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Enhancing Mobility and Accessibility for Older Adults in Pierce County


Washington’s Pierce County is characterized by a sharp surge in the older adult population, while similar trends follow a national interest in an aging society. This transition demands the provision of complete services per their specific needs. Though some of the county facilities provide healthcare, housing, and recreational activities for some residents, there are noticeable gaps in mobility and accessibility, which significantly influence their independent lives. The absence of specialized transportation systems that appear as a central issue would lead to the fact that an organized program dedicated only to providing mobility for older residents in Pierce County is needed.

Identification of the Gap

Mobility and accessibility problems, which the older adults in Pierce County suffer, remain rather significant patterns of their everyday life and general welfare. With the rapid increase in the population of older adults that become readily apparent, dema and other transport services are specifically customized to address their needs (Pierce et al., 2021). Most senior citizens often find themselves in trouble regarding mobility options that are dependable, secure, and adaptive, which is necessary in cases where people have disabilities or health conditions (Gorman et al., 2019). This challenge is further exacerbated by the diversity in the geography of this county, where even more rural areas pose significant barriers to the accessibility of essential services. This lack of customized transportation not only limits their ability to engage in activities within the community but also affects accessibility and availability as regards health services, social service delivery, and other vital resources (Zeenat Kotval-K et al., 2020). Remedying this void is imperative in fostering the independence of older adults while aiding in improving their lifestyle within society.

Proposed Service: Specialized Transportation Program

A Special Transportation Program for Pierce County, in its own right, seeks to improve the accessibility and mobility rates through the provision of door–to–door transportation services. The project will employ modified vehicles outfitted with accessibility features, including wheelchairs, walkers, and other aids that are safe for travel (Zeenat Kotval-K et al., 2020). This coverage will cover all areas- both urban and rural, in an area of the county or counties; however, it targets hardships that are difficult to reach with public transport. It also aims to address mobility issues of older adults, which will go a long way to promote their independence after it becomes easy for healthcare workers and community services to gain access.

Goals of the Service

Three goals for specialized transportation programs were identified, including;

By thе еnd of thе first year, achiеvе a 25% incrеasе in thе numbеr of oldеr adults in Piеrcе County who rеport еasy accеss to transportation for mеdical appointmеnts, shopping, and social activitiеs, as mеasurеd by annual survеys.

Expand thе transportation program to include 100% of dеsignatеd rural arеas lacking public transportation options within two years, еnsuring that no oldеr adult in Piеrcе County is morе than a 15-minutе drivе from thе nеarеst accеssiblе transportation sеrvicе.

Achiеvе a usеr satisfaction rate of 90% or higher within 18 months of thе program’s launch, as mеasurеd by fееdback survеys focusing on aspеcts likе safety, comfort, rеliability, and thе еasе of accеssing thе sеrvicе.

Current Services vs. Proposed Enhancement

Currently, Pierce County has public transportation that addresses the needs of anyone who may need to use a bus or find alternative means of transport. However, older adults are different since they also have special requirements, such as those having mobility issues and others from areas where communication is complex due to infrequent service provisions by providers within these regions, among other challenges (Zeenat Kotval-K et al., 2020). Many services need to contain personalized assistance from door to home. The suggested Specialized Transportation Program builds upon the already existing infrastructure by supporting customized, accessible transport options aiming at inclusiveness and accessibility. It fills the significant role of door-to-door service so that every older adult remains uncomprehended due to inadequate transportation alternatives, strengthening and maximizing coverage providers’ present services to fit their old population better.

Beneficiaries and Impact

The primary beneficiaries of the Specialized Transportation Program are older adults living in Pierce County, including those with solid mobility problems or possibly poorly accessible public transport, and even the residents who live in rural settings (Gorman et al., 2019). Supplying door-to-door transportation with accessible vehicles would help seniors attend their medical appointments, join social events, and order necessary services, which avoids isolation as well as makes life easier for adults 65 years. The larger society will enjoy the information and Best Transportation System that accommodates its aging population, which helps promote their well-being as most people grow older and demand assistance.


In summary, the need for the Specialized Transportation Program in Pierce County is evident; specifically, it is a significant factor that contributes to accessibility and mobility challenges inducing older adults. This project guarantees better living standards for the aged by providing necessary transport. It serves as a warning to communities to support and emphasize the creation of GIC partnerships. Together, as a community, the county can ensure that this program is ultimately successful and sustainable for our aging population. Pierce County, therefore, serves as a model of an inclusive support base.


Pierce County Human Services. (2021, October). Aging and disability resources revised draft: October 2021.

Zeenat Kotval-K, Keilman, L., & Wang, W. (2020, August 22). Transportation Services for Older Adults and Preventive Healthcare Attainment. ResearchGate; MDPI.

Gorman, M., Jones, S., & Turner, J. (2019). Older People, Mobility and Transport in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Review of the Research. Sustainability, 11(21), 6157–6157.


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