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Case Study: Budget Spreadsheet Columbia University, New York

Columbia University in the City of New York is an Ivy League institution that differs considerably from its peers at the state and national levels. After reviewing the key performance indicators (KPIs), it is evident that this university is a highly selective institution. Therefore, its undergraduate and graduate enrollment is different from its peers. According to statistics from the U.S. Department of Education (2023), Columbia University admitted 33,776 undergraduate students in 2021. This number is significantly lower compared to its peers in the state and nationally. For example, most colleges and universities in New York, such as New York University, enroll an average of 48,200 undergraduate students annually (U.S. Department of Education, 2023). Compared to its peers, enrollment at Columbia University is lower because of the small acceptance rate. As one of the most prestigious and selective institutions, it is difficult for most applicants to receive admission. As a center of academic excellence, the university attracts a huge pool of highly qualified applicants from within the country and internationally each year (U.S News Staff, 2022). Only prospective students who demonstrate unique qualifications are accepted into the university. The acceptance rate is 4.1%, compared to a national average of 6.5% among colleges and universities within its level (U.S. Department of Education, 2023).

The student loan default rate was a significant KPI in the statistics. With the student loan crisis escalating, Columbia University has one of the lowest loan default rates statewide and nationally. The student debt is estimated at $1.7 trillion (Hutcheson, 2022). The dwindling wage values continue to make it difficult for most Americas to repay their student loans. A comparison between Columbia University and most competitors reveals that the institution is doing fairly well in this domain. According to Hutcheson (2022), the average student loan default rate is a closely monitored indicator since it guides how large an issue the outstanding debt represents. Statistics from the Department of Education indicate that the default rate for private, non-profit institutions is 5.1% (U.S. Department of Education, 2023). This number is slightly higher when compared to Columbia University, which has a student loan default rate of 0.90%.

What was also noteworthy from the statistics was government funding to Columbia University. The research showed that the institution receives government support through the Federal Pell Grants, which are given to its undergraduate students. According to U.S. News Staff (2022), this financial assistance is awarded to prospective students based on their financial needs, as shown in the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Unlike most of its peers, the University receives slightly less funding from the state and federal government. Because the postsecondary institution is privately-run, Columbia University largely relies on student tuition and its endowment fund to support its faculty, research initiatives, capital expenditures, and other overheads.

The statistic on the core revenue per full-time student was a striking indicator when analyzing Columbia University’s KPIs. I was particularly concerned by the high tuition charged at the institution, potentially making it unaffordable for students from low-income households. The tuition, fees, accommodation, and other living expenses are considerably higher at Columbia University. On average, a student requires a minimum of $90,000 per year to comfortably complete their studies in this institution (U.S. Department of Education, 2023). Specifically, the high tuition and fees could limit some students’ opportunities to remain in school and graduate. However, the institution has several financial aid options accessible to students to meet their needs.


Hutcheson, P. A. (2019). A people’s history of American higher education. Routledge.

U.S. Department of Education (2023). The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS).

U.S News Staff. (2022). Ivy League Schools. colleges/ivy-league-schools.


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