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Managing Strategic Change


Strategic change management is a complex process that needs careful preparation and implementation. It includes determining the need for change, creating a strategy, informing stakeholders about the plan, and implementing the changes (Bryson and George, 2020). Effective change management requires strong leadership, transparent communication, and overcoming unexpected obstacles (Fischer et al., 2020). Including all stakeholders is crucial to securing buy-in and support for the changes. Organizations can achieve improved performance and competitiveness through successful strategic change management. This research will discuss various ways of managing strategic change and the factors that might hinder it.

An essential aspect of any organization’s success is managing strategic change. The company’s strategy is identified, and changes are implemented to enhance its performance. To implement the change, a comprehensive comprehension of the current market conditions, the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, and the available resources are required (Cichosz et al., 2020). All stakeholders must collaborate, communicate, and plan carefully to manage strategic change effectively. Ensuring a smooth implementation of the change and preparing the organization to adapt to any challenges is crucial. The organization can achieve increased profitability, improved competitiveness, and long-term success by managing strategic change.

Problem identification

During organizational change, organizational culture significantly influences employees’ attitudes and behaviour. Organizations can achieve successful outcomes in managing strategic change by fostering a positive culture that values transparency, communication, and collaboration, leading to employees’ active participation in the change process. On the contrary, a negative culture that promotes secrecy, resistance to change, and blame can result in employees’ disengagement and resistance to change. Formal and informal organizational cultures are crucial in this process (Busari et al., 2020).

The traditional organizational culture significantly influences employees’ attitudes and behaviour during organizational change. How employees interact with each other, and the company as a whole is determined by an organization’s culture. Employees seek guidance on how to react and respond during times of change in the organization’s culture (Metwally et al., 2019). During change, employees can benefit from a formal culture that values structure, rules, and procedures, providing them with a sense of stability and direction. Adopting new ways of working can result in a more positive attitude towards the change and a willingness to adapt. Employees may become confused and resistant when working in a culture that resists change or lacks clear direction. Organizations must acknowledge the influence of their culture on their employees and proactively mould it to facilitate successful organizational changes.

The informal organizational culture significantly shapes employees’ attitudes and behaviour during organizational change. Employees’ commitment and engagement levels can be affected by how they perceive and respond to change, which is influenced by various factors, as noted by Metwally et al. in 2019. Adopting change can be facilitated or hindered by communication, trust, and leadership styles within the informal culture. Organizations must comprehend and handle their informal culture to ensure the successful implementation of organizational change.

The concern about organizations’ ability to respond to environmental change is one of the most prominent themes that emerge from reports on managing strategic change. Organizations must be able to adapt quickly to remain competitive, as the business landscape is constantly evolving – this concern is based on this recognition (Naveed et al., 2022). Environmental change, which can be unpredictable and disruptive, creates a particularly acute need for agility and flexibility. Many organizations heavily invest in strategies and technologies to respond more effectively to these challenges.

During organizational change, organizational culture significantly influences employees’ attitudes. How employees perceive and respond to change is set by it. Encouraging employees to embrace change and adapt to new situations can be facilitated by a positive organizational culture that creates a supportive environment. On the other hand, resistance and reluctance to change can be caused by a hostile culture. Organizations must cultivate a positive culture that values innovation, flexibility, and continuous improvement to ensure successful organizational change.

During organizational change, employees’ behaviour is significantly influenced by organizational culture. How employees respond to change initiatives can be influenced by an organization’s culture, including its deeply embedded values, beliefs, and attitudes (Naveed et al., 2022). Employees are more likely to be receptive to change and willing to take on new challenges if an organization’s culture values innovation and risk-taking, for example. Employees in an organization that values stability and predictability may resist change and cling to the status quo. On the other hand, those who do not may be more open to change. Organizations must comprehend their culture and its influence on employees’ conduct during change.

Various factors can hinder strategic change. One factor is resistance from employees who are comfortable with the current way of doing things. Lack of resources or funding to implement the change is another factor. Clear communication and understanding of the change can help its success. Implementing strategic change can be challenging due to external factors like market conditions or regulatory changes.

Critical Discussion

Putting people first when implementing organizational changes is crucial for effective change management. The affected individuals are informed, engaged, and supported throughout the process to ensure their well-being. Ultimately, a more successful outcome can be achieved through a smoother transition and increased buy-in (Barth and Koch, 2019). If change management is ineffective, the change may result in people feeling left out, confused or resistant, leading to delays, decreased productivity and even failure. Optimizing effective change management is essential to ensure that people are at the centre of any change initiative.

Leaders must consider various factors when implementing organizational changes, as it is a complex process. Dealing with organizational momentum, which can hinder progress and make it difficult to achieve desired outcomes, poses one of the most significant challenges (Naslund and Kale, 2020). Leaders must address psychological factors in people, such as resistance to change and fear of the unknown, in addition to other considerations. The business culture primarily determines the success of the change. Leaders can ensure a successful transition by developing a comprehensive strategy that considers all of these factors and addresses the unique needs of their organization.

Effective communication is crucial for successful organizational change management. To ensure that all stakeholders know the changes and understand the reasons behind them, it is crucial to have clear and concise messaging (Errida and Lotfi, 2021). To ensure maximum reach and impact, it is crucial to tailor communication to the specific audience and deliver it through various channels. It is important to establish regular updates and feedback mechanisms to ensure everyone is kept informed throughout the change process. Successful organizational change management requires effective communication.

Driving strategic change within an organization requires effective communication. Clear and concise communication facilitates ensuring that all stakeholders are aware of the changes taking place and understand their role in the process. Encouraging buy-in from employees is crucial for successful implementation, and it also promotes a sense of collaboration. Conversely, communication can result in clarity, resistance, and, ultimately, failure to achieve strategic objectives. It is essential to prioritize and effectively execute communication throughout the change process. Any organization’s success relies heavily on effective change management (Hannum, 2022). It becomes easier for employees to understand the rationale behind any changes when firms prioritize meaningful, transparent, and consistent communication. A better acceptance and implementation of the change can be achieved by having this understanding, ultimately leading to a smoother transition and improved outcomes. Companies must prioritize communication as a crucial element of their change management strategy.

Strategic change can be significantly improved by clear communication. Confusion and misalignment can arise when goals and objectives need to be clearly understood due to unclear communication. The desired outcomes may not be achieved due to delays and missed opportunities, ultimately failing. Implementing change becomes even more complicated when stakeholders become resistant and sceptical due to unclear communication. In order to successfully navigate strategic change, organizations must prioritize clear and effective communication.

The transformation of an organization can be hindered by resistance to change. Detecting resistance early on simplifies the process of overcoming it. To successfully implement change, leaders must be mindful of signs of resistance, such as lack of action, procrastination, withholding information, and spreading rumours. Managing strategic change often involves facing the common challenge of change resistance (Fischer et al., 2020). Individuals or groups need to exhibit a willingness to accept and adapt to new ways of doing things. Scepticism, fear, and opposition are among the various forms in which this resistance can be manifested. A natural human response to change is change resistance, which can be influenced by various factors such as past experiences, personal beliefs, and organizational culture. It is essential to understand this. To effectively manage change, one must identify and address the root causes of resistance, communicate the benefits of change, involve stakeholders in the change process, and provide support and resources to facilitate the transition.

Managing strategic change requires addressing resistance to change. Involving employees in the change process and communicating its benefits to them is one way to accomplish this. Providing training and support to employees and addressing any concerns or fears about the change is crucial for helping them adapt and reducing resistance (Fischer., et al., 2020). Finally, encouraging a positive attitude towards the change can be achieved by providing incentives or rewards to those who embrace it.


Several strategies can help organizations navigate the complex process of managing strategic change. One approach is establishing a clear vision and effectively communicating it to all stakeholders. Another approach is engaging employees in the process of change and equipping them with the required training and assistance. Monitoring progress and making necessary adjustments to the strategy are equally important. Leaders should be willing to make changes as circumstances evolve and flexible and adaptable. A crucial aspect of business success is managing strategic change. Having a clear vision of the desired outcome and communicating it effectively to all stakeholders is essential for doing so effectively. Identifying potential obstacles and developing contingency plans are equally important. To ensure a smooth transition, involving employees in the change process and providing them with the necessary training and resources can be helpful. Organizations can remain competitive in their respective industries by effectively managing strategic change and adapting to new challenges. Organizations can achieve their goals by effectively managing strategic change through following these strategies.


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