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Psychology Essays

Midlife Crisis/ Transitional Model

The process of behavioral and psychological transformations that people go through throughout middle adulthood is known as the Midlife Crisis/Transitional Model. A midlife crisis is a transition when a person has identity and confidence issues.[1] The midlife crisis affects both men and women, but recent research has shown that women suffer more from it than men ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1563

Human Development Theories Related to the Early Childhood Stage

Child development theories offer a quality explanation of different changes children undergo while growing throughout childhood. The development theories focus on all aspects of growth, which are emotional, social, and cognitive development. Child development does start from birth until adulthood, and it is essential to understand the changes they undergo and how they should enforce ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1784
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How Addiction Impacts Family Members and Loved Ones

Addiction is a complicated and diverse issue analyzed and investigated from various perspectives. Addiction is characterized by many important qualities, one of which is its effect on the addict’s loved ones. The addict’s loved ones likewise suffer greatly from their loved one’s addiction. This book review will discuss Beverly Conyers’s “Addict in the Family: the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1649

Essay on Early Intervention

Introduction Based on various scholars and articles reviewed for the assignment, early intervention is a general term used to define or describe the enormous services and support available to young children or babies with disabilities or developmental delays. Early intervention services can be of different forms, such as speech therapy and physical therapy, just to ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2143

Case Assessment – Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression disorders constitute a significant proportion of the world’s burden of illness and are projected to create the second major common source of disability. Reports by the world health organization state that anxiety and depressive disorders threaten to be the global most common diseases affecting women. According to Thibaut (2022), middle-aged women report ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3270

Why and How Might It Be Important To Take Gender Into Account in Order To Understand Celebrity Culture?

Celebrity culture is a complex and ever-evolving phenomenon that shapes and is shaped by various social, cultural, and economic factors. One of the most significant factors that can influence the dynamics of celebrity culture is gender. Gender is crucial when analysing celebrity culture because it shapes how people perceive, respond to, and interact with celebrities ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3146

Trauma From an Earthquake and Healing

Introduction Recovering from trauma is intricate and multifaceted, and its results can be far-reaching. A traumatic event is one or a series of events that hurt a person’s physical, mental, or emotional health. Harassment, neglect, crime, accidental deaths, and natural catastrophes are some of the many experiences that can lead to this condition (Liang et ... Read More
Pages: 18       Words: 4791

Gay Case Study

Introduction: Coming out as gay to one’s family and friends can be a trying and life-altering experience for a man. It frequently involves making friends, family members, and other loved ones about one’s sexual orientation. Therefore, the paper will discuss the experiences of gay men who came out to their families, as described in the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1073

The Self-Determination Theory in Public Administration: A Comprehensive Theory Brief Review

Introduction Motivation is a primary driver of human behavior and is critical to corporate efficacy and success. According to Fareed and Su (2022), motivation is an essential field of study in public administration because it explains how employees and stakeholders can be motivated to achieve company goals and objectives. As Former et al. (2020) argues, ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3214

The Relationship Between Communication and Personality

Executive Summary This research analyzed the effects of the connection between communication and personality. In several studies, researchers found that individuals with certain psychological characteristics had higher happiness levels with their preferred communication channels, smartphone utilization, dispute resolution, company allegiance, and engagement ideas. Those who score higher on the personality traits of extroversion, agreeableness, and ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3226

Discussion Assignment: Let’s Get Real

Dr. Evita March’s initial interest in the subject of cyber abuse was sparked by the suicide of Australian model and television personality Charlotte Dawson, who had suffered from cyber abuse for quite some time before her death as well as the increasing frequency with which cyber abuse is being reported motivated Dr. Evita March to ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2744

Critical Thinking Assignment

Deviant behavior is the process of doing something or actions that are against the social norms or against the standards of what should be happening in society (Clinard & Meier, 2015). The incident where “The Impact Team” was able to get access to the data of, which was being used by users who practiced ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1019

Child Abuse; Effects and Strategies for Combating It

Child abuse is a widespread difficulty in the United States, and it has disastrous effects on children’s physical, psychological, and emotional health and prosperity. In addition, “with more than 3.6 million cases reported to Child Protective Services (CPS) in 2018 in the United States, it has been a complicated issue”. This reflects a 22% rise ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1406

The Effects of Cheating and Lying on Episodic Memory

Introduction The ability to recall previous interactions and occurrences at a specific time and location is episodic memory. One of the most critical aspects of our lives is our capacity to gain wisdom through experience and make decisions in our self-interest. Since many years ago, this topic has piqued the attention of psychologists, and it ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3567

Aggressive Behaviour: Bullying

Introduction Bullying is a form of aggressive behaviour that involves intentionally causing harm, humiliation, or distress to another person, often repeatedly and over a prolonged period. It can take many forms, including physical violence, verbal abuse, social exclusion, and cyberbullying. Bullying can occur in various settings, such as schools, neighbourhoods, and online platforms. Children under ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2622
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