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Evolving Role of Nurses in Interprofessional Teams Within the Australian Healthcare Environment


In the rapidly changing landscape of healthcare, the role of nurses within interprofessional teams has undergone significant evolution to meet the current needs of the Australian healthcare environment. Using Gibbs’s reflective framework, this reflective essay explores my thinking about the provided healthcare topic, my preparation of the material, and my recording and submission of the video. By critically examining these aspects, I aim to gain insight into my learning process and identify areas for improvement in future endeavours.


Interprofessional teamwork is an area that demands much emphasis because there are cases of disagreements and misunderstandings when it comes to the diverse specialties of professionals in the healthcare sector. My experience with teamwork was interesting and challenging at the same time since much information and idea was shared, resulting in a buildup of knowledge and skills (Geese & Schmitt, 2023). When it comes to working in synergy, some professionals feel superior and others inferior in contributing to the team effort, bringing about conflict and misunderstanding. Taking part in the research about the roles of nurses in interprofessional teams, specifically in Australian healthcare, was a significant task since it is broad and complex, demanding much effort. I have researched and prepared relevant content on another topic before, and I would apply this in the topic during preparation, where I considered using relevant information from various sources, such as academic journals, textbooks, and reputable websites. This enabled me to comprehensively understand the topic and its implications within the Australian healthcare context. I also engaged in discussions with peers and mentors, which enhanced my understanding through diverse perspectives.


I was excited because I understood the significance of this subject and its applicability in the present healthcare environment. Due to the overwhelming amount of information accessible and the requirement to critically evaluate and efficiently synthesize it, I also had a bit of apprehension (De Baetselier et al., 2021). Despite this, I welcomed the challenge and saw it as an opportunity to deepen my knowledge of the changing role of nurses in interprofessional teams. The excitement and appreciation of nurses’ integral role in interprofessional teamwork motivated me to conduct comprehensive research to see the outcome of healthcare professionals working as a team. I considered applying the skills on search strategy for the scholarly and peer-reviewed sources that would support the topic of the nurse’s role in interprofessional teamwork. I developed the curiosity to understand the topic better since healthcare firms always look for better ways to deliver patient-centred care.


In retrospect, my study was thorough and balanced, covering various topics that contribute to developing the nurse’s role within interprofessional teams in the Australian healthcare system. I started by looking into the background of nursing in Australia. My understanding of the history and development of the nursing profession has improved due to this research. I was able to appreciate the advancements made in integrating nurses within interprofessional teams and the variables that have influenced this evolution by having a solid understanding of the historical roots.

In addition, I looked at how policy modifications have influenced how nurses work in interprofessional teams. Understanding the effects of government policies is critical for grasping the nursing practice situation today. Government policies have a significant impact on the healthcare landscape. After examining pertinent policy documents and reports, I understood the policy measures targeted at strengthening interprofessional collaboration and enhancing the role of nurses in team-based care. I also realized how important it was to examine how interdisciplinary collaboration affected patient outcomes. I looked for proof that interprofessional teams have a favourable impact on patient care by examining empirical studies and academic articles. By including this element in my research, I made my arguments more convincing and emphasised the value of nurses’ contributions to these teams.


In conducting the analysis, I discovered essential trends, challenges, and opportunities in the Australian healthcare sector. This stage enabled me to comprehend better the contextual elements that affect nurses’ roles within interprofessional teams. I realized that healthcare systems are getting more complicated and that there are more expectations of healthcare workers (Ylitörmänen et al., 2020). As essential members of interprofessional teams, nurses must overcome obstacles such as role ambiguity, poor communication, and the need to adjust to the continuously evolving healthcare technologies. However, I also found chances for nurses to assume leadership positions, offer their particular knowledge and promote positive change within interprofessional teams. The approach led to the successful development of a relevant and comprehensive video that better illustrates nurses’ roles in interprofessional teams.


The evolution of the role of nurses in interprofessional teams is evidence of the dynamic nature of healthcare in Australia. Nurses have transcended traditional boundaries, emerging as proactive leaders and change agents within the multidisciplinary framework (Eaton et al., 2017). My reflection on this topic has reinforced my conviction in the importance of interprofessional collaboration and has provided me with a deeper appreciation for the role nurses play in the holistic care of patients. Moving forward, I intend to apply the insights gained from this reflective process to enhance my own practice as a nurse and actively contribute to interprofessional teams.


De Baetselier, E., Dilles, T., Batalha, L. M., Dijkstra, N. E., Fernandes, M. I., Filov, I., Friedrichs, J., Grondahl, V. A., Heczkova, J., Helgesen, A. K., Jordan, S., Keeley, S., Klatt, T., …, & Van Rompaey, B. (2021). Perspectives of nurses’ role in interprofessional pharmaceutical care across 14 European countries: A qualitative study in pharmacists, physicians, and nurses. PLOS ONE, 16(5), e0251982.

Eaton, M., deValpine, M., Sanford, J., Lee, J., Trull, L., & Smith, K. (2017). Be the Change: An Interprofessional Team-Based Health Advocacy Summit. Nurse Educator, 42(5), 226-230.

Geese, F., & Schmitt, K.-U. (2023). Interprofessional Collaboration in Complex Patient Care Transition: A Qualitative Multi-Perspective Analysis. Healthcare, 11(3), 359.

Ylitörmänen, T., Kvist, T., & Turunen, H. (2022). Intraprofessional collaboration: A qualitative study of registered nurses’ experiences. Collegian. Advanced online publication.


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