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Supply Chain Management Essays

Importance of Operations Research in Organizations

Organizational management can benefit from the analytical approach to problem-solving and decision-making, known as operations research (OR). In operations research, issues are deconstructed into fundamental elements and then resolved through a set of stages outlined by mathematical analysis (Panneerselvam, 2023). Helping organizations choose the best course of action for resolving an issue is the primary ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1109

Critical Analytical Report of Wakep Tea Company

The warehouse in Kakkanad is situated at the heart of tea production areas and serves as a center for our processing operations. This 500-square-foot facility is giving rise to authenticity, not a place for storage. In this case, we expertly blend premium whole-leaf teas to ensure that every cup of tea derived from our herb ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2462
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Literature Review on Resource Allocation Optimization

According to organizational strategy, resource allocation is the careful distribution of available resources to complete jobs or projects that are in line with the company’s overall goals. According to Wang et al. (2020), managing resources includes making choices about how to use the best people, money, technology, and other resources to get results while minimizing ... Read More
Pages: 25       Words: 6656

Improving Supply Chain Management for Fast Food Success: The Case of Jollibee Foods Corporation in Singapore

1. Multi-Tier Supply Chain and Value-Adding Activities 1.1Upstream Domestic Supply Chain Tan et al. (2019) affirm in their study that sourcing is complex due to limited arable land in Singapore, necessitating imports to be managed via local distribution centres. Key domestic value-adding activities include extensive food processing, high-capacity storage, rigorous multi-stage quality assurance testing, and ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4317

Analyzing Amazon Business Processes

In the online retail industry, Amazon is a giant that has transformed not only shopping but also technology. To delve into the intricacies of its operations, this essay will conduct an in-depth analysis of three critical business processes within Amazon: SCM, customer service, and data safety. These processes together provide the skeleton of Amazon’s smooth ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1682

Transportation Economic Innovation

Rail, truck, water, pipeline, and air have been the most dominant transport systems for several decades, used as the basis of global logistics and supply chain management. These transportation modes have been vital in helping the movement of goods and resources worldwide. Although they have proven to be adequate in addressing the needs of businesses ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 963

Walmart Company Analysis

Company description Walmart is a global corporation that dates back to 1962 under the leadership of its founder, Sam Walton, and its headquarters are located in Bentonville, Arkansas (Walton, 2020). The company serves millions of customers daily and globally as it manages grocery stores and supermarkets. Hyper-stores segregate large departmental discount shops while being owned ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1180

Term Paper How Can Big Data Be Used To Improve Farm Yields and Supply Chain Management

Abstract The integration of Big Data analysis in farming has introduced a groundbreaking period, reclassifying conventional practices and encouraging a strong, reasonable, and information-driven horticultural biological system. This study explains how the agricultural sector’s decision-making, sustainability, and resilience are all affected by big data analytics, highlighting how important they are in increasing productivity, reducing risks, ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3494

An Analysis of the Management and Handling of Contract and Commercial Issues About Project Execution

Introduction Project management is the capacity to plan a project approach regardless of its stage of development. Project management is, therefore, essential for both large and creative enterprises. Cross-functional abilities are necessary for established firms since, to stay competitive, all businesses must build complex procedures and services. A company may require assistance with construction, distribution, ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2215

Aerospace Industrial Management

Abstract The administration of airline operations and planning is a complex subject encompassing many tasks. Long-advanced strategic decisions are the foundation of the planning process. Demand forecasting is an instance of a planning issue characterized by an extended lead time (Thomas et al., 2016). The operations phase commences one to two months after the planning ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2945

The Future Scope of Supply Chain Management in India

Modern business strategies must include supply chain management (SCM), which covers the complete process of organizing, sourcing, producing, shipping, and receiving returns for items. SCM is defined as the whole procurement, marketing, and operations management of raw materials into completed goods and services that are subsequently delivered to the final customer (Sharma et al., 2021). ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2962

The Interplay of Company Law in Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Introduction Legal knowledge, especially company law and its integration into specialization areas such as procurement and supply chain management, is crucial in today’s business. The interlocking of Company Law and Procurement and Supply Chain Management (PSCM) is convoluted, owing to the diverse role that legal frameworks play in moulding various business operations. This essay explores ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 796

Concepts of Operations Management

Operations Management stands at the core of contemporary business, weaving together processes, systems, and resources to guarantee the seamless production and delivery of goods and services. (Slack et al., 2013). Its roots trace back to the transformative Industrial Age, shaped subsequently by influential doctrines such as Scientific Management. Across its evolution, Operations Management has evolved ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2027

Consider What the Supply Chain Might Look Like in the Future

In recent times, the supply chain management landscape has undergone remarkable shifts, driven by technological progress and an escalating focus on ecological sustainability. Pioneers like Ferguson and Souza (2010) underscore the significance of closed-loop supply chains, a strategy that bolsters sustainable business operations. Jena and Sarmah (2016) further dissect the forthcoming dimensions of procurement management ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 775

Baman Technology Case Analysis

Introduction: Baman Technology emerges as a leading figure in the constantly changing landscape of the restaurant and retail industries, creating the idea of “boundaryless dining.” This case study examines Baman’s strategic initiatives throughout its restaurant and retail supply chains, highlighting how the features of supply and demand interact. An organization in Beijing, China called Baman ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2536
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