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Healthcare Essays

Taking On the Invisible Killer: Combating Hypertension in Healthcare

Introduction Most people worldwide suffer from hypertension, a serious public health issue. Therefore, the quality issue selected for this paper is to decrease hypertension to less than 140/90 in 80% of patients in the next 3-6 months through evidence-based interventions. The paper will also look at the six primary components of hypertension, including the economic, ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2159

Emerging Trends in Healthcare

Since the start of Covid 19, the healthcare system has experienced many disruptions that have exposed long-standing, serious problems plaguing healthcare systems worldwide. Inadequate equipment, infrastructure, and data are a few of the main issues identified. According to Martin (2022, p. 1), various measures should be adopted to address these issues. The health care systems ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 957
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Healthcare Case Study

Executive Summary Mater health hospital is dedicated to providing quality and safer healthcare services to all patients in conjunction with its principles and mission. All seven Mater hospitals are guided by care, quality, dignity and commitment to their patients. The organization has a clinical governance framework that guides and monitors all their activities to ensure ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2241

Amgen Case Study

For Repatha, Amgen ought to concentrate on the tiny group of patients who have FH. Repatha’s Phase III studies showed that when used in conjunction with statin medication, it might lower LDL cholesterol by up to 75%, compared to a placebo, when taken alone. Repatha demonstrated a substantial 31% decrease in LDL levels when compared ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1382

Qualitative Research Approaches To Support Nursing Practice

Introduction Focus groups and interviews are two examples of effective qualitative research methods in nursing research. These methods are beneficial for examining people’s perspectives, attitudes, and experiences with healthcare. In this study, we’ll look at focus groups and interviews’ effectiveness in qualitative research and how well they fit into mixed-method studies. Participants in focus groups ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 670

How Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Be Used To Improve Healthcare Outcomes?

The world has been advancing towards technological breakthroughs, and one of the industries that these innovations have had the most impact on is healthcare. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are two examples of cutting-edge technologies that hold great promise for revolutionizing healthcare delivery and enhancing it in a number of ways, including disease early detection, ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2095

Biden’s Speech Analysis

The united states president should deliver a union address, often abbreviated as (SOTU). It involves the president’s annual speech and delivery of the message to the joint session of the united states Congress near the beginning of most calendar years on the contemporary state of the Nation. The announcement of the president usually involves addressing ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1201

Association of American Sign Language (ASL) Culture and Nursing

Introduction Nurses provide healthcare services to patients in clinics, homes, schools, the military, churches, communities, and emergency medical helicopters. Most patients expect nurses to communicate effectively, be culturally competent, and provide quality and safe care. However, when nurses are assigned to care for deaf patients, the issue of cultural incompetence becomes more apparent (Pendergrass et ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2318

Digital Transformation in Healthcare

Introduction Digital transformation describes the adjustments made to the technology that will help society and the healthcare sector to enhance healthcare delivery and solve medical issues; healthcare systems must leverage digital technology to develop creative solutions (Stoumpos et al., 2023). The internet, digital technology, and their connections to novel medicines and industry best practices for improved ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1136

The Global Impact of Infectious Diseases: The Crucial Role of Healthcare Personnel in Measles Containment

Brief History Measles, an infectious disease with a deep-rooted history, has significantly impacted human societies over the ages. Tracing its origin to the 7th or 8th century, Persian physician Rhazes first differentiated measles from smallpox. Since then, innumerable outbreaks have swept across the world, profoundly affecting public health and propelling medical advancements. This virulent ailment, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1896

Analysis of Interprofessional Interactions in a Healthcare Team Task

Introduction In a meeting organized by the healthcare team, thirteen people attended a discussion on improving patient care to reduce pain and suffering, address inpatient care services, and improve patient outcomes within the healthcare facility. The team leader chose a prestigious location for the meeting, where the members attended to participate. The goal of the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1380

What Is the Danger of Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertisements? Make Your Argument by Providing Cases/Problems

Introduction The availability of false and misleading drug advertisements causes serious harm to consumers and the healthcare system. Through research, most pharmaceutical advertisements are misleading and often aired on television and a cross-section of the internet. Direct-to-consumer advertising, especially for the pharmaceutical industry, refers to advertising and marketing of the drugs and medical services directly ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1026

Chatbot Changes Healthcare

In current years, advances in generation have been remodelling industries worldwide. In particular, breakthroughs in Artificial intelligence (AI) have given an upward push to new improvements, including chatbots that are poised to change the healthcare enterprise through fundamental innovation methods (Greene et al., 2019). Chatbots, computer programs designed to simulate verbal exchange with human users, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1668

Balancing Ethical Principles in Healthcare

Healthcare is an industry with numerous ethical considerations, for instance, a prevalent complication of end-of-life care. A patient’s end-of-life decisions remain challenging for professionals and the family. The ethical principles of autonomy and beneficence come into play in such situations. Autonomy is the right to make their own decisions regarding their care. Beneficence showcases the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 560

Managerial Epidemiology in Healthcare: Creating a Preliminary Market Analysis for a Geriatric Psychiatric Unit

Chapter One: Introduction Background Evidence-based management (EBMGT) is a decision-making method that uses research experience to provide information for organizational practice. In health organizations, EBMGT is usually used to guide the development of services and improve and deliver relevant decisions. This article aims to create a preliminary market analysis for the proposed elderly psychiatry department ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3537
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