438. The article “Coaching college students in the development of positive learning dispositions: A randomized control trial embedded mixed‐methods study” By Wang and ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1637

Is Arendt’s Concept of Violence Consistent?

Introduction In Hannah Arendt’s book On Violence, she investigates the nature, origins, and spread of violence from the 1950s to the present day. Arendt gives an in-depth exploration of the connection between war, politics, violence, and power. She argues that authorities have the power to stop violence and restore order if they utilize their authority ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2756

Investigative Psychology Podcast Critical Analysis

One of the most important aspects of criminology is investigation. The strength of a case is determined by the amount of evidence provided to ensure that justice is served. Cases of serial murder are often sensitive, and officers must research to establish facts and the killer’s motives. One of the most popular serial murder cases ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 956
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