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Older Adults Essays

Transitional Care for Elderly

Introduction For elderly patients with long-term diseases, regular organized activities in a social context with other elderly people are thought to improve health and wellbeing (Lunt, Dowrick and Lloyd-Williams, 2018). Both seniors and their carers may find adult day care to be a helpful alternative. According to research, using these services promotes the physical and emotional ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1313

Frailty in Older Adults With Heart Failure

Frailty is considered a health issue limiting physical activities among the elderly, making them disabled.1 Frailty can be detected at early stages to slow its development. The emergence of frailty can be identified when focusing on general body strength.1 Those older people in prefrail conditions tend to move slower than usual and usually get exhausted faster. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 917
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Nursing: Fall Bundle and Fall Prevention

Introduction Fall is among the leading problems that affect hospitalized adult patients due to various healthcare complications in the healthcare facility. The consequences of falls include harm and even death of these individuals. This is unfortunate because all patients usually seek quality and safe healthcare practices, and the healthcare facility needs to do everything possible ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2289

Drafting a Process Evaluation

Description of the key program elements A patient fall prevention program for elderly patients was developed at the Good Faith Hospital in Minnesota, where patient falls had increased by 23% the previous year. Patient falls are the most commonly recorded clinical occurrences, accounting for 40% of most potential complications. Falls are a vital healthcare issue, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1468

Changes in Aging and Health

Changes in aging are a process that happens in various parts of the body. For instance, with age, your skin thins and becomes much less flexible and more vulnerable, and fat simply below the skin lowers. You may discover that you wound more quickly. Lowered manufacturing of all-natural oils may make your skin drier. With ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1241

Climate Change and Its Impact on Health

Climate change has affected various populations resulting in various health threats. Three populations are more vulnerable to climate change. They include older people, children, and people of color. Examples of health effects include malnutrition and vector-borne disease. As a result, both primary, secondary, and tertiary interventions are adapted to deal with health impacts. Therefore, climate ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1065

Benefits of Exercises on Older Adults and Elementary Kids

Physical activity involves movement that uses skeletal muscles and requires energy expenditure. Children are recommended to participate in physical activity for at least 60 minutes daily. One of the most important benefits of physical activity for children is its impact on musculoskeletal health. Regular physical activity can help build and maintain strong bones and muscles ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 728

Addiction Among Older Adults

Common Addictions Common perceptions about drug and substance abuse are that drug abuse primarily affects adolescents and younger adults. However, drug abuse among older adults is a major undiscovered problem in the US as it is one of the fastest growing health problems in the US, especially among above 65-year-old adults. Research by SAMHSA posits ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1244

Animal-Assisted Therapy for Older Adults With Depression

Section 1 Description of Animal-Assisted Therapy for Older Adults with Depression Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) entails interracting with animals to enable healthcare professionals to treat various health conditions, including depression. In particular, AAT is gradually becoming an adjunct to conventional treatments within healthcare settings in the improvement of the condition, promotion of recovery, and enhancement of ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3258

Health Evaluation for the Elderly Population Improvement

It is necessary to evaluate public health to solve a problem. The number one cause of injury and death among the elderly is falling. This is a significant issue. Individuals over the age of 55 should be screened for chronic health problems and risk factors for declining health and risk factors for declining health in ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2737

Primary vs Secondary Sources of Evidence

This literature review seeks to analyze primary vs secondary sources of evidence concerning actualizing better health and healthcare access for American older adults. Notably, the share of the US residents over 65 years old is quickly expanding, with the cohort over 85 years old, known as the “oldest old,” experiencing the fastest growth (Hand et ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 667

Health Intervention To Improve the Health of the Elderly

Population The target population for this health intervention is the elderly. Persons who are 65 years old and above are considered to be elderly. People who are old and sick need a lot of integrated and coordinated care due to increased vulnerability to chronic diseases and disabilities. Some older people live in their homes alone ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1673

Does the Use of Smart Watches Reduces the Risk of Falls in the Elderly?

Clinical Question What is the evidence that smartwatches use is the most effective intervention compared to other interventions to reduce the risk of falls in the elderly? Clinical Scenario Injuries associated with falls in homes, healthcare facilities, and nursing homes have increased the cost of follow-up treatments (Martinho et al., 2019). Elderly individuals are highly ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3735

Assessing and Documenting Eating Disorders in Older Persons

Subjective Section Concerning Mrs. Sunshine requiring close supervision while feeding, her daughter noted that “Oh yeah, every day. You cannot leave her alone there to eat. Somebody needs to feed her.” About requiring physical help to feed, her daughter confessed that she must always be assisted in her feeding, claiming that “You saw this morning, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1154

Identifying a Researchable Problem

Summary of Area of Interest The past decade has witnessed an upsurge in the number of older adults in the USA as it is the case in many western economies. The escalation in the number of adults necessitates knowledge about these individuals’ life situation including the general quality of life. Increase in age is associated ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1255
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