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Management Essays

KLM Airline’s Customer Experience Assessment

Executive Summary The report analyzes the international clientele of KLM Airlines and its approach to customer experience (CX). The paper also gives some context for KLM Airline and an evaluation of the airline’s CX efforts in light of the appropriate CX models and theories. We then develop a consumer persona detailing an ideal foreign clientele’s ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3590
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Business Research Report: How Do Entrepreneurs Demonstrate Learning as a Critical Foundation for Their Mindset in Various Entrepreneurial Contexts?

Introduction Achievement in the domain of entrepreneurship demands a broad spectrum of skills and knowledge. Entrepreneurs’ willingness to acquire knowledge is important because it enables them to capitalize on possibilities as they arise, adjust to new conditions, and grow their businesses (Lynch et al., 2021). However, learning as a basic component of an entrepreneurial mindset ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2643

Gazelli Art House

Executive Summary Gazelli Art House is a developing non-profit that supports local artists through an annual event and educational activities. For the past 20 years, the organization has existed and grown. Unfortunately, in recent years, the organization has seen a significant turnover rate among local artists and volunteers. Feedback from previous festival participants and volunteers ... Read More
Pages: 21       Words: 5666

Entrepreneurial Mindset Business Discovery and Development

Introduction In simple terms, an entrepreneur is one who wants to start and run their own business; however, we might narrow it down to using creative ideas and innovations to offer solutions to risks economically. Globally, entrepreneurs have created job opportunities and improved the quality of life by developing products and technologies that revolutionize human ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2351

Apple Inc.: A Critical Evaluation of Organisational and HR Strategies in Response to National and International Market and Competitive Environments

1.0 Introduction Any organization’s success heavily relies on aligning its strategies and practices with the external factors affecting its operations (Meinert, 2018). The case of Apple Inc., one of the leading technology companies globally, is no exception. Apple’s market and competitive environments, both national and international, have played a crucial role in shaping its organizational ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3337

A Company Pursuing a Best-Cost Strategy That Has Achieved Competitive Advantage – Tesla Company

Background Data and Description of To provide electric cars and alternative energy for the American market, Elon Musk founded Tesla in 2003. Using a best-cost strategy, Tesla guarantees its clients to receive more value for less pay. At Tesla, providing unparalleled value to customers means delivering exceptional quality and affordability that beats out the competition. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1070

Supply Chain Management and Logistics (SCML)

Introduction Supply Chain Management and Logistics (SCML) is a multifaceted and interdependent system that oversees the transportation and distribution of goods and services from the producer to the ultimate consumer. Supply chain management involves coordinating and controlling the flow of goods, information, and financial resources from the initial stages of production to the ultimate delivery ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 606

Successful Strategic Thinking

Introduction Strategy is a plan of action to achieve a long-term or overall aim. Organizations develop strategies for different occasions and objectives. However, these strategies must support achieving the company’s goal and mission. Primarily, several factors contribute to the development of a successful plan by any organization. A strategy must be developed and balanced, and ... Read More
Pages: 25       Words: 6644

Business Issues and Practices

Executive Summary This particular report dealt with the ongoing business issues and practices in a company. These risks have been identified through the report presented by the world economic forum. Implementation of the strategies in climate change adoption and cyber security are the top concerns of every organisation. The company has to go through various ... Read More
Pages: 20       Words: 5267

Lewin’s Change Model Theory

Introduction As an employee of a skincare spa, I have observed several transformations within my professional environment. A notable modification that caught my attention is the implementation of a new customer management system based on Lewin’s Change Management Model. The model is a commonly accepted structure that delineates the essential procedures for effectively executing organizational ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 863

Assessment of Tesla Inc. Framework Based on Bartlett and Ghoshal Model

Introduction The automotive industry greatly contributes to the global economy, employing millions of people and transforming the transport industry forever. This report gives an insight into the automobile aspect of Tesla Inc., a company that focuses primarily on manufacturing electric cars and giving greener energy solutions. The fact that Tesla Inc. invested solely in electric ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2763

A Discussion on Strategic Planning and the Potential Gaps

Introduction Organizations’ short-term and long-term sustainability relies on strategic planning to ensure that operations management meets the organizational set standards and policies. In this context, effective strategic planning overlooks several factors. One of the factors is a clear definition of the organization’s visions which is an essential aspect of forecasting. Having a clear vision, the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 874

Zoom Video Communications, Inc. Dealing With COVID

Introduction Zoom Video Communications, Inc., established in 2011 by Eric Yuan, is a technology firm that provides cloud-based video conferencing and communication solutions. Zoom, the company’s main product, offers remote video conferencing services, allowing companies, organisations, and people to have online meetings, seminars, and virtual events. Zoom’s user-friendly design, high-quality audio and video, and helpful ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4274
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