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Management Essays

Contract Management: Uniform Commercial Code

The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) governs commercial transactions such as selling goods, securing transactions and negotiating instruments. Suppose there is a dispute about the contract terms after an agent enters into a contract on behalf of a principal. In that case, the UCC provides rules for interpreting the contract and determining the parties’ obligations. Story ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 796

Performing Companies Analysis

Introduction Rivalry exists among competitors. Companies that are in the same industry compete in different ways. Commonly, companies compete through prices, product innovation, and even services. As the competition among companies in the same sector escalates, their profits tend to decrease as companies are compelled to spend more money on maintaining the business. In other ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1603
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Bacardi Company Analysis

Introduction Bacardi Limited is among the globe’s largest privately-owned spirit entities. Initially recognized for its exclusive white rum by the same name, Bacardi currently boasts a range of over 200 different products and labels (Bacardi, 2023). Bacardi Limited was established in Cuba in 1862 and has been owned by one family for several decades. Bacardi Limited ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3056

Expo Dubai Culture

Introduction and Context: The impact of individualism and collectivism on environmental changes during the COVID-19 epidemic is the context for this investigation. The analysis is conducted based on Hofstede’s value dimensions, a framework for comprehending cultural variations between countries. This study’s settings are mostly concerned with different nations and how their cultural values affect how ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3088

Establishing a Positive Organizational Culture: Management’s Role, Criticisms, and Benefits

The ideas, beliefs, attitudes, behaviors, and practices held in common by members of an organization are referred to as its culture. Culture is what gives an organization its identity and helps create its character. It is a powerful force that influences how employees connect with customers and other stakeholders and how employees see their work ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2540

Sustainable Sourcing and Strategic Options for Coffee Shop Owners in Beijing: A Critical Analysis of the Industry

Abstract This academic report gives in-depth research and a crucial evaluation of the coffee shop enterprise in Beijing, China, focusing on sustainable sourcing practices. The report provides essential recommendations on how coffee shop proprietors can deal with the irregular forces affecting the enterprise and affords strategic alternatives to assist them in attaining their enterprise goals. ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1794

Essay on PDCA Cycle

Introduction PDCA cycle allows any organization to improve continuously. The SMEs are operating, but they require competent guidance to enhance their productivity and the quality of their products. Proper planning is critical for the success of any organization. Following that, one must carry out the plan, i.e., execute. Following implementation, the gap between the actual ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1677

Kuwait Steel Company

Introduction According to Mazilu (2008), the idea of globalization implies the transition toward a more integrated and interdependent global economy and has been a “life savior” for international enterprises and economies. The idea of a “global market” has made it necessary to create international organizations like the World Trade Organization to encourage the creation of ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4274

Delegation, Responsibility, Authority, and Accountability

Abstract This research study focuses on the vertical structure of organizations, particularly emphasizing the span of control, delegation, responsibility, authority, and accountability. Specifically, it explores the job of a technology director in relation to the previously stated concepts. The article discusses how these concepts might be utilized to define the function of a technology director, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1485

Creating a Communication Strategy

Introduction WWA has to ensure that they are effectively communicating with their audiences, who include the loved ones of Flight 979 passengers, the company’s stakeholders, and the company’s workers. This communication must meet the specific informational and emotional demands of each target audience (Barth-Obi, 2022). WWA may establish and maintain its credibility in its job ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1645

Warning and Critical Incident Response

A critical incident is a devastating event that occurs suddenly and all of a sudden and deviates from the normally expected experiences. Such events can cause deep fear, create horror, and make people feel totally out of control. The occurrence of a critical incident impacts both employees and organizations. All organizations are vulnerable to suffering ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1698

The Scandal: A Passenger Being Violently Removed From United Airlines

The recent contentious United Airlines flight 3411, in which a passenger was forcibly removed from the aircraft, caused a social media and public outcry that turned the situation into an epic public relations (PR) disaster. The airline’s disregard for the passenger and improper management of the issue has been heavily blamed for the disaster. The ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 940

Report: SMEs and Entrepreneurship

Introduction The creative industry in Hong Kong has experienced significant growth recently. Factors like mass communication, urban planning, online promotion activities, motion pictures, video gaming, and audio have experienced substantial growth in Hong Kong. Small and medium-sized businesses significantly influence Hong Kong’s business growth (Scarborough and Cornwall 2018). For this reason, the creative industry’s growth ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2418

Use of Enterprise Systems

Introduction: Today’s businesses rely heavily on enterprise systems to manage complex business processes across a wide range of functional areas. Business process automation and integration solutions aim to improve communication and efficiency in the workplace (Renaldo, 2022). In this paper, we will outline our proposals for XYZ Inc.’s IT information strategy, focusing on the company’s ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1161

Technological Transformation Among Corporations

Executive Summary Technological transformation is becoming an inevitable issue among corporations in the contemporary business environment. Apart from the simplification of communication withing an organization, technology has also given the companies power to establish remote teams. Acme Technical Communication is one of the firms that are considering an operational transformation regarding virtual working. However, this ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1840
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