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Older Adults Essays

Current Issues Affecting Older Adults

Introduction  The older adults in Canada have been deeply affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has shed light on the multiple challenges and vulnerabilities that this demographic faces. The pandemic has brought to light the need for targeted support and interventions, which include increased health risks, the migration toward virtual healthcare, worsening social isolation, and ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2495

Older Adults Falls Prevention

Chittrakul, J., Siviroj, P., Sungkarat, S., & Sapbamrer, R. (2020). Multi-system physical exercise intervention for fall prevention and quality of life in pre-frail older adults: a randomized controlled trial. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(9), 3102. The authors consistently considered the use of physical exercise as one of the activities aimed at reducing falls ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1086
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Enhancing Mobility and Accessibility for Older Adults in Pierce County

Introduction Washington’s Pierce County is characterized by a sharp surge in the older adult population, while similar trends follow a national interest in an aging society. This transition demands the provision of complete services per their specific needs. Though some of the county facilities provide healthcare, housing, and recreational activities for some residents, there are ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1018

Potential Hazards and Prevention Strategies for Older Adults During Hospitalization

Introduction Older adults (OA) are at increased risk for adverse outcomes during hospitalization compared to younger populations. Physiological changes in aging and higher rates of chronic illness contribute to OA vulnerability in the hospital setting. Potential hazards include immobility, delirium, medication side effects, malnutrition, pressure injuries, hospital-acquired infections, and issues during surgical procedures and recovery. ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 767

A Government Program Proposal Addressing Housing Insecurity for Older Adults

Within the ambit of government agencies, there is a need for innovative approaches within the context of the intersectionality of social issues in the human services landscape. Housing insecurity among older adults should be addressed through proper interventions to safeguard them. This essay aims to develop a full plan for a governmental program that addresses ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1615

Home Modifications for Older Adults.

It is believed that home is where the heart is found. As such various authors have confirmed older adults, staying at home is a great privilege. Home is regarded to be a central place that is significant for daily life. Older adults dwelling in their specific homes always have a high level of independence and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 817

Telehealth Accessibility to Rehabilitation Services in Older Adults

Telehealth is vital for older folks, allowing them to get healthcare remotely. Many factors affect the usefulness of telehealth, including gender, which has been extensively examined. Villines’ dependent variable is older persons’ telehealth usability, and the independent variable is gender-related telehealth adoption inequalities (Villines, 2020). The study focuses on how women who regularly care for ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1618

Older Adults and Self-Reported Well-Being or Happiness.

Multidirection characteristics of development. Humans change in many directions by gaining in some areas and losing in others. A good example of the differences in life satisfaction among older people is the multidirectional characteristic of happiness. Some people may experience increased happiness as they age, enjoy retirement benefits, and engage in leisure activities. On the other ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 649

Challenges in Caring for Older Adults

The United States has a large number of vulnerable populations because of the increased social vulnerabilities like lack of access to housing, history of racial discrimination, poverty, and lack of language access. These social vulnerabilities expose most people to risk factors such as chronic diseases. The group of vulnerable populations in the U.S. includes children, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 712

Impact of Poverty on Older Adults With Disabilities

The Issue Statement According to Beech et al. (2021), poverty remains an entrenched social issue that severely limits individuals’ access to necessities like food, shelter, and healthcare. However, for older persons with disabilities a vulnerable population that faces additional difficulties, including limited access to specialized services, healthcare inequities, and social isolation—this issue is more severe. ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1395

Impact of Retirement on Older Adult Health

The important life event of retirement can have a substantial effect on the health of older adults. While it can result in many beneficial improvements, such as less stress and more free time, it can also harm health, including less physical activity, greater social isolation, and a sense of meaning and identity. People’s health becomes ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 919

Social Work Paper

Population, Need, and Rationale The population that this work will explain is the elderly. One area of community change is where there is a need to improve the elderly’s lives. Older adults have already played a huge role in society. For instance, some have been essential in growing the community through different programs. Some have ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2177

Impacts of Polypharmacy on the Older Adult Population

Polypharmacy, defined as the concurrent use of multiple medications, is a growing concern among older adults. Adults over 65 are prone to taking more medicine than any other age group due to the increased risk of diseases and other health problems. The aging population is particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of polypharmacy due to ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1142

Risk Management in Elderly Care

Risk management is a crucial part of any organization as it aids businesses in identifying and dealing with possible future risks before they occur. The interview was conducted in an assisted living facility, and the interviewee was the head of the risk management program in the medical facility. From the interview, the risk management head ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1238

Ethical and Legal Dilemma

Abstract This template discusses the problems that the aging group of people faces. These groups of individuals are prone to diseases just like infants, and they also have to be taken care of just like infants to increase their life span. There are recommendations and suggestions to take care of them. Some of the strategies ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1686
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